The Regional Access Project Foundation (RAP) stands with our Asian American Pacific Islander community to speak out against hate. No one can deny that justice for all is a goal for which we should strive, but it’s not yet a reality.

Although the news media report on the egregious acts of hate leading to injury or death, there are many more acts which go unreported. According to statistics: 

  • 40% of U.S. adults believe it has become more common for people to express racist views towards Asians since the pandemic began” (Source: Pew Research) 
  • Stop AAPI Hate National Report (March 19, 2020-February 28, 2021) has received 3,795 reports of anti-Asian hate incidents. (Source: Stop AAPI Hate) 

In our 2018 Resolution, RAP proclaims the value of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, committing the Foundation to serve its communities and to stand in support of those who are targeted merely for who they are.  Both words and actions can be used to discriminate and hurt people. RAP chooses to use its voice to take an active role to support and strengthen the movement to stop hate towards our Asian American Pacific Islander community.  

We stand together so no one stands alone.  
Craig Borba, Ed.D.                                
Chairperson of RAP Board of Directors  

Leticia De Lara
Chief Executive Officer of RAP