A Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care Initiative
December 2, 2021
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Version 8.1 of the RETScreen Clean Energy Management Software platform has been released with an array of new features. It is now available for download from the RETScreen website HERE.
Linda Varangu, panelist at How can health considerations drive climate action?

Linda Varangu, the Coalition's Senior Advisor on Climate Change recently spoke at a webinar hosted by the Smart Prosperity Institute on How can health considerations drive climate action?

This webinar was designed to build upon key findings from recent climate and health research by the Smart Prosperity Institute. The group discussion on how health considerations can drive climate action included panel participants Linda Varangu (The Coalition) Gabriella Kalapos (Clean Air Partnership) and Anjali Helferty (Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment).

First Canadian association for professionals supporting climate change action in Canada launched
Sustainability in the Digital Age

To address the climate change challenges, it is essential that the broad transdisciplinary community of natural (meteorologists, biologists, oceanographers, etc.), social, engineering, economics, health, Indigenous and other scientists be brought together, and collaborate with all communities, so that they may address all climate-related issues and provide effective strategic action plans that are implemented. 

To address the climate change challenges more effectively, the Canadian Association of Professionals in Climate Change (CAPCC) has been created to bring together the trans-disciplinary and community expertise to address the climate challenges, push the climate agenda, and accelerate integrated climate action.
As young people brace for climate change, kids TV is going green
CBC News

When Ghanaian-Canadian animator Gyimah Gariba thinks back to his childhood, he recalls watching '90s TV animation Captain Planet and the Planeteers, about a ragtag team of superhero environmentalists whose slogan "The power is yours!" enticed a new generation of kids to champion Earth.

"Even then, as a child, I understood that it was completely natural to care about the place that you live in and the place that is nurturing you consistently," Gariba said.

Now, Gariba is the creator and illustrator of an upcoming CBC Kids television series called Big Blue, a quirky sci-fi animation that follows a crew of youngsters aboard a submarine, exploring the natural wonders of the ocean. Their aquatic adventures teach them about teamwork, family and protecting Planet Earth. 
New St. Paul's Hospital being built to withstand future floods as concern over rising sea levels grows
CBC News
The construction of the new St. Paul's Hospital and Health Campus in East Vancouver's False Creek is in progress, but the project won't be completed anytime soon as the facility needs to withstand future floods that could come with rising sea levels.

According to the senior sustainability specialist with the City of Vancouver, infrastructures around the municipality were built at a time when water levels were predictable and there were no concerns for rising sea levels — so the city is not prepared for what might come in the next 30 years.

"We are very vulnerable to the slow impact of sea level rise, as well as the sudden impact of a coastal storm surge that could happen when we have a high tide and sea level rise and that will cause overland flooding within our communities," Angela Danyluk told Stephen Quinn on the CBC's The Early Edition.
Sustainability Champions Program

If your organisation has made a serious corporate commitment to making health care more sustainable, you can become recognized as a green health Sustainability Champion by the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care (CCGHC), and gain a host of great value-add services!
Practising planetary health care in B.C. starts with hospital food waste
Times Colonist

Trevor Hancock (one of the Coalition's founders) authored a piece on the work being conducted by the Planetary Healthcare Lab led by Dr. Andrea MacNeill, a cancer surgeon at Vancouver General Hospital. One key area the lab will be looking at is the health system’s food services, which account for a large part of the sector’s ­footprint and generate a lot of food waste, as is the case at the household level. A more ecologically sustainable diet will also have significant direct health benefits for patients and staff.
ENMAX seeks 250 Calgary EV drivers to participate in new grid-sustainability charging pilot
Electric Autonomy

If you're in Calgary, and you have an electric vehicle this might be for you.

The Alberta-based energy utility is looking for 250 local Calgary EV owners to participate in a pilot project studying their charging behaviour and how to shift what times they charge. 

“Today we have around 3,000 EVs on our roads here in Calgary and we are forecasting that could be anywhere from 100,000 to 200,000 by 2035,” says Enmax Power president Jana Mosley, in an interview with Electric Autonomy Canada. “We need to make sure that we understand charging behaviour and the overall effects that the EVs have on the grid and plan a grid that is going to be sustainable with that growth.”
Non-Routine Adjustment Features in RETScreen Expert version 8.1 Webinar
As part of Efficiency Valuation and Organization’s Measurement & Verification Week 2021, Stephen Dixon and Kevin Bourque recently conducted a webinar that demonstrated the new capabilities in detail.

Booking for booths at IFHE 2022 now open
"Unleashing Innovation: Healthcare Engineering Excellence"

IFHE 2022 Congress | CHES 2022 National Conference taking place September 17-21, 2022 in Toronto ON is now open. Booth space is limited.

Date: Saturday, September 12 - Wednesday, September 21, 2022

RETScreen is a Clean Energy Management Software system for energy efficiency, renewable energy and cogeneration project feasibility analysis as well as ongoing energy performance analysis.

Have you registered as an organ donor?

Contact your local organ donation agency and speak to your family about your wishes. You have the power to save and transform lives.
The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care is Canada’s premier green health care resource network, leading the evolution of green in Canada’s health sector as a national voice and catalyst for environmental change. 
Some articles referred to in the Digest make reference to services and/or product offerings from specific suppliers. The CCGHC recommends that readers research the service and product offerings available through a wider range of suppliers for comparison purposes and in keeping with public sector purchasing guidelines. These articles should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any product or service.