Dear Friends in Ignatian Spiritual Direction,

An autumn reflection at a recent gathering of spiritual directors invited us to contemplate the patterns of colored leaves dotting the landscape. We were also invited to consider the patterns made by the leaves as they fall from the trees and land on the ground. 
I began to ponder the patterns that dot the landscapes of our lives, like patterns of letting go and loss that are so vividly portrayed in autumn. When we look back on life, we can identify patterns of searching and surrender, as well as patterns of gratitude for what has been and growth into what might be. And we all know the familiar pattern of leaning into daily life while longing for something more.

This issue of our Ignatian Spiritual Direction Initiative's newsletter re-creates a pattern of communication that holds an important place in the initiative's landscape. It is my hope that this quarterly newsletter will be inspirational, informative, and invite deepening engagement with Ignatian spirituality. I also hope it will foster connections and provide resources to support your spiritual direction ministry.
Wishing you a bountiful Thanksgiving and an Advent season bathed in the light of promise and peace,


Nancy Small
Associate Director for Spiritual Direction Initiatives
Office of Ignatian Spirituality
USA East Province of the Society of Jesus

Please help us plan future Ignatian Spiritual Direction Initiative programs by taking a brief (less than a minute) survey indicating your availability for programs on weekdays (mornings, afternoons or evenings) and weekends (Saturday morning/evening).

You can complete the survey by clicking here.

Many thanks!

God of all seasons, we thank you for Autumn.
We thank you
for the touch of coolness in the air that gives us a new burst of energy,
for the coloring of trees that shows the creativity of the Divine Artist,
for the falling leaves that reveal the strength of the branches,
for the hues of fields that bring peace to our souls,
for the smiles on pumpkins that bring joy to children,
for the fall harvest that brings us gratitude for the bounty of our land,
for this change of seasons that reveals the circle of life.
God of all seasons, as you transform the earth, transform us by your Spirit.
— Rev. Doug Leonhardt, SJ (From Marquette University Faith at Marquette)

We pause in November to gather our blessings in a spirit of gratitude. I invite you to reflect on this year as it draws to a close and notice the patterns in the landscape of your life with an end-of-the year Examen offered by

In November we give special remembrance to our loved ones who have died. I encourage you to take time this month to remember dearly departed spiritual directors who have impacted your spiritual formation. Take time, too, to remember any of your directees who have died, giving thanks for the gift of accompanying them on their spiritual journey. 
Let us remember two beloved spiritual directors who died this year and their profound impact in the field of spiritual direction. 

Rev. Bill Barry, SJ, a revered spiritual director and prolific writer on Ignatian spirituality whose contributions were foundational to the growth and development of Ignatian spiritual direction. His awareness of the need to train spiritual directors led to the establishment of the Center for Religious Development in Cambridge where he served as its first director and inspired the establishment of similar training centers around the world. Fr. Barry was a beloved member of the faculty at Weston School of Theology for many years and a central figure in the New England Province and the Jesuit apostolate in the U.S. and abroad for forty years. Read his full obituary here.
Dr. Kathryn Mary Fitzgerald, a longtime colleague, spiritual director, staff member and former Director of the Jesuit Center for Spiritual Growth, passed away peacefully in October after a long illness. Kathryn's association with the Jesuit spiritual ministry at Wernersville began over fifty years ago and continued until 2021. She was an extraordinarily gifted spiritual director who taught generations of directors and supervisors. Many of her directees said she changed their lives for the better. Read her full obituary here.

As Fr. Bill and Kathryn take their place among the communion of saints, may their spirits stir into flame the gift of spiritual direction that has been given to us.

"When I lost my spouse and retired from teaching, it felt like my life, too, was coming to an end. With God and my spiritual director’s help, I was able to fully grieve my losses so that I can now more fully live." – a retired school teacher.

If you have quotes to share from people about the importance of spiritual direction, feel free to share them with me at
Virtual Book Launch: The Spiritual Exercises Reclaimed, 2nd Edition
PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE: November 22, 12:00 p.m. ET
Authors Elizabeth Liebert and Annemarie Paulin Campbell will launch the new edition of the book, The Spiritual Exercises Reclaimed: Uncovering Liberating Possibilities for Women at this multi-national virtual book launch sponsored by the Office of Ignatian Spirituality. This 20th anniversary edition draws on new and younger women’s voices and opens up new ways in which the Exercises offer liberating possibilities for women worldwide.

Register for this event by emailing with a note telling them you’d like to register for the Nov. 22 book launch. More information may be found here.
Awakening to Advent/Despertando a Adviento
December 1, 7:00 p.m. ET
The Office of Ignatian Spirituality invites you to join us as we awaken to Advent, identifying our hopes and desires for the season. Members of our community will offer readings, music, reflections on the season, and prayers during this 30-minute online service.

All are welcome! This service will be bilingual (English and Spanish), with translations available so all can participate fully.

Click here to register.
Spiritual Direction as an Ecclesial Ministry, Part II
December 3, 10:00 a.m. ET
Join us for Part II of “Spiritual Direction as an Ecclesial Ministry,” on Saturday, December 3, 2022 beginning at 10:00 AM, Eastern, as Fr. Brian McDermott, SJ, discusses Ignatian spiritual direction in the life of the Church.

If you missed Part I in October, you can still register — you will receive a link to view the recording of the first workshop in this three-part series.

Click here for more information and to register.
Upcoming 2023 Programs - SAVE THE DATES!
Mark your calendars for two new online programs in the first quarter of 2023. Registration and program information coming soon!
Jan. 28, 2023, 9am–12pm, ET

Showing the Way to God: Ignatian Spiritual Direction and the Universal Apostolic Preferences
with Joe Costantino, SJ, and Barbara Quinn, RSCJ

Learn more about the Universal Apostolic Preferences here.
March 25, 2023, 9am–12pm, ET

Beholding the Crucified Christ: Ignatian Presence in Times of Suffering and Struggle
with Nancy Sheridan, SASV, and Jim Fleming, SJ