Everybody In! Nobody Out!
News, Events, and Actions
In case you missed it.

A single payer universal health care system is needed so we can redirect resources to address equity and institutionalized racism in the health care system.
HOPE Amendment (SJR 12) Proposed Ballot Title Issued
The Secretary of State's Office has issued a proposed ballot title for SJR 12 (the HOPE Amendment to declare access to health care as a right). It is now officially 2022-IRR 401. The proposed ballot title can be found here. HCAO is working with partners to provide comment which are due by 8/9/2021.

HCAO Board Member Annie Naranjo- Rivera will serve as HCAO point person on this effort. More information will be forth coming on the campaign ahead. HOPE you will be prepared to do get involved.
Health Care as a Right Unanimously Passes Salem Council
Thanks to the efforts of Councilor Trevor Phillips and HCAO advocates the resolution to declare health care a fundamental right passed the Salem City Council unanimously (9-0) on Monday, July 12. Here is the resolution. This resolution establishes future opportunities in Oregon and the nation.

With 43 pieces of outstanding written testimony combined with passionate public oral testimony, the people of Salem were well represented. In addition, the Salem Councilors and Mayor added dynamic and thoughtful commentary.

To hear Councilor Phillips introduction of the resolution, Councilor commentary, and the vote click here.

To hear the preceding outstanding public testimony in addition click here.

Local Resolutions are another important action that anyone can take. Read about them here. Want to do a resolution in your community? Contact HCAO Resolutions Coordinator Eleanor Dick at
Report: People flee Medicare Advantage at End of Life
Such Confusion
From JustCare: "Based on mounds of evidence, Medicare Advantage plans do not meet people’s costly care needs. A new Government Accountability Office report finds that a high proportion of people flee Medicare Advantage at the end of life–they go to traditional Medicare to provide them with the care they need." Read More.

Under a single payer universal healthcare system the question of choice of Medicare or Medicare Advantage would not arise. Everyone would be guaranteed the same comprehensive care under Medicare for All without fear of bankruptcy and the complexities of the present system.
The Case for Structural Transformation to Improve Health
on Democracy Now
Dr. Rupa Marya & Raj Patel on Deep Medicine & How Capitalism Primes Us for Sickness.
Inflamation, Stress and Structural Racism--the case for Medicare for All and single payer.
HCAO Marion-Polk County Chapter Builds Support for the Movement with Silverton People for Peace at the "Homer Davenport Festival"
The HCAO message attracts another supporter for the cause.
This one to one conversation build support during this interaction.
It only takes one or two dedicated people to make a difference. Volunteer at
Rallies Around the State for Medicare for All Anniversary Events
Emily Gibson of the Bend Chapter shares about her MS diagnosis and cost of drugs. Listen to her mighty voice. Covered by KTVZ
Nurse Jay Girard shares about the challenges of patient care. Listen to his mighty voice. Covered by KTVZ
Mid-Valley Health Care Advocates bring out the motorcycles
Portland turns out at the South Parks Blocks
Story sharing is a powerful tool in the movement. Share your story and/or help others share theirs at
Joint Task Force on Universal Health Care Resumes its Work
Community Must be Heard--Submit Testimony
SB 428 was signed by Governor Kate Brown on 7/19/21. The JTFUHC resumes meetings this month. (Although not yet posted, the August meeting is likely to be 8/26 from 1=4pm.)

The essential equitable public engagement process as called for in the original bill now must be the focus. Remind the Task Force how necessary community engagement and tell the Task Force what kind of a health system you want through your personal testimony. Here are the links you need.

HCAO is collaborating with the JTFUC, Social Security Works, and Healthy California Now to push Senator Wyden as Chair of the Senator Finance Committee to support the waivers which would provide significant help in getting funding for a state-based system.
For assistance, contact:
Zainab Alidina, HCAO Legislative Chair ( or
Tom Sincic, HCAO President (
Your Financial Support Is Needed
HCAO's ability to educate about and advocate for universal healthcare is possible ONLY because of YOU.

For further information and questions, contact Linda Alband (
Please become a member, make an additional contribution, or volunteer.
Everybody in! Nobody out!