Rev Sally Fritsche
Sunday, January 23
10:15 am via livestream
UUA Side With Love
Sunday, January 30
10:15 am via livestream
Rev Karen Bush
Sunday, February 6
10:15 am via livestream
Please send your joys or sorrows to joysandsorrows@uucuc.org any time before the Joys and Sorrows portion of the service. They will be read aloud.
Join our online Zoom Fellowship Hour after the service on Sundays (around 11:30 am).
If you have missed any of the previous services, you can view them on our past streamed services webpage. You can also view previous live streamed services on our YouTube channel.
Your contributions and support allow us to continue to respond with love and resources to the needs in our congregation and the wider community. We couldn’t do it without your support and we are grateful to each of you.

Bookmark our UUCUC Events and UUCUC Calendar webpage for future reference.
Save the Date - Sundays in the Park with UUCUC - 3/6 and 4/17

The current COVID surge is making it difficult to hold firm to our plans to be together in person, but here are two dates you can put on your calendar with confidence! Our Pledge Sunday (3/6/22) and Easter Sunday (4/17/22) services will be IN-PERSON AT CRYSTAL LAKE PARK. Being outdoors means we don't have to worry the same way about capacity limits, group singing, and other concerns caused by the ups and downs of case numbers. Plus, it's just plain fun to move our Sunday worship out into nature every once in a while. See you on Sunday!

30 Days of Love is an annual celebration organized by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) Side With Love campaign. 30 Days of Love runs approximately from Martin Luther King, Jr. Day through Valentine’s Day. It is an opportunity to collectively nurture our spirits, deepen our understanding, and take action on our values for collective liberation
CHILDREN & YOUTH REGISTRATION - Stay connected with Religious Exploration
As you plan your holiday winter giving, please consider donating to the Little Free Pantries run by Julie Laut (in Urbana) and AJ Herzog (in Champaign), which they have maintained since March 2020. Their Amazon wish list has been updated to include unique winter items. All items off the wishlist will be delivered to Julie's house and shared between the two pantries. You are also welcome to drop off items in person at both locations. Questions? Contact Julie (jlaut@hushmail.com), or AJ (zogs92@gmail.com).
JOYS AND SORROWS sent to joysandsorrows@uucuc.org for last Sunday, January 16, 2022.

From Umeeta Sadarangani: Sorrow for the members of Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas, after the hostage situation there yesterday. May they feel supported in this painful time.
Please send your joys or sorrows to joysandsorrows@uucuc.organy time before the Joys and Sorrows portion of the service. They will be read aloud.
UUCUC Social Action Offering. Each month a selected organization is chosen to receive offerings from our congregation. You may donate to the social action offering for the month in one of the following ways:

This month’s shared offering is the Refugee Center, who UJCUC supported for more than 35 years when they occupied our building. Over the years, the Refuge Center, formerly known as the East Central Illinois Refugee Mutual Assistance Center (ECIRMAC), expanded its services from helping resettle Vietnamese refugees to providing assistance to ALL immigrants; political asylees; and refugees, regardless of country of origin.

Now, they have been called upon to resettle refugees from Afghanistan. The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan that occurred after the U.S. withdrew its troops has caused hundreds of thousands of Afghans to flee their country. They are at risk of being targeted for their work or association with coalition forces (including the U.S.) and Afghanistan’s former government.

The Refugee Center already has helped 11 men and two families, including the family of nine hosted by UUCUC’s Immigration Justice Task Force (IJTF) last month. While the federal government is providing financial assistance for resettlement, it is not enough to meet all needs. Plus, the Refugee Center has been to increase the number of Afghans they agreed to resettle from 30 to 65, taxing both financial resources and staff.

By participating in this month’s shared offering, you can help provide much-needed financial support for Afghans at-risk — at a time when it is most needed. Watch the E-News for other ways to support newly-arriving Afghan families, as the IJTF continues to partner with the Refugee Center. This will include advocacy for the Afghan Adjustment Act, which would give Afghans permanent resident status; helping to identify both temporary and permanent housing; donating household items for their use; and potentially sponsoring an Afghan family.
Next eNews: January 27, 2022
Last day for content: Tuesday, January 25 by 5pm at the latest.

Don't forget to publicize your meeting/event!

Please send your submittals to pubs@uucuc.org and not to the admin email.
Regular Church Office Hours
Closed until further notice
Church Office
(217) 384-8862
Rev. Karen Bush
Consulting Minister
Rev. Sally Fritsche
Associate Minister for Congregational Life
Rose St. Clair
Coordinator, Religious Exploration & Engagement
Brian Franklin
Director of Congregational Administration
Adrienne Summerlot
Consulting Director, Religious Exploration & Engagement
Juan Camacho
Benjamin Hanson
Choir Director
Jamie Jones
Office Assistant
Avalon Ruby
A/V Technician & RE Assistant
Jessica Sempek
Membership Coordinator
Tim Voelker
Director of Facilities