PAD General Meeting Wednesday, September 28th 2022 at the Plymouth Senior Center at 5:30pm.
Join PAD at the Senior Center! Our potluck will start at 5:30 and the zoom portion of the meeting will start at 6:00 pm.
Please join us, bring a friend, and bring a dish to share. If you aren't able to bring a dish, come anyway.
Potluck dinner breakdown by last name:
S-W Dessert or wine
A-I Side dish or salad
J-R Entree
Membership Update: PAD membership unanimously voted to approve a land acknowledgment honoring and recognizing indigenous people of the greater Plymouth area past and present.
Join our remote meeting at 6pm: Register Here
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Grafton County, NH State Rep.
Lincoln, Woodstock, Easton, Livermore
Jerry Stringham
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Grafton County, NH State Rep.
Ellsworth, Thornton, Waterville Valley
Heather Baldwin
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Grafton County, NH State Rep.
Tommy Hoyt
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Grafton County, NH State Rep. Rumney, Wentworth, Orford
Craig Tomlinson
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Grafton County, NH State Rep. Ashland, Holderness, Plymouth
Bill Bolton
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Grafton County, NH State Rep.
Ashland, Holderness, Plymouth
Sallie Fellows
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Grafton County, NH State Rep.
Ashland, Holderness, Plymouth
Peter Lovett
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Grafton County, NH State Rep.
Canaan, Dorchester, Orange
Corinne Morse
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Grafton County, NH State Rep. Bridgewater, Bristol
Taylor Largmann
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Grafton County, NH State Rep.
Alexandria, Grafton, Groton, Hebron
Catherine Mulholland
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Grafton County, NH State Rep.
Alexandria, Bridgewater, Bristol, Canaan, Dorchester, Enfield, Grafton, Groton, Hebron, Orange
Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban
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Plymouth Area Down-Ballot Weekend Canvassing!
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Weekly Weekend Canvasses from Plymouth
Saturdays in September thru October 15, 2022
Sundays in September 18 October 16, 2022
10:00 AM until 1:00 PM
12:00 PM until 3:00 PM
2:00 PM until 5:00 PM
4:00 PM until 7:00 PM
Shift times may vary
Join Organize NH during September - October to knock on doors in the Plymouth area for all of our incredible local candidates!
We are so excited to knock doors all over New Hampshire to connect directly with voters on the importance of winning back the state legislature, executive council, and governorship for Democrats. By winning at the local level, Democrats will be able to enact policies that improve the lives of all Granite Staters.
We will start the canvassing shift with our messaging updates and current materials you will need to volunteer. Please contact Sam Weiss if you have any questions or need any accommodations at! Click on the link below to register for a shift.
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PAD Field Office
Opening Soon
Special Thanks!
Thank you to Alex Ray & his team and PAD's generous donors for supporting PAD's efforts to open a field office. The office is located at 300 Main St in Plymouth (on the corner of Fairgrounds Road and Main Street). The Field office opening date and hours of operation will be announced at that September 24th meeting.
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Save Forest Lake
Veto Override Rally Update
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Sep 16, 2022, Fantastic rally at the NH State Capitol to support the override of Governor Sununu's illogical veto of HB1454, which would have strengthened water protections in New Hampshire. As you will see, the bill was a common-sense, science-backed bill, as explained by several speakers, along with several who have been impacted by life in Merrimack, NH, where PFAS contamination has plagued the lives of those living there.
The House voted overwhelmingly to support the veto override, only to move on to the NH Senate, where Senators angrily voted against the override...thus, the current, insufficient 200-foot setback for siting a new landfill next to a NH lake, river, or coastal water remains in place. A sad day for NH, but the fight continues and now with state-wide recognition and support.
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Education Vouchers Cost's Climb to 14.7 Million
Latest update from Support Our Schools New Hampshire
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The majority of the new enrollees this year are kids who were ALREADY in a private school/home school/or some other non-public school situation.
The EFA program has 6% of students receiving special education aid. NH public schools as a whole have about 19.1%.
The AFP (Americans For Prosperity) has been advertising these vouchers to try to get people to sign up. Why would a libertarian group that aims to lower taxes care about vouchers?
End Game: Because they want to defund and dismantle public schools.
What will actually happen: We will end up paying higher taxes to sustain both public schools AND vouchers.
Source: Support Our Schools New Hampshire
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PAD Candidate Table at Town-Wide Yard Sale
Saturday September 10th was a warm, sunny late summer day, perfect for vendors and shoppers attending the Plymouth Town Wide Yard Sale at the community site, located at the Plymouth Municipal Airport. PAD volunteers arrived at the site early to set up a canopy and table. The first and only challenge was setting up the canopy, and we gratefully accepted the assistance from the young students and Ms. Denise Castonguay manning the Mt. Prospect Academy table next to ours.
Unlike most of the folks setting up shop, PAD was not selling heirloom furniture, handmade quilts other collectibles. Instead, our volunteers were there to display campaign signs, handout candidate flyers handbills, and voter information. We welcomed residents from PAD towns who wanted to be better informed about PAD, our mission and asked to be included in the PAD newsletter mailing list.
Residents from Rumney, Ashland, Plymouth, Bristol, Campton, Holderness, and a few from Maine, Vermont and Massachusetts even stopped to chat. Most agreed that electing a Democrat majority in the mid-term elections is critical not just in the New Hampshire State races but across the USA, and our NH visitors all pledged to vote in November.
Candidates Bill Bolton, Peter Lovett, Sallie Fellows, Tom Hoyt, Sue Prentiss and Marcia Morris all brought additional campaign materials then spent several hours at the PAD booth, and walked the concourse to say hello to and engage with the crowds. We collected a few much needed donations A special shout out to Jan Ahern, who spent the entire day volunteering at the the PAD booth. Jan had a winning smile and friendly greeting for anyone who stopped by our table.
By the 2:30 pm the crowds were dispersed, the concourse was all but empty. PAD volunteers packed up our table and canopy, and headed home, glad to have participated in a good day and way to get the word out Democrats.
By PAD Secretary, Jane Helfrich
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• David Koch and John H. Sununu both study engineering at MIT from 1958-1963.
• Bestseller Atlas Shrugged, by Russian refugee Ayn Rand, lionizes American capitalists as beleaguered heroes. America's economy is collapsing because they are not allowed to pursue profit unchecked. “Greed is good,” her characters declare. They abandon the US to create a Libertarian utopia.
• Koch Industries is the largest private US firm, with $115 Bil in revenues, mostly from petrochemicals. In 1980, David Koch runs for VP. His Libertarian platform demands the end of Medicare, Social Security, public schools, aid to children, the Fed, the Post Office, the Environmental Protection and most other Agencies.
Read More
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New Hampshire is located on N'dakinna, which is the traditional ancestral homeland of the Pennacook, Abenaki, and Wabanaki Peoples past and present. Plymouth Area Democrats acknowledge and honor with gratitude the spiritual and physical connection to the aki (land), nebi (water), awan (air), lolakwikak (flora), and awwaasak (fauna) of the alnobak (people) who have stewarded N'dakinna throughout the generations and who continue to carry forward the traditions of their ancestors. | |
Plymouth Area Democrats
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