June 4, 2021
Strafford Regional Planning Commission Newsletter
SRPC gathered for a trail walk at Northwood Meadows State Park in late May. (SRPC Photo)

And just like that we are 16 days away from the summer solstice, although some kick-off the unofficial start of the season with Memorial Day. While we didn't have the greatest weather for the holiday weekend, this week's temperatures and sunshine are really making up for last weekend, finally signifying time for my seasonal favorites: grilling, kayaking, and visiting the beach!

Here at SRPC we are getting ready to launch the Promoting Outdoor Play! Passport Program in partnership with the NH Children's Museum, just kicked off the 2021 data collection season, and are gearing up for our annual meeting webinar.
In this issue you will find information on SRPC’s latest social media pages and YouTube video, guidance for the expected return to in-person meetings, staff news about SRPC’s newest interns, planning events of interest, funding opportunities, statistics from Bike/Walk to Work month activities, how you can donate to local non-profits during NH Gives, a highlight on some items you may have missed, and community happenings.  

Until Next Month,  

Shayna Sylvia 
SRPC's Latest Social Media Pages
SRPC's Latest YouTube Video
Guidance for resuming in-person meetings
Staff News: SRPC Welcomes Three New Staffers
Planning Events of Interest
Grant Corner
Bike/Walk to Work Month Wrap-Up
24 Hour NH Gives Event Begins Jun. 8
In Case You Missed It
Community Happenings
SRPC's new data collection intern, Mark Davie, lays one of the first traffic counts of the season in Farmington. (SRPC Photo)
Promoting Outdoor Play! postcards are printed and ready to be handed out at YMCA Camp Coney Pine's Healthy Kids Day. (SRPC Photo)
SRPC's Latest Social Media Pages
SRPC recently launched Facebook and Instagram accounts for its Promoting Outdoor Play! project. For those not familiar, Promoting Outdoor Play! (POP!) is intended to enhance the visibility of recreation sites in the region and engage citizens as they discover new sites and visit old favorites.

To achieve these goals, SRPC staff created the POP! online map viewer and POP! survey to showcase over 300 recreation sites in the Strafford region, and encourage recreation users to track their adventures for chances to win prizes.

The social media pages for this project on Facebook and Instagram will be used to update citizens on prize opportunities and winners, promote sites throughout the region, and announce details about other programming, like the POP! Passport program launching on July 6.

Follow along, and start exploring the awesome recreations sites in the region using the Pop! Online Map Viewer.
SRPC's Latest YouTube Video
Rockingham Planning Commission and Strafford Regional Planning Commission held a virtual workshop event on May 24 to present on the model buffer regulation that was developed for communities to consider adopting to help protect local sources of drinking water. The video recording of the meeting is now available on the SRPC YouTube page.

The workshop included four presentations:

The Need for Drinking Water Quality Buffers in NH --Pierce Rigrod, NHDES
An Overview of Model Buffer Regulation – J. LaBranche (RPC)
Buffers and Bow's Experience – Sandy Crystal, NHDES and Town of Bow Planning Board
Dover’s Wetland Protection District Update – Abigail Lyon, PREP and City of Dover Conservation Commission

The project to develop the model regulation was made possible with funding from a NH Department of Environmental Services Local Source Water Protection grant. Please visit the project website for access to associated materials such as the model regulation, presentations, and other resources.
Municipalities and Other Statewide Entities Subject to RSA 91-A Advised to Prepare for Return to In-Person Meetings 
Beginning with Governor Chris Sununu’s Emergency Order #12 in March 2020, public boards were allowed to meet virtually in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, an authorization that has continued through his most recent extension on May 28. This, however, is set to expire on Jun. 11.  

In response, boards should begin preparations to return to in-person meetings, or a hybrid where a quorum must be present in person with additional members able to attend virtually.  
As quoted from a recent NH Municipal Association (NHMA) e-blast publication, “There is pending legislation that would put the virtual meeting option into statute, but its fate is uncertain, and even if it passes, it will not take effect until July or later.” The article also shared, “ If the state of emergency is not extended on June 11, any meeting held after that time without public access at a physical location will be in violation of the Right-to-Know Law. If you have already posted notice of a meeting without a physical location, you will need to repost the notice indicating the date, time, and place of the meeting.” 

Stay tuned to the Governor’s website come Jun. 11 for any updates or extensions of the emergency order effecting public meetings.  
Staff News
SRPC Welcomes Three New Staffers
Zuzana Duffy

Zuzana Duffy started in her role as economic development intern on May 10.

Zuzana is working towards a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography/Anthropology with Specialization in Sustainable Cultures and Communities, and a minor in GIS and Planning from the University of Southern Maine. She previously attended Southern Maine Community College, receiving an associate’s degree in Liberal Studies.

Her primary role at SRPC will focus on Strafford Economic Development District (EDD) initiatives such as the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) EDA CARES planning, coordination with the Seacoast Economy group,
consultant partnership projects to increase business technical assistance, and research and dissemination of business resources,

When Zuzana is not working, she enjoys hiking, camping, hanging out with friends, gardening, doing yoga and walking on the beach.  

