The St. John office will be
CLOSED November 27th!

From the St. John Lutheran Church Council:
Due to the rising cases of COVID, a high positivity rate that’s expected to rise after Thanksgiving, & a shortage of hospital beds in the area, the Church Council has decided to do only online & radio services for the rest of the year. Sunday School, Confirmation and other meetings will be online. Baptisms & funerals can be held at the church will 25 or less in attendance. Pastor will continue to do “Drive-Through” Communion on the 1st Sunday of the month.

Click on the above image to be directed to the virtual Sunday Service. Or click this link: St. John Worship
To get the bulletin and Taking Faith Home information click on the St. John banner at the very top of the e-Skinny.


These gifts will need to be returned by December 6th. They can be dropped off at our table during the drive thru communion on December 6th.

In Christ,
Shirley and Jesse Holm

Advent begins November 29th!
Advent is a call to followers of Christ to remember the birth of the Savior. The word advent stems from a Latin word that means “coming” or “arrival.” The season begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas and, depending on the year, can range from 22 to 28 days. Its purpose is to help believers remain focused on the birth of Christ and Jesus’ glorious return.
This year, for our confirmation “service to others” day, we will be holding a Food Drive(thru) on Wednesday, December 16, from 5:30-7PM. Donations of non-perishable food items, which will be donated to the local food pantry, can be dropped off under the canopy by the Narthex doors during that time. (Any monetary donations will go to ELCA World Hunger.)

We will not be having in-person Christmas Eve worship services this year.
We WILL celebrate with the radio worship service on KCHA at 5:00 p.m. & the online video service which will be available by afternoon on December 24th.
Additionally, there will be drive-through communion on
December 24th from 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Hospice Tree of Life: COVID-19 will make this year’s event look and feel a little different than in year’s past — but no worries, we’ll still have the same beautiful memorial service, virtually!
Our compassionate team at MercyOne North Iowa Hospice invites you to remember your loved ones or honor those living with a light on the Tree of Life. With a donation of any amount, lights are placed on a Tree of Life and “brought to light” symbolizing the presence of those honored and remembered. Names of those remembered and honored are listed at the tree lighting program specified by the donor. In addition, a holiday ornament is provided to each donor who attends a Tree of Life service. This year the service will be Tuesday, December 22, 6 p.m. & it will be a virtual location: wherever you are! To see the full description check out the December Newsletter below.


The December Good Newsletter is available through this link:

or you can go to the church and pick up a physical copy in the church mailbox in the afternoon or go to the church website and access it online.

Though the St. John building is closed to the public, you can call the office with any questions or concerns from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. & 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., otherwise leave a voicemail for Kathy. You can also reach her by emailing 

Thank you to all of you that have been mailing in your offerings.
To keep up with your offerings: they can be mailed to St. John at 200 S. Main St, Charles City, IA 50616
or to sign up for Simply Giving, click on this link for a printable form:

On the St. John Website is a Digital Simply Giving tab which will allow you to manage your electronic giving from home! You can decide how much you would like to give, the frequency and which fund you would like your donation to go to.

To get to the church website, click at the top of this page on the St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church logo. will get you to the Facebook page

An email address you can use to get a message to the church
Other emails are available on the website.

To call the church (641)228-3397

St. John will have poinsettias in the Sanctuary for Christmas! If you would like to donate towards the poinsettias let Kathy know at 641-228-3397 or Donations will be listed in the online Christmas Eve bulletin.
(Each Sunday’s worship bulletin can be found on the frontpage of the website.)
STEWARDSHIP BOARD – We are so pleased with the response to the Kans for Kids project. You just keep giving us those cans and you will be seeing a lot of rewards for your generous donations in the weeks and months to come. Just for your information, the recycling center we use has told us that, while they will continue to take crushed cans, we will not receive the same amount of money for them since there is more labor to sorting these cans. They will give us only $.03 for each can instead of the full redemption price. You may certainly continue to donate crushed cans to Kans for Kids or Tynan’s Junk Yard will take them. We wanted to make you aware of this restriction but we will thankfully accept any of your cans. 

Click on the podcast icon to be connected to the church podcast.