Another perfect fall weekend at Scarborough Fish & Game. This was our last shoot before the Frozen Five Series, so we ordered up some perfect weather, Greg and Sharon brought some awesome food and the targets were also pretty great.
As always, both the Fowler's Classic and the New England Super Sporting targets will be available to try again this Wednesday from 10am - 4pm and next Sunday from 10am - 2pm. Come on back and try them again.
The 5-Stand event was fun and a pretty challenging. We had a tie for HOA between Chuck DeVinne and Jeff Krul, both with 48. Chuck won after tie breaker...congratulations to both! The Fowler's Classic was the more shooter friendly event for the weekend. Congratulations to Earle Glidden for winning with a 95 who was followed closely by Dan Warner with a 94 for RU. Great shooting to both! The New England Super Sporting Championship had more bite to it. Targets were a little longer and more technical. Once again we had a tie for this year's champion. Dave Obolewicz and Earle Glidden both shot 92. Dave won by tie breaker. Congratulations to both!
Thanks to Greg and Sharon Berry for the great food for both days. Thanks to Bill and Lisa for registration and scoring. Thanks to Bernie Raimo for helping set all those targets. Thanks to Jim, Tom, Bill, Steve, Pam, and Dave for filling and stocking all the traps.
Well that wraps up the summer/fall shooting season so you know what that means...the Frozen Five Series starts with Frozen Five #1 on November 5 & 6. Hard to believe it is that time of year and also hard to believe this will be our 16th year hosting the series. It will run the same as in the past and details will be out soon.
Thanks for everyone that came out for our shoot...we always appreciate all your support of our events.
See you at the range!