FPM Properties
10365 Hood Rd S #205
Jacksonville, FL 32257
As we move into storm season, our thoughts naturally and always turn to insurance and the life expectancy of all aspects of a home. We thought we'd share a visual that outlines the life cycle of most of the major aspects of your investment property and share some recent headlines regarding insurance and storm season.

In our experience some of these numbers are on the generous side, especially considering results can vary depending on manufacturer but it gives you a relatively good guide.

We do want to give you one last reminder that if you are not sure if we have your insurance information on hand or we have it but you've changed it recently, give us a call or email us. It will be critically important we are equipped in the aftermath of any storm impacts.

We have also briefed your residents 3 newsletters running on storm preparation and resources. We are including the preparation guide, evacuation zone map and routes for all new residents with their move in packages. We're JaxReady!

and if you really want to "geek out" on this stuff:

The FPM Properties Team
FPM Properties | 904-497-4200 |
Contemplating a home sale or purchase in 2021 and wondering what to expect? 
Call us--we can help!