To Staff and the Twin Rivers School Community,
It seems that every week we receive news or new guidance and directives regarding opening or not opening, and our schools and our plans change in accordance with all the new information.
Last Friday, Governor Gavin Newsom announced that schools located in counties that are on the public health watch list should plan to deliver remote instruction in the fall. He clarified that schools may return to in-person instruction once their county has been off the watch list for two weeks. And this Monday, the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) announced that fall sports will be delayed this school year, with the intention of beginning the season next January. While a responsible move in the context of public health, this news is disappointing to so many of our high school students and their families.
It’s important to note that none of the new directives have been made lightly. The first priority remains the health and safety of our entire community. As I shared last week, we are starting the 2020-2021 school year in an online/virtual teaching and learning environment. Our hope is that in-person teaching and learning can return at some point during the academic year, with guidance from state and local public health officials.
With deep respect,