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Happy Mother's Day!

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalm 139:14

This is one of the most meaningful days for us.

Moms are the reason we do what we do.

We pray blessings for all the Moms:

those who are with us,

those who are no longer with us

and the moms-to-be.

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Jessica: Maternity Home


I have a heart for the women in our maternity home because I can relate to their situation.

I have a deep desire to help people, so this position at the home, working directly with the moms and babies is a dream job. I especially enjoy being able to share the healing power of a relationship with the Lord. It is a pleasure to get to know each woman and hear their hopes and dreams and let them know they can make those plans come true.

I have learned that as I help them to heal, I am healed!


Jessica has a daughter, Janaiya. (Pictured above holding Baby "A")

One of her favorite Bible verses is

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


Teri: PACE Facilitator

In 2001, the Holy Spirit moved in my husband’s heart to pray for a ministry he could help.


Two weeks later he got a call from the director of the Care-Net Pregnancy Center in Suffern, NY asking him to serve on her board of directors.


God opened a door for him and for me to be part of pregnancy care ministry.


In 2005, as we were preparing to open a center in Goshen , the Lord placed it on my heart to learn about post-abortion healing.


He knew that 3 of the women who wanted to volunteer in the center were post-abortive and needed to receive healing before they could go and help other women. I have been facilitating groups ever since.


What I learned through those groups was how to address grief in my life.  


Teri is a mother of 2 and grandmother of 6, with one more on the way!

Her favorite scripture is Psalm 46:10

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

    I will be exalted among the nations,

    I will be exalted in the earth.”

Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 

I thank my God every time I remember you.

Philippians 1:2-3

Upcoming Events

Look for an invitation to our Annual Fundraising "Virtual Banquet"

With covid-19 restrictions subsiding, next year we expect to be able to see you all at an In Person Banquet.

For now, we plan on launching our video Banquet on Monday, June 21st. Save the Date!

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