City of Cumming
May 2020
City Facilities Remain Closed Through May 13
Due to continued concerns surrounding the Covid-19 situation, the City of Cumming has extended the closure of City owned and operated facilities to the public through May 13, 2020.

City business will be conducted via telephone, email, and other electronic means during this time of closure. Click here for a list of City of Cumming contact information.

The May 5, 2020 Work Session of the Mayor and City Council will be held via live stream video on the City's YouTube channel.

Additionally, the Cumming Recreation & Parks Department has cancelled all programs and activities through May 24, 2020, and the Cumming Aquatic Center will remain closed through June 12.

City leadership continues to monitor the Covid-19 situation on a daily basis, and announce any changes to City closures, suspensions, etc. on the Covid-19 web page as well as the City's Facebook page. Be sure to check these pages frequently for the most up-to-date information.

The City of Cumming thanks everyone for their continued patience as we navigate these unusual times!
May Events Cancelled or Postponed
Several City of Cumming events which had originally been planned for May have been either cancelled or postponed in light of the ongoing public health concerns associated with Covid-19.

The annual Memorial Day Ceremony, which would have been held on May 22, has been cancelled; however, dedications of new Avenue of Flags families will be incorporated into the Veterans Day Ceremony on Nov. 11, 2020.

Forsyth County Relay for Life, which was scheduled for May 1 at the Cumming Fairgrounds, has been rescheduled to Oct. 23 at the Fairgrounds. All other Fairgrounds' events that had been scheduled for May have been cancelled.

The Sawnee Association of the Arts has temporarily closed the Cumming Arts Center (located in the historic Brannon-Heard House). The SAA's Spring Art Show has been postponed to the fall, with the specific dates to be announced later.

For the most up-to-date information on cancellations and postponements of City of Cumming events, go to, the City's main Facebook page or the Fairgrounds' Facebook page.
May Work Session to be Held via Live Stream Only
The work session of Mayor & City Council scheduled for May 5, 2020 will be held only via live stream on the City's YouTube channel and Facebook page, as authorized by O.C.G.A. 50-14-1(g). Tune in at 6 p.m. on May 5 to view the work session. Future meetings may or may not be live streamed based on Covid-19 advisements in place on the date of the meeting. All meeting information will be posted on the City's Covid-19 information page prior to the meeting date.
Council Applies for State Route Roadside Beautification Grant
Following cancellation of the April Work Session, Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council held the April Regular Meeting via live streaming video on the City's YouTube Channel. During that meeting, Council approved a resolution allowing the City to apply for a $50,000 Roadside Enhancement and Beautification Grant, which Mayor Troy Brumbalow explained could be utilized for landscaping along state routes inside the City Limits.

The City was also recently named one of 12 recipients of a Georgia Department of Natural Resources trails grant. This $200,000 grant will be used to help fund the trail and boardwalk system at the Cumming City Center.

Also during the April Regular Meeting, City Council:

  • Authorized Mayor Brumbalow to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation in reference to the Mountain Road intersection with Ga. Hwy. 9.

  • Authorized Mayor Brumbalow to sign a quitclaim deed to Forsyth County and to donate the right-of-way along Mountain Road to the County for the purpose of enabling the County to maintain a new storm drain pipe.

  • Authorized the Department of Utilities to request proposals for a security camera system at the Water Production Facility and Raw Water Intake Facility, and authorized installation of a low-pressure sewer line along Delamar Drive with the condition that the price of replacing the sod and other landscaping would be compared to what the City's demand service provider, Watson Landscaping, could provide.

  • Adopted revisions to the Cumming Utilities' Ordinance, Storm Water Infrastructure Management Program, and Storm Water System and Technical Standards Manual.

City Council Work Session - May 5 at 6 p.m. ( NOTE: This meeting will be held via live stream only on the City's YouTube channel and Facebook page. Future meetings may or may not be live streamed based on Covid-19 advisements in place on the date of the meeting.)

Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - May 19 at 5 p.m.

Regular City Council Meeting - May 19 at 6 p.m.

All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.

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