Following cancellation of the April Work Session, Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council held the April Regular Meeting via live streaming video on the City's YouTube Channel. During that meeting, Council approved a resolution allowing the City to apply for a $50,000 Roadside Enhancement and Beautification Grant, which Mayor Troy Brumbalow explained could be utilized for landscaping along state routes inside the City Limits.
The City was also recently named one of 12 recipients of a Georgia Department of Natural Resources trails grant. This $200,000 grant will be used to help fund the trail and boardwalk system at the Cumming City Center.
Also during the April Regular Meeting, City Council:
- Authorized Mayor Brumbalow to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement with the Georgia Department of Transportation in reference to the Mountain Road intersection with Ga. Hwy. 9.
- Authorized Mayor Brumbalow to sign a quitclaim deed to Forsyth County and to donate the right-of-way along Mountain Road to the County for the purpose of enabling the County to maintain a new storm drain pipe.
- Authorized the Department of Utilities to request proposals for a security camera system at the Water Production Facility and Raw Water Intake Facility, and authorized installation of a low-pressure sewer line along Delamar Drive with the condition that the price of replacing the sod and other landscaping would be compared to what the City's demand service provider, Watson Landscaping, could provide.
- Adopted revisions to the Cumming Utilities' Ordinance, Storm Water Infrastructure Management Program, and Storm Water System and Technical Standards Manual.