Weekly e-News from Epiphany Parish
November 17, 2020

Dear Epiphany Parish,
This Sunday is the last Sunday before Advent, which means that it is also the last Sunday of the liturgical year. We begin each year with Advent, the time of waiting and preparing for Christ the savior, and we end each year celebrating Christ as king as we honor Christ's reign as Lord of all. This feast day of Christ the King is a relatively new holy day in the history of the church. It has not been officially adopted by the Episcopal Church, although many parishes do celebrate Christ the King on the last day of the liturgical year. Typically, the main way that we celebrate Christ the King Sunday is through our music. In past years, our closing hymn on this Sunday has always been "Crown him with many crowns":
Crown him the Lord of life,
who triumphed o'er the grave,
and rose victorious in the strife
for those he came to save;
his glories now we sing
who died and rose on high,
who died eternal life to bring,
and lives that death may die.
 While Christ the King Sunday has always been a favorite of mine, this year, I am looking forward to it more than I expected. I think that we all need a reminder of the presence and power of God this year. 
This Sunday, the weather is looking clear and (relatively) warm! If the weather holds, we will have our 10:15am worship service outside. I know that it can be frustrating that we do not yet have a clear plan for our winter worship. Please know that plans are being made for worship this winter as well as how we will celebrate Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany as a community. This year we will have some new events as well as some new ways of re-imagining our beloved traditions. More information will be coming soon about Advent and Christmas at Epiphany Parish. 
Ever since March, we have made all decisions about how and when we gather with love for our neighbors as our focus. Love of God and Love of Neighbor will continue to be central to how we gather, worship, pray, serve, and live in community this year. 
Peace in Christ,
Rev. Christen
Agape Meal-Sunday, November 22nd at 6pm
This Sunday, November 22nd at 6pm, there will be another Zoom Agape Meal on the theme of Gratitude. This year, Thanksgiving will look very different for a lot of people. Come and join fellow parishioners that week to reflect on gratitude and share some time in prayer and fellowship.
To prepare, you will need some simple food, such as soup, cheese, olives, dried fruit, bread, water, grape juice, or wine. Meatless food is preferred. During this simple service we will open with prayer, listen to readings and reflections, bless our food, and enjoy fellowship as we eat together. This agape meal is appropriate for all ages!
Please email the parish office at office.epiphany@verizon.net if you would like to RSVP for this event and receive the zoom link. We hope that you will join us!
Gifts for Kids
Epiphany Parish has partnered with Gifts for Kids for many years, sponsoring a giving tree just outside our sanctuary so that parishioners could purchase Christmas gifts for local children. This year, because of the pandemic, Gifts for Kids will be giving gift cards to the families of the 1,200 children they would typically sponsor. If you were planning on purchasing a gift for Gifts for Kids this year, please consider making a financial donation if you are able. 
The information to donate is below:
Help us reach our goal of $150,000 by Friday, December 4, which will allow us to provide holiday packages to at least 1,200 children. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated:
1.    Visit our website at www.GiftsForKidsMA.org and click DONATE.
2.    Visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/GiftsForKids and click DONATE.
3.    Send your donation to @GiftsForKidsMA on Venmo.
4.    Mail a check payable to Gifts for Kids to PO Box 464, Sharon, MA 02067.
5.    Text GFK to 202-858-1233.
If your company offers, having your employer match your donation is a wonderful
way to increase your impact.
6-month Lay Discernment Program “Discerning My Path
“Discerning My Path” is a new lay discernment opportunity launching in January 2021 for anyone yearning for a deeper relationship with God and wondering about what they have to offer the world and how to listen deeply enough to hear God’s desire. The Diocese of Massachusetts joins other New England dioceses in Province I in partnering with Bexley-Seabury Seminary to offer this six-month lay discernment program. In addition to monthly online meetings in small groups, participants will engage with spiritual reading, videos and articles on discernment, spiritual practices and the ministry of the baptized. Cost is $200; financial assistance is available upon request. An online informational meeting for those who would like to learn more takes place on Wednesday, Nov. 18, 7-8 p.m. E-mail Martha Gardner (as below) for Zoom information. FOR INFORMATION: Martha Gardner, Missioner for Networking and Formation (mgardner@diomass.org or 617-482-4826, ext. 403).
Walpole Multi-Church Youth Group
The Walpole Multi-Church Youth Group meets every Sunday evening from 5-6pm, alternating between in-person meetings and online gatherings. All 6th-12th graders are welcome. 
For more information and to register, please Click Here: https://www.unitedwalpole.org/registeryouth.
common cathedral
Sign up to donate fruit and granola bars!
We are again seeking donations of fruit and granola bars to be dropped off at Epiphany on Wednesday, December 16, to be brought into common cathedral the next day. There will be a bin at the side entrance of the church from 10am-6pm for you to drop off your contributions.
Thank you to all who have been donating food regularly - if you did not have an opportunity to do so, this is your chance!
We have signed up for 50 pieces of fruit and 50 granola bars! We are looking for 5 people to sign up to each donate 10 pieces of bananas and/or oranges and 5 people to sign up to each donate one box of 8-12 granola bars. 
And although we appreciate anonymous drop-offs/donations it really does help if you sign up by e-mailing the office (office.epiphany@verizon.net) to let us know what you plan to bring. Please do not drop off your fruit early--we want to make sure it is fresh when it arrives! 
common cathedral provides food, community, worship, and so much more to folks in Boston who are experiencing homelessness. Epiphany Parish has supported common cathedral in many ways throughout the years. In December, half of the money we raised at our celebration of New Ministry service went to common cathedral and more recently, we collected socks, underwear, and toiletries to be handed out at their City Reach overnight. common cathedral has been adapting their programs over the past few weeks in order to continue to safely support the members of their community. And now they are asking for help. They need partners to donate homemade sandwiches, fruit and granola bars. If you can help sign up HERE. Any food that is prepared in your home needs to follow strict ServSafe guidelines. All donations need to be dropped off at Emmanuel Church, 15 Newbury Street by 9am on the day that you sign up for. 
They are also asking that you please also consider a monetary gift to support this meaningful and very needed ministry: https://commoncathedral.org/donations
As Part of our Worship Procedure
Please RSVP for Sunday, November 22, 2020
In-Person Outdoor Worship- HERE

