School Newsletter: April 8, 2021
Do Not Be Afraid

“The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.” Mark 28:5-6
Jesus is victorious over sin, death, and the devil. He lives and we live in him. Praise be to God!
In the current state of our country and the world, people are fearful and want reassurance that the Coronavirus will be contained through vaccination. They want reassurance that they will not get sick. Unfortunately, that is not something that can be assured. We are given strategies to protect ourselves and others. Yet, we may be fearful for our health. What does the future hold? We look to Mark 28:5-6 for assurance.
The disciples were fearful when Jesus breathed his last on the cross. They wanted answers and reassurances of their safety. They saw his body hang lifeless on the cross and didn’t understand what would lie ahead for them. What were they to do? They hid… fearful for their lives.
Jesus met our fears and enemies and took our punishment. No wonder the angel says, “Do not be afraid.” Jesus says, “Peace be with you.” He was victorious over the grave! We are reassured of that as we focus on the empty tomb. What a blessing to know that, as forgiven sinners, we can celebrate the empty tomb and the resurrection of our Lord and Savior.
As we place our faith and trust in God (no matter the stresses we face), we can all be thankful that God holds us in the palm of His hand and gives us what He knows is best for us. So, when trials come (including the stresses of COVID19, keeping your school safe, or taking care of those in need), step back and know God’s plan is perfect. Stay in the Word. Take care of yourself to be Well. Use your words and life as a Witness.

Remember each day – Christ loves you and holds you close.

Serving the Master Teacher,
Lois Stewart
Giving Thanks for Covid-19 Support
During these times of Covid-19, it warms my heart to have so many stories and statements of thanks shared as the workers in our NID schools dedicate themselves to the safety, health, and welfare of the students and most importantly, share Jesus each day. I would like to share some of these testimonials in the coming weeks. Here is one from Immanuel, East Dundee.

Boy, this has been a strange year! Last March my kids at Immanuel just disappeared! They stopped coming to school and so did the teachers! It was a scary time for me and my people. I missed seeing them, and I really wanted to comfort them. As an LCC Comfort Dog, it’s my job, so it was hard on everyone.
When our Lutheran school made every effort to ensure our kids started in-person last fall, I was so excited! I got to come and meet my kids on the first day! I couldn’t get too close yet, but I got to greet them from a distance. I couldn’t quite figure out why they were wearing masks and using that stinky hand sanitizer. Despite the obstacles and new rules, God blessed our school with 50 new students. My best memory of that time was a new student coming into the building, seeing me, and yelling, “This school has a dog! I am staying here forever!”
This virus is bad news. It has changed our lives and turned out world upside down. It has changed the way we live, work and play. But hasn’t changed is God. He never changes. He’s with us every day and carries us through every challenge. That’s good news for all of us!

Levi – LCC Comfort Dog – Immanuel, East Dundee
NLSA Reminders
Schools accredited by NLSA must submit a Cumulative Annual Report (CAR) by April 15 even if they have been granted an extension. NLSA realizes that progress on the School Action Plan may be minimal due to the pandemic, but schools are required to submit CARs every year (other than the year they host a Validation Team visit) in order to avoid jeopardizing their accreditation.
Additionally, all schools—including those granted an extension—must submit the NLSA Northern Illinois District annual fee of $125 due April 15 and payable to “The LCMS Northern Illinois District.” Accredited schools should have received an invoice for this fee via e-mail. DO NOT SEND THE CHECK TO THE NID OFFICE. Mail the check to:
Keith Wilharm
207 N. Walnut St.
Elmhurst, IL 60126
Belize Mission – Hearts for Jesus
We are very excited to be partnering with the Belize Mission Society for our NID ‘Hearts for Jesus’ project this year. It is a blessing to be able to support the feeding program for the children. Cathy Dulgar who is the Belize Mission Society Executive Director and I recently chatted about the program and what a blessing we can be.

Please prayerfully consider having your school focus one month’s chapel offerings on this outreach mission. Please visit

All contributions may be sent to the Northern Illinois District Office, 2301 S. Wolf Rd., Hillside, IL 60162 attention Lois Stewart.
Be Prayerful
As we continue to support and encourage one another as brothers and sisters in Christ, we remember God’s call to faithfulness.

Please visit the NID website and go to the resource page to review the resource by Alliance for Defending Freedom related to the Equality Act that has been passed by the Federal House of Representatives.
If you are a Commissioned Worker (Administrator or teacher) in the NID and plan to retire at the end of the 2020-2021 school year, please email Sue Green at She will be able to assist you with LCMS paperwork that needs to be completed for your roster status change. PLEASE remember that you must contact Concordia Plans Services directly to do your financial/health benefit changes. The NID Office does not process those changes.

Other Commissioned Workers (DCEs, Parish Musicians, etc…) may decide to retire during the academic year. Please contact Sue Green whenever you have made that decision.
Early Childhood Professional Development Opportunity/Sharing Sessions
LCMS Esther 4-14 Grant
Throughout the Covid-19 restrictions on meeting in person, there have been many opportunities to join in on zoom calls offered to bring Early Childhood Educators for times of devotion, sharing, and learning. Here are opportunities you are invited to join us for in 2021:
         Tuesday, April 13 6:30pm – Jessica Gade (NID ECConsultant) and her staff at Immanuel, Downers Grove will present on Nature Curriculum.
Please watch for the zoom links to be sent out.
Future Conference Planning
Please continue to watch for more information regarding conferences for the 2021-2022 school year. We await information on future COVID restrictions and where conferences will be held.

The October 2021 All Workers Conference will not be held. We are prayerfully moving forward that in-person conferences will be planned.
All schools are encouraged to plan professional development for their staff.
TEC21 Update
The TEC21 program is a tremendous blessing that has benefitted many teachers over recent years. Please visit the TEC21 website to see the great things happening. is the place to get details. The NID is blessed to partner with LCEF to offer three $500.00 scholarships to send teachers to the sessions. If you are interested, please contact Lois at for an application.
Commissioned Minister Information Form – CMIF
Please be encouraged to access your CMIF and update it if that you haven’t done that for a year or so. It is a good idea to do updates if you are considering a change of ministry.
National Lutheran Schools Resources

Visit the LCMS website to download the 2021 chapel talks.
Filled with living hope in Christ,

Confessing, Praising,

and Advancing His Kingdom

For Information on LCEF contact Vanda Toner at 708-223-3117 or

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