In This Issue:

  • Chapter Updates

  • Jon's Corner

  • Staff Highlight

  • Kile's Corner

  • Career Exploration Seminar
May 2021 Newsletter

Happy almost summer!

We hope this newsletter finds you well and looking forward to all that summer has to offer. In this months newsletter you will find updates from some of our chapters, the thoughts from one self-advocate about the career exploration workshop and the introduction of a new SUFU staff member!
Chapter Updates

Aroostook County Chapter updates from Lisa Betancourth
I have been working on Vision Board with my chapters. A vision Board is a collage of images, pictures and affirmations of one’s goals and dreams.
 In our Caribou Chapter- we have been working on our, Vision Board. Our Goal is being able to meet face to face again. Some of the words that the members used to describe their chapter are, Unique, Loyal, Strength.
In Our Houlton Chapter- our Goal is to be able to meet face to face meetings. Some of the words that the members used to describe their chapter are, Strength, Perseverance, and friendship.
In our Presque Isle Chapter- We have been working with Lauren Willie and Mary Green on the, HCBS Regulations. We will be working on our vision Board on our next meeting. 20 May 2021.
In Lincoln and Millinocket Chapters we are working on inviting new members. We have also discussed Vision Boards and re visited the ADA presentation.
It has been so much fun making Vision boards with the Chapters. Putting them together and seeing the final board is rewarding.

Southern Maine and Bangor Chapter Updates from Laurie Coldwell.
In Bangor this month we have spent some time looking at current events on Disability Scoop and discussing them and how they affect us. This is always a great conversation with the members and keeps us up to date on the world around us.

The Greater Portland chapter had the opportunity to join one of the Houlton meetings this month where we introduced to them one of "Wing It Tuesdays." This is when we find an article or two on Disability Scoop to read together and talk about it. In that same meeting we listened in as Houlton started talking about the ADA. In addition, we were able to have Abby Silsby from Disability Rights Maine join our chapter and answer our questions
In Casco, this month we reviewed what makes a good self-advocate and talked about why it is important to build relationships with our legislators. We hope to have opportunities to connect with our legislators over the comping months.

Springvale has had a busy month in having guests join the chapter. Lauren Wille from Disability Rights Maine came and talked about the HCBS settings rule change and answered our questions. The following week Barrett Littlefield from Disability Rights Maine joined our group to answer questions and meet him.

Bangor, Greater Portland, Casco, and Springvale have all finished the month up with talking about Triggers - what they are and what we can do about them. This topic idea came out of self-advocates attending the Behavior Regulations Listening Sessions where triggers were brought up. Self-Advocates wanted to learn more about them, and how they can communicate to others what their triggers are and how they cope in those situations. Some self-advocates would like to revisit this topic in a few weeks as they observe themselves in different situations.

Jon's Corner
I have been attending the SARTAC meetings this month. I learned a lot from the one that talked about potential changes to SSI and eliminating the Marriage Penalty Tax.
I also enjoyed watching the movie "The Best Summer Ever" and would recommend others watch it. I want to see more movies that have people with disabilities in them. I think people with disabilities should be cast as actors or actresses in movies.

I have been working on testimony to submit in legislation at the state level. These were important bills that I wanted to submit testimony on. I have been keeping my eye on LD1574 at the state level and HR 761 at the federal level.
Staff Highlight

Hi, I am Stacy Giberson, and I am new to SUFU since May 3, 2021. I live in the Northern section of Maine, NEAR CANADA, with my family, and I enjoy all kinds of the fun things that Maine has to offer. I have enjoyed meeting and getting to know some of the self-advocates, and I look forward to meeting the rest. The work at SUFU is so important and its mission creates a space to continue the work that began so long ago with the Civil Rights Movement. As I learn of the struggles that people with disabilities continue to have today, I think about one of my very favorite people, my Uncle Donnie. Uncle Donnie is a Veteran and retired from the Army after over 20 years of service.

I am awfully glad now that the weather is warmer, and I can get outside to pick some fiddle heads. My plan is to have nice feast and fill my freezer for winter because the holidays are just not the same without a helping of fiddle heads. I am really looking forward to taking some hikes and I will be keeping my eyes peeled to capture a few wildlife photos along my way. My hope is to capture a close-up photo of an Eagle! I am going to be planting a garden this year with some carrots, lettuce, and lots of peas; I need lots of peas because I like to nibble on them throughout the summer and I need to make sure that there is enough for the rest of my family.
My Uncle Donnie was a helicopter pilot in the United States Army and was wounded in combat during the Vietnam War in 1966. Uncle Donnie went right to work after he retired to help set up, what we all know is Life Flight in Bangor. Uncle Donnie gave me a tour of the landing pad there and even let me sit in a helicopter. Wow, now that was exciting! Uncle Donnie had a stroke a little over a year ago and his needs have grown tremendously. He now has 24-hour nursing care and needs to get a special wheelchair to help improve his quality of life. I admire for his courage, for his lifelong service and his willingness to pass on his wisdom. 
              When I signed on with SUFU I was quite nervous, and I had no idea what I was getting myself into but knew that Monique and her team needed help and I was willing to give it a try and now I have embarked on this new adventure. I will busily be working to help with the administrative tasks such as research, schedule organization and conducting business for chapter meetings.  I am extremely excited to join this team, work with self-advocates and learn as much as I can. When I first began working with Monique, Lisa, Kile, Laurie and Jon, I learned a lot about the Civil Rights Movement and the ADA and how important it is to continue that work today. Thank You, everyone for a great few week and I cannot wait to see what this group can do. When you work with a purpose you can rest with a purpose.

Kile's Corner

I have been attending a lot of meetings this month. At the SARTAC meetings one that I liked was when they looked at parenting while living with a disability. I learned that people with a Disability can have children and can get help with things to make their lives better. This is a support for parents to be the best parents they can be.

Then the other is when we watched a movie call The Best Summer Ever. People with a disability and people without disability came together to make this movie. I'm not going to tell you the details because I don't want to spoil it! This movie made me smile.

Photo from the Movie "The Best Summer Ever"
Career Exploration!

Self-Advocates recently completed a career exploration workshop. This was a 5 week series that covered topics such as resume writing, dressing for an interview, advocating in the workplace and more.
Board Chair Abbott Philson participated in this and shared his thoughts on it: "Well I would say how well each week was put together. It wasn’t all just talk. It was power points and videos that were fun to watch but also informative and easy to understand. Plus, all presentations were in plain language."
We hope that self-advocates are able to take what they learned in this and apply those skills to their future!


We invite you to check out our website . Read our most recent blog post and subscribe to future blogs. You can also find the list of our chapter meetings, or follow us on Facebook. If you are a SUFU member we want you to join our members only Facebook Group. To do that please email Laurie Coldwell or Jon McGovern. We don't want you to miss anything.
Have an Idea for Something to be in The Connector?
Contact: Laurie Coldwell
Administrative Assistant (207) 956-1004 / Ext. 4
Speaking Up For Us of Maine