Join us in welcoming Zuzana.
Mark Davie

Mark Davie started as SRPC's 2021 data collection intern on May 17.

Mark is working towards a Master's Degree in Urban & Regional Planning from West Chester University. For his undergrad, he received a Bachelor of Science degree in Geography & Environmental Planning from Towson University.

His primary role at SRPC will include field work alongside planning technician Stephen Geis.

Data collection efforts primarily include setting and collecting traffic counts and assessing sidewalks, programs of the Statewide Asset Data Exchange System (SADES) at UNH's Technology Transfer Center.

When Mark isn’t at work, he enjoys being outdoors! He is thrilled to be back in New Hampshire and will be taking full advantage of all the state has to offer this summer. He enjoys running, biking, and snowshoeing.  

Join us in welcoming Mark.
Autumn Scott

Autumn Scott joined the SRPC staff on May 24, following her involvement with the Communities for Healthy Aging Transitions (CHAT) project through her UNH planning class's capstone project.

Autumn is now working towards a Master’s Degree in Natural Resources and the Environment, following her recent graduation. She completed her Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental and Resource Economics with a Dual major in Sustainability from the University of New Hampshire in May.

Her primary role at SRPC will include continuing to work on the CHAT project, as well as assisting senior planner Kyle Pimental with the Coastal Innovative Land Use Guide, Local Source Water Protection Grant, Piscataqua Region Environmental Planning Assessment Grants, Sunrise Lake Watershed Plan, Dover Equity Project, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Living Shorelines project.

When Autumn isn’t at work, she enjoys writing poetry, spending time in nature, cooking, and gardening.

Join us in welcoming Autumn.
Planning Events of Interest
Plan NH's “Planning That Belongs in New Hampshire” Webinar with Guest Speaker, Jeff Speck- June 8, 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.

Join Principal of Speck & Associates LLC, Jeff Speck, hosted by Plan NH, as he describes the economic, environmental, and epidemiological motivations for making more walkable communities.

Attendees will come away with an understanding of:
  • why economists, environmentalists, and epidemiologists all argue independently for more walkable cities, in order to be prepared to make similar arguments oneself.
  • what makes walking useful, particularly as applies to land-use, zoning, transit, and parking policies and practices.
  • what makes walking safe, particularly as applies to vehicle speeds, block sizes, road widths and geometries, curb protection, and cycling facilities.
  • what makes walking comfortable, particularly as applies to spatial definition, height-to-width rations, and vegetation.
  • what makes walking interesting, particularly as applies to active facades and public art.

Learn more about the webinar and register online.

National League of Cities' Race, Equity, and Leadership (REAL) 100 Webinar: Normalizing Racial Equity in Local Government - June 21, 3:30 - 5:00 p.m.

Join the National League of Cities’ Race, Equity, and Leadership (REAL) Department for part one of a webinar series focusing on normalizing a shared understanding on the history of institutional and structural racism in America. The content provides leaders with a shared language for racial equity, examines existing racial disparities in cities and the implication for advancing racial equity, and introduces important concepts and tools for organizing and operationalizing racial equity.

Learn more about the event and registration on the NH Municipal Association (NHMA) website. The second webinar is scheduled for Jun. 28.

Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association Conference -October 13, 24 and 15

Registration is now open for the in-person, Northern New England Chapter of the American Planning Association (NNECAPA) Annual Conference. With a theme of 'Virtual Reality', conference sessions will cover topics including;

  • Visualization of development and techniques to prepare your community to incorporate form-based codes
  • Interactive walking tours of the Queen City to experience transformative redevelopment projects
  • How climate change will shape the future of planning and community development
  • Why infrastructure is critical to the long-term viability of New England’s small towns and villages
  • Measuring and planning for public health and wellbeing to support a happy and healthy community
  • Accessing and interpreting U.S. Census data to support your community planning efforts
  • Understanding why safe and secure housing is critical to community well-being

Learn more on the event website, and register online via Constant Contact..
Grant Corner
TUFTS Health Plan Foundation Policy and Advocacy Program. LOI due: Friday, July 23

A new round of funding through the TUFTS Health Plan Foundation is now available. This program supports engaging in policy and/or systems-level change to build age-friendly communities. It also supports advocacy and related activities that involve older people as essential stakeholders in policy and systems change for policies leading to age-friendly communities.

Proposals should:

  • Impact healthy aging
  • Be inclusive (i.e. engage older people)
  • Increase equity, especially for communities of color
  • Be collaborative

Letters of Intent are due Jul. 23. Upon review, selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal by Oct. 1. Learn more on the TUFTS Health Plan Foundation website.

WEDCO Community Development Block Grant – CARES (CDBG-CV) Direct Grant Program

Wentworth Economic Development Corporation (WEDCO) is now accepting applications for the CARES (CDBG-CV) Direct Grant Program.

Funds available through this program can be used to offset costs associated with preparing for, responding to, or recovering from COVID-19.