Link for full COVID - Regathering Information available - HERE.

The Last Sunday after Pentecost
Christ the King Sunday
In-Person & Virtual
Click here for this week's lectionary readings 
(We are using the Track 2 readings)

You can also enjoy worshiping with us on Sunday mornings via Facebook Live. Although you do not need a Facebook account to view our services, some have found the experience a bit of a challenge. In response, we have created a YouTube channel and we will be posting a video of the 10:15am service each Sunday by 11:45am.

Click here to watch us on Facebook Live at 10:15am (the video is also available anytime on Facebook by following the same link). OR you can view the video on YouTube by clicking here. OR view us on Walpole Media on Wednesdays at 11:30. Verizon Channel 31 or Comcast Channel 8.
Becoming Beloved Community
Becoming Beloved Community is the vision and commitment of the Episcopal Church that, “frames a path for Episcopalians to address racial injustice and grow as a community of reconcilers, justice-makers, and healers who share a passion for the dream of God”. The path has 4 distinct and yet overlapping areas:
1.      Telling the Truth about our Churches and Race
2.      Proclaiming the Dream of Beloved Community
3.      Practicing the Way of Love in the Pattern of Jesus
4.      Repairing the Breach in Society and Institutions
Epiphany Parish will be creating a ‘Becoming Beloved Community Leadership Team’ to help us begin to think through ways that our parish can live more deeply into the work of racial justice and this dream of God. If you are interested in learning more about serving in this way, please email Rev. Christen at Christen.Epiphany@gmail.com. To learn more about the Becoming Beloved Community vision, please click HERE: https://episcopalchurch.org/beloved-community
Need help?  Please CLICK HERE for a list of resources and support for mental health, domestic violence, and substance abuse disorders.
Food insecurity: Contact the Project Bread FoodSource Hotline: 1-800-645-8333; available in 160 languages, open 8 a.m.-7 p.m., Monday-Friday, and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturdays throughout the crisis (TTY line: 1-800-377-1292).
Financial Assistance: There are also some funds available at Epiphany Parish to help members of our community in a financial emergency. Please reach out confidentially to Rev. Christen (978-758-7270) if you have any questions or need financial support. If you are struggling to buy food or medicine, pay bills, buy gas, or struggling in any other way, please do not suffer in silence. We are all in this together and Epiphany Parish is here to support you in whatever ways we can.
Outreach Opportunities - Walpole & Beyond
Diocesan COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund ~ The Diocese of Massachusetts has established a COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund to help meet emerging, urgent needs in congregations and affiliated organizations, and in support of collaborations with ecumenical, multi-faith and community partners. The fund will address critical community needs and congregational sustainability during the time of the pandemic. The fund is now open to receive online gifts at www.diomass.org/give-now.
Give blood ~The American Red Cross is experiencing a severe shortage of blood because many blood drives have been cancelled around the country in recent weeks. If you are eligible to give blood and wish to do so, you can make an appointment online here: https://www.redcross.org/give-blood.html
From the Office
Weekly Calendar ~ Outdoor Worship are held on Sundays, weather permitting.
Please Note: All in-person parish gatherings should still meet virtually unless permission has been granted.
Multi-Church Youth Group ~meets every Sunday, alternating between Zoom and live meetings in Bird Park!
Hospital Visitation ~ At this time Rev. Christen is only visiting the hospital or other care facilities in times of extreme emergency or for end-of-life needs. If you or a loved one is in need of a hospital visit please contact Rev. Christen at christen.epiphany@gmail.com.
Feeling a call (or a tug, or a pull) ~ to get involved in the life of our Parish, but don't know where to start? Please contact Rev. Christen at christen.epiphany@gmail.com to learn about the many opportunities to serve.
Office Hours
The office is open 10-2:00 Tuesday through Thursday. Please follow our Covid - Regathering regulations, including wearing a mask and social distancing. Announcements and notices for the Weekly e-News e-mails should be received in the office by ten o'clock each Tuesday - call or e-mail the office.
Epiphany Email Policy:  As fraudulent emails are becoming more common and more sophisticated, please note that Rev. Christen, Epiphany Parish staff, and/or the members of our Vestry will never solicit money, gift cards, or personal information via email. If you have any questions or concerns about an email request you receive from a leader or staff person in our parish, please do not hesitate to contact the parish office at 508-668-2353.