Meet Peter

What is his breed/s?

Cat breeds are a bit more difficult to pinpoint than dogs’ are, but our guess is just an American Shorthair, like many cats are. 

Does he have any “siblings”?

He does not, he’s an only child, but cats supposedly do better in pairs, so we may get him a sibling in the next few years. 

What are his favorite activities?

He loves to just lay on my lap, or to be against me in some fashion at all times. He likes to watch the fish tank or any bugs outside as well. 

What is his favorite thing to eat?

He’s very picky with human food, but he loves Publix deli turkey- not the pre-packaged brands (go figure). 

What words or phrases does he recognize?

He knows what “are you hungry?” means- that I’m about to feed him his wet food, and he’ll run into the kitchen. I also think he knows what “I love you” means, because then he does the slow blink cats do when they are apparently telling you the same thing. 

What’s his favorite toy?

He has a catnip banana that makes him go crazy sometimes, and he’ll lay down and bunny kick it. He also likes when we throw one of the balls down the hallway. Although, he just plays goalie with them and doesn’t fetch them like a dog would, so it’s a bit more of a workout to go get them.