Qualifying low-to moderate-income (LMI) microenterprises and start-ups are eligible to receive up to $2,500 in direct grant funding to be applied toward equipment costs, operational expenses and working capital. Eligible expenses include business costs, such as rent, staffing, equipment purchases, utilities and PPE. Grants will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

To learn more about eligibility, and for application documents visit WEDCO's grants webpage.
Bike/Walk to Work Month Wrap-Up
SRPC communications and outreach planner, Shayna Sylvia, shows off the Bike/Walk to Work Month trail passport (SRPC Photo). Team UNH Library shows off their smart commuting during the Seacoast B2B challenge. (Photo courtesy of the UNH library)
June marked the end of Bike/Walk to Work month, and with it the end of both the Statewide and Seacoast commuter challenges. While participants still have until Jun. 6 to make sure all trips are logged, here are some preliminary results. 

For the Seacoast B2B challenge, 25 companies participated with over 500 employees logging smart commutes. This equates to $115,224, 185,890 lbs. of CO2 and 202,158 ride-along miles saved. 

The most popular mode was telecommuting, which is no surprise given the pandemic. As a surprising statistic, an unexpected percentage of smart commuters chose to carpool. 
Additionally, outside of the Seacoast, there were 15 additional teams, and 62 additional participants. 

Bike/Walk to Work Month also included other events like the Trails Passport Program. All together there were 21 submissions by 14 people, and participants visited seven out of the ten trails included on the passport. 

Great job to all participating smart commuters from across the state! 
24 Hour NH Gives Event Begins June 8
An initiative of the NH Center for Non-Profits, NH Gives is designed to bring the state together as one community, raising as much money and awareness as possible for New Hampshire’s nonprofits within a 24-hour, flash-mob of giving. provides citizens across the state with one, easy-to-use platform where they can find causes and make donations 1 

This year's NH Gives Day starts at 5 p.m. on June 8. There are also other incentives and prizes provided during the 24-hour event, so keep that in mind when donating.

Over 575 organizations are participating across the state.

Some entities within the Strafford region include:

  • Explore Moose Mountains
  • Zebra Crossings
  • Woodman Museum
  • Vouchers for Veterans
  • Wentworth Economic Development Corporation (WEDCO)
  • The Waysmeet Center
  • Seacoast Eat Local
  • Children's Museum of New Hampshire
  • Community Action Partnership of Strafford County
  • Goodwin Community Health
  • Seacoast Outright

...among many others. For the complete list, or to search by name or location visit

To learn more visit

In Case You Missed It
NHPA Spring Conference Series Kicks off Jun. 9

Join the NH Planner's Association for its annual conference, being held for the second consecutive year as a series of webinars.

Taking place from noon - 2 p.m. on Wednesday Jun. 9, 16, and 23, the webinars will cover collaborative economic development and COVID-19, engagement in a virtual world, and future broadband needs.

These webinars are geared towards NH municipal staff, planners, economic development directors, and others land use board members, and cost $50 for the full conference or $20/session.

SRPC's Annual Meeting Webinar to Highlight 'Pipelines for Funding Local Projects'

Join SRPC for its annual meeting presentation, hosted as a webinar on Thursday, Jun. 24 from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.

The webinar will feature a panel of experts who will discuss advancing local projects and preparing for post-COVID communities. More specifically, they will elaborate on how to develop community project concepts, integrate them into local CIPs, and best position yourself to take advantage of expected and unexpected funding sources.

Panelists include Alan Brigham, Economic Development Representative at the US Economic Development Administration; Katy Easterly Martey, Executive Director of the Community Development Finance Authority; and Chris Parker, Assistant City Manager: Director of Planning and Strategic Initiatives for the City of Dover.

Learn more on the event invitation, and register online via Zoom.
Community Happenings
Clyde Farm Tour
Jun. 12 from 1 - 2 p.m.

Join the Southeast Land Trust (SELT) for a tour of Clyde Farm in Farmington. This event will be led by Jeremy Lougee, SELT’s Land Conservation Manager and Farmland Project Coordinator and co-hosted by farmers Kristen Klenow and Jimi Tutor.

During the 2-hour event, attendees will learn about the land conservation process and hear about the farmers’ experience with finding, leasing, and ultimately purchasing land, as well as the regenerative farming practices used on the farm.

The event is rated as easy, and groups size is limited due to COVID-19. You can find more information on the SELT website. Registration is required using SELT's events platform.
Illustrative Landscapes Art Class with Corinne Roberts
Jun. 29 at 6 p.m.

Hosted by the Durham Public Library (DPL), join artist and illustrator Corinne Roberts for a fun and casual, online drawing class. This event kicks off DPL's Adult Summer Reading week on zoom!  

As described on the event's Facebook page, attendees will use basic shapes and simple line techniques, create landscapes from your imagination or illustrate from live/picture references. Those participating should setup their workstations with paper, a pencil, and an eraser to follow along. No prior drawing experience is needed. 

This program is free and open to all but geared toward teens/adults.  

Registration is required via Eventkeeper