Fall 2022 | Issue II
Updates and Events from the Sherrod Library
In This Issue
  • Sherrod Library Virtual Tour
  • Research Help Appointments
  • ChemSpider Database
  • LGBTQIA+ Resources
  • Citation Help
  • Introduction to Academic Research Guide
  • Ask Us/Gov Docs Desks
  • Bucky's Food Pantry and Coat Drive
  • The Sherrod Pick
  • Halloween Re-cap

  • Dead Week
  • Graduate Student Help & Boot Camp
  • Sherrod Library Student Advisory Council
  • ITC Student Advisory Group
  • Diverse Characters Book Club
Want to get to know your library? Watch this video to see a virtual tour with all your need-to-know information!

e upcoming workshops are listed below.
Dead Week

The week before finals is a stressful time. Stop by the library for some relaxation and destressing during Dead Week. Come by and get some love from the therapy dogs or just grab some brain food on your way to study!
Need to get help from a librarian?
Watch this video to learn how to make an appointment with a librarian for research help.

Schedule an in-depth individual appointment for research assistance with a librarian today!

Graduate Research Help
If you're working on a capstone, thesis or dissertation, check out the offerings for Graduate Boot Camp here:

It’s too late to join this semester, but Boot Camp starts again in January!

If you have questions concerning research, please don’t hesitate to contact our graduate research librarian:

Dr. Wendy Doucette,
Graduate Research & Instruction Librarian


Student Councils You Can Join
The Sherrod Library Student Advisory Council
Join the Library's Student Advisory Council to get involved with your library and the ETSU community. The council, which is led by Library Dean David Atkins and Executive Aide Carol Boles, meets monthly to discuss services, resources, and collections. This is an excellent way to build your resume. Council members will advise how the student library fees are used, advocate for the library, participate in library programming and events, and so much more! Additionally, the library provides pizza, drinks, and desserts for every council meeting.

ITC Student Advisory Group
The Information Technology Student Advisory Group (ITC) will focus on the student experience and provide guidance on technology that will support the student lifestyle. This subcommittee will provide feedback and advice to ITC regarding technology needs from the student perspective! Register now to join us during Spring 2023!

Library Resources

Library Resources

Sherrod Library is committed to being a community that values diversity in our collections, among our users, and our employees. The free and open exchange of information and experiences is a critical first step in helping all of us gain a greater understanding of what it means to be a unique individual in a very diverse world. It is with hope that we present these library resources relating to the LGBTQIA+ experience. In this guide you will discover information about our collections and spaces relating to LGBTQIA+ library resources.
Citation help
Need citation help? Check out the library's writing and citation tools to learn how cite your sources, format your papers, and manage your citations. We offer both online and print tools to help with most commonly used citation styles including MLA, APA, Chicago, IEEE, and more. If you're writing a thesis or managing a large number of citations, the library also offers access to citation management systems such as Mendeley, Academic Writer, and more

Featured database:

Each newsletter the library is proud to feature one of our unique databases. This issue’s featured database is ChemSpider, a structure database owned by the Royal Society of Chemistry providing access to over 100 million structures and properties. It also contains lists of literature and datasets relating to chemicals. ChemSpider allows users to search by chemical name, by chemical structure, and to draw structures.  

Featured Resources:
Intro to Academic Research

Working on a research paper or project? Our “Introduction to Academic Research” guide can help! With tips and tricks on everything from how to pick a topic to how to cite your sources, this guide walks you through the research process step-by-step. 

Ask Us Help Desk:

Located by the entrance on the first floor of the library is the Ask Us Desk. The Ask Us staff will help you find the best library resources for your research, as well as answers about library services, hours, and support. Available in person, or by chat, phone, email, or text.
They can help you...
 Check out a book

 Make an appointment
with a librarian
Check out a calculator

Reserve a study
Find your
course reserve

Service desk hours at both locations:
7:30 a.m.- 9:00 p.m.
 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Government Information Desk:

The Government Information desk is located on the third floor of the library. Stop by this location for help using government and legal information, maps, and more.
Government Information has a collection of almost 80,000 local, regional, U.S., and world maps. 
Their Cooperative Law Collection contains approximately 16,000 volumes, including federal, state, and local codes; case reporters and other legal materials.
The Sherrod Library is currently 1 of 21 federal depository libraries in the state of Tennessee. Our collection includes over 270,000 Federal and State Documents distributed by the United States Government Publishing Office.

Bucky's Food Pantry Coat and Blanket Drive  
Bucky’s Food Pantry’s 10th annual Winter Coat and Blanket Drive is underway to help those in need within the ETSU community. In addition to new or clean/gently used winter coats and new blankets, the pantry also accepts new winter hats, gloves, and scarves. 

Donations of these items may be made at several locations through November 11: both Bucky’s Food Pantry locations – at Buc Ridge (next to Central Receiving) and the D.P. Culp Student Center (next to the Passport Office on the first floor); Counseling Center, third floor, Culp Center; Department of Music, Mathes Hall; and the University School office. 

The coat giveaway will be held November 14-18. In addition, the Buc Ridge location of Bucky’s Food Pantry will have limited coat availability for pickup beginning Wednesday, October 12

For more information, contact Chuck Patton, or (423) 439-5243; Massy Useni, or (423) 439-2825; or Amy Deel,

The Sherrod Pick

Diverse Characters Book Club Final Meeting of the Fall Semester
The library is excited to announce the fall selection for our Diverse Characters Book Club. We'll be reading The Girl with the Louding Voice by Abi Daré.  
Daré's debut novel follows Adunni, a 14-year-old, Nigerian girl, in her journey to receive an education while trying to escape an arranged marriage and a life of poverty and servitude. At once heartbreaking and inspiring, The Girl with the Louding Voice is a coming-of-age story told with great beauty and tenderness.  

While the book club is getting ready to hold the final meeting of the Fall semester, it's not too late to register.

The first 40 students to register will receive a free copy of the book!
Book Club Details
Dates: November 14th
Time: 4:00-5:00 PM
Location: Sherrod Library Room 309 (Zoom link will also be available for registered participants)

Light refreshments will be provided
for in-library attendees
Thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed the night with us! Here are a few pictures from that night!

Sherrod Library hosted Ghost Stories on Halloween Night!
Connect with Sherrod Library on Social Media
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