In a Sunday Datebook article in the SF Chronicle, Californians for the Arts Board President Ron P. Muriera talks about the recent California budget and arts funding and says “When we look at the 2021-22 budget, the words that come to my mind are, ‘This is historic. It’s bold. It’s unprecedented,'” he said.

And he is right! Californians for the Arts (CFTA) and California Arts Advocates (CAA) built a coalition with CA Association of Museums (CAM) and National Independent Venues Association CA (NIVA CA) to lobby with you for a significant investment in the recovery of the arts, culture and live events industries and our voices were heard.

But as also reported in this article, our work is not over!

Securing arts funding is only the first step, said CFTA Executive Director Julie Baker. “Advocating and educating the state agencies that administer the funds to the needs and process of artists, arts workers and arts businesses is ongoing work,” she said.