ECOEA...the link between your local
and the Ohio Education Association

Professional development, conferences, and scholarships are open to all members.
The East Central OEA district serves OEA members in Carroll, Columbiana, Holmes, Stark, Tuscarawas, and Wayne counties.

  • April 17, 2021-ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly-virtual
  • April 5, 12, 19, 26 & May 3-Student Loan Forgiveness Program for All Education Employees-NEA Member Benefits
  • April 8, 15, 22, 29 & May 6-When Can I Afford to Retire or Will I Just Die at My Desk-NEA Member Benefits
  • May 8, 2021-OEA Spring Representative Assembly-virtual
  • June 1, 2021-Deadline to submit for ECOEA COVID grant
  • June 21-23, 2021-OEA Summer Leadership Academy
  • June 30-July 3, 2021-NEA Annual Representative Assembly-virtual
  • July 8, 15, 22, 29, 2021-ECOEA Summer Leadership Workshops-virtual

NEA Member Benefits brings you
April Showers

Choose a session on April 5, 12, 19, 26 or May 3 at 4:30 PM. Join NEA Member Benefits rep Guy Kendall-Freas and be "showered" with information about dealing with student loan forgiveness! Guy will help you navigate the student loan programs and point you in the right direction! Use the button below for more info and registration link for the virtual sessions held on Thursdays throughout April.

When Can I Afford to Retire of Will I Just Die at My Desk? Choose a session on April 8, 15, 22, 29 or May 6 at 4:30 PM.
NEA Member Benefits Affiliate Specialist Guy Kendall-Freas is your host in this retirement information session. Know how the Windfall Elimination Program and Government Pension Offset may adversely affect your retirement income expectations. Know before you go! Use the button below to register for a virtual session on Mondays throughout the month of April.
Ballots for the STRS Board election will be mailed to homes in early April 2021. There is one contributing member seat on the STRS Board up for election. OEA’s endorsed candidate is Carol Correthers. Retired members will also be electing two members to the Board and will be mailed their ballots separately. OEA has endorsed Rita Walters and Robert Stein for re-election as retiree representatives on the STRS Board. We suggest when your ballot arrives, get your phone and vote right away. Members will have three voting options:
1) Mail: Fill out the enclosed ballot and return it in the postage-paid envelope.
2) Phone: Call the toll-free number included with your ballot. You will need your PIN number included with your ballot.
3) Online: Go to the web address included with your ballot. You will need your PIN number included with your ballot. 
Last year, ECOEA provided over $11,000 to local associations within ECOEA to assist with the purchase of PPE, sanitizing supplies, and member morale items needed because of the pandemic. Pictured are cookies purchased by Lake Local EA with COVID funds provided by ECOEA to recognize the hard work of their members this year.
We are again offering grants to locals as we continue through this year of unusual teaching and learning conditions. Local presidents are invited to apply for this second round of funding which is available through June 1, 2021.
ECOEA Summer Leadership Workshop-coming soon!
Registration will open May 1 for our Summer Leadership Workshop to be held virtually on Thursdays throughout the month of July. We have a great line-up of sessions planned!
LRCs Sarah Drinkard and Alison Hoffa will lead a Building Rep training on July 8. OEA Treasurers' Training both Novice and Experienced will be on July 15 in the morning followed by OEA Presidents' Handbook training. This will also include a session on Elections training.
We are looking forward to welcoming back Isaac Baez from Stark Mental Health and Addiction Recovery with a session on LGBTQ+ 101 on July 22.
And there is more to come! Watch for more information in the May newsletter and on the website. Learn from home, or even while you are away; our members have indicated this is their preference for summer workshops. More to come!
ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly-
Delegate letters and the registration link have been sent to all local delegates for the ECOEA Spring Representative Assembly which will be held virtually on Saturday, April 17, beginning at 8:30 AM. If you are a delegate and have not received your information, please call the ECOEA office at (330) 499-8587.
NEA Member Benefits $2,500 Educator Jackpot! Open to all educators-certified and classified! Click the picture for the link!
California Casualty Music and Arts Grants-Don't forget about the California Casualty Music and Arts grant open to all classroom teachers. Applications are due by June 30, 2021.

Per ECOEA Policy 3.6 Access to Financial Reports-the monthly Executive Committee financial report is available to any member upon request.

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