2020 Volume: Edition 3
To our Sport for Life champions worldwide,             

Everyone has a place in the physical literacy and quality sport ecosystem. As a non-profit, diversity is at the foundation of what we do. We’re always looking for new ways that people can be included, embraced and empowered. In this newsletter you’ll find stories about innovative ways sport organizations are championing inclusion and changing lives, and you can read all about the physical literacy initiatives aiming to keep our communities moving.

Also, this month we’re sharing a new COVID-19 resource page that highlights the great work being done by so many organizations these days to help keep our population active. This list of resources and activities should help you shake the isolation blues!
Championing francophone physical literacy, safe sport

When it comes to the rapidly evolving physical literacy landscape in Canada, Quebec is quickly becoming a hotbed of innovation. Not only have francophones embraced the movement, they’ve already taken the lead on key initiatives. During the Sport for Life Canadian Summit this year, francophone delegates came together for a day-long exploration of their successes so far and the challenges to come.

E-learning: Effective Board Governance, Recruitment and Retention of Volunteers, and Cultural Awareness in Youth Sport available at 30% off during the month of May

Effective Board Governance educates volunteer workers about acceptable and unacceptable attitudes and behaviours, how to respond appropriately, and their role in supporting a respectful, productive volunteer environment. Cultural Awareness in Youth Sport examines the basic concept of culture and provides sport leaders with practical ways to model cultural awareness to youth players. Recruitment and Retention of Volunteers examines the challenges facing volunteer-based organizations that must recruit, train and retain volunteers.  

What is PL4C?

For Drew Mitchell, overseeing the Physical Literacy for Communities (PL4C) program feels a little bit like being the conductor of a giant orchestra.

First, there’s each community that’s working on developing physical literacy: over 25 in B.C., six in Ontario and two in Nunavut. He oversees their working groups, each of them with unique partnerships and perspectives, as they work to create effective relationships across sectors.

Team Canada field hockey team champions diversity

Field hockey is one of the most popular sports on the planet, currently being played in over 100 countries worldwide, and one of its most exciting areas of growth is in Canada. It tends to attract newcomers who were initially introduced to the sport elsewhere. First generation Canadians, the children of these newcomers, learn about it from their parents. Because of that, the current Team Canada consists of a diverse cast of athletes with ties to countries from all over the world.

Four questions with Alex Chiet

Alex Chiet left a promising career in Canadian sports to become a national consultant for Sport New Zealand, and arrived just in time to be a catalyst for a shake-up of the country's five largest youth sport organizations. As a champion of fun and inclusion, he’s been overseeing a culture shift that will change the face of Kiwi sport for years to come. Sport for Life reached out to him to see if his successes could be replicated in a Canadian context.

Newcomer hockey program empowers youth

Moezine Hasham owes his hockey career to a thoughtful neighbour.
The Canadian-born son of Ugandan refugees of Indian descent, Hasham grew up in a diverse, multicultural community in Vancouver. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case on the ice. He was approximately five years old and had never stepped foot on a hockey rink when a friend’s mother offered her son’s hockey equipment and encouraged his parents to give it a try. 

Canada prepares for the next generation of basketball

Canadian basketball is quickly joining soccer and hockey when it comes to large-scale participation nationally. Many of those behind the growth are doing it with a focus on holistic outcomes instead of elite performance. Rather than setting their sights on replicating the recent successes of the Toronto Raptors, coaches and youth activity leaders are being encouraged to focus on the day-to-day needs of the youngsters flooding into the sport. Ensuring that they’re having fun is the first priority.

Facing COVID-19 Together

This month we’re sharing a new COVID-19 resource page that highlights the great work being done by so many organizations these days to help keep our population active. This list of resources and activities should help you shake the isolation blues!

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We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada. 
Sport for Life Society |   (778) 433-2066 |