April Zone 11 Update
Thank you for being a Zone 11 member! Stay up to date with COVID-19 news, let your voice be heard by commenting on 2021 Zone Specifications, participate in the Horsemanship Quiz Challenge and more.
Updates and Information about COVID-19
As COVID-19 continues to impact the world, leaders in our sport are continuing to adjust plans and work toward solutions that will best serve horses and riders as we move forward.

Last week,  USEF announced the extension of the suspension of all USEF owned and named events through May 31. As such,  USHJA is continuing suspension of all USHJA programs and events through May 31.

The USHJA Board of Directors also made the decision to cancel the USHJA Zone Jumper Team Championships and USHJA Platinum Jumper Championships for 2020. The Board felt it was unlikely that horses would be fit and ready to compete and qualify by the time of the Championships. They will return in 2021.

Additional resources and information about COVID-19:

We Need Your Feedback
Member comments can be sent to Read more about the member comment period.
Test Your Horsemanship Knowledge with the HQC Quick Quiz
True or false? A blemish is synonymous with unsoundness.
Did you know adult amateurs can participate in HQC this year? Click here to learn more.
Application Deadline Extended for Hamel Family Scholarship for Further Education
The deadline for the 2020 Hamel Family Scholarship for Further Education has been extended to June 15.

The scholarship, made possible through a generous donation from the Kristen and James Hamel Family Foundation, awards up to $25,000 to one USHJA member to be used for college, graduate, trade or professional school.

USHJA Webinar and Virtual Town Hall Coming Up
Farrier Tools of the Trade Webinar
May 6, 4 p.m. ET
Join us for a webinar with Travis Burns, Associate Professor of Practice and Chief of Farrier Services at the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, to learn about different types of shoes and farrier tools most commonly used in shoeing horses.  Click here for more information. Click here to join.

Virtual Town Hall with USHJA President Mary Babick
May 6, 6 p.m. ET
Register to participate in a virtual town hall with USHJA President Mary Babick. Click here for more information and to register.
Check Out the USHJA Best Practices Page!
The USHJA Best Practices page is a collection of educational resources, downloads and videos for members.

The Owners Awareness Checklist, to help owners become more engaged and promote horse welfare, is new to the page!

You can also find educational articles like " Tips for the New or Longtime Horse Owner," " Indicators of Horse Health," and " Employer Resources."

Have an educational topic you'd like to see? Email us your idea.
Educational videos like this one, "Longeing-Basic Technique," are also on the best practices page.
Sport History: Fun Facts from the USHJA Wheeler Museum
Betty Oare and Navy Commander

Chances are you’ve heard of Betty Oare as a consistent winner in the amateur-owner Hunters for decades and the winner of awards including the 2019 USHJA Mrs. A.C. Randolph Owners Legacy Award, the 2013 USHJA Lifetime Achievement Award, and the 2005 USEF Pegasus Medal of Honor.

Did you know that Oare and her famous thoroughbred partner Navy Commander, with whom she won multiple Hunter championships and induction in the National Show Hunter Hall of Fame, also competed in the 1965 Cleveland Grand Prix, the first of its kind in North America? Their style was as impeccable on a Jumper course as it was in the Hunter ring.

Photo: Betty Oare and Navy Commander in the Inaugural Cleveland Grand Prix 
Photo credit: Marshall Hawkins
More Recent News
Know Your Zone 11 Committee Members
  • Brendan Ethington, Co-Chair
  • Sally White, Co-Chair
Special thanks to these members who serve our zone! For more information about the committee and contact information, click here.
Upcoming Events and Deadlines

Official USHJA Sponsors
USHJA Sponsors & Partners
Photos: EQ Media, Tricia Booker, Louise Taylor and Rachel Sowinski
United States Hunter Jumper Association | (859) 225-6700 |