March 12, 2021
South Asian Female Candidates’ Confirmation Hearings
The South Asian Bar Association of Northern California (SABA-NC) applauds the Biden Administration’s nomination of people of diverse backgrounds for federal appointments—many of which have never been held by a minority. Notably, the Administration has put forward names of South Asians, Native Americans, and Transgender Americans for a number of leadership positions. We wholeheartedly support these efforts.

As with any confirmation hearings for presidential nominees —regardless of the nominee’s race, gender identity, or sexual preference—SAB-NC expects the House and Senate Committees and Members to rigorously question and evaluate candidates for these important positions. Importantly, members of Congress are expected to conduct their review in an unbiased, race-neutral, and gender-neutral manner. Unfortunately, in the case of the confirmation hearings for two South Asians female nominees, Neera Tanden and Vanita Gupta, many of our congressional representatives failed to meet expectations. These South Asian female nominees are being judged more harshly for their social media commentaries than non-South Asian, male candidates. SABA-NC expects better.

It is undisputed that social media has become the favored method of communication in today’s society. It is also undisputed that many people, including those in elected and appointed positions, have used social media to advance their points of view. There is a stark difference between utilizing social media platforms for social commentary and dialogue versus its utilization for bullying and abuse. We are troubled by the seeming ease with which certain elected officials, many of whom turned a blind eye to over four years of social media abuse by Trump and/or who utilized and continue to use social media platforms to perpetrate abuse themselves, are singling out South Asian female nominees' use of social media commentary to block these women from positions for which they are qualified.

As lawyers, we owe a duty to society to maintain civility and professionalism. We urge our elected officials to remember that they too owe a duty of civility and professionalism to their constituents and the democratic processes which serve our country.

SABA-NC urges the elected officials to engage in the confirmation process in an unbiased, race-neutral, and gender-neutral manner.  

South Asian Bar Association of Northern California, Inc.