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Christian Formation and Education
 July 7, 2020

The Mission of St. John’s is to be a community of God’s people who heal brokenness, build bridges, and exemplify borderless kindness.
Lectionary Based Bible Study - Zoom

Each Wednesday, at 7:00 p.m., we will look forward to worship by focusing on the lectionary readings for the following Sunday.

Note that the Waiting Room is enabled for this meeting, so somebody logged into the St. John’s account must be present to admit people into the meeting. This is to protect the meeting participants from any possible "trolls" who might try to interrupt our Bible study. The meeting facilitator will admit you to the meeting as quickly as possible.

Also, the lectionary page link for the specific week is posted on the web site with links via Facebook, for both English and Spanish lectionaries. These are posted under the “Resources for Online Worship” (English) or “Recursos para el culto en línea” (Spanish) header on the web site homepage.

Use this button to join the Zoom meeting via computer, tablet, or smartphone:
Or join the meeting by phone. Dial +1 346 248 7799 and enter the following information when prompted.

Meeting ID: 816 9335 1099
Password: 023321
Thursday Morning Fellowship - Zoom

The Thursday Morning Fellowship will continue to meet
(via Zoom) at 10:00 a.m. each Thursday. We are currently discussing current events and will have visiting speakers. What do YOU want to read, study, explore in order to deepen your own spirituality and/or knowledge about the Christian life and how to live it? If you have any questions, please contact Elaine Jackson ( or 512-832-5663.)

Note that the Waiting Room is enabled for this meeting, so somebody logged into the St. John’s account must be present to admit people into the meeting. This is to protect the meeting participants from any possible "trolls" who might try to interrupt our study. The meeting facilitator will admit you to the meeting as quickly as possible.

Use this button to join the Zoom meeting via computer, tablet, or smartphone:
Or join the meeting by phone. Dial +1 346 248 7799 and enter the following information when prompted.

Meeting ID: 821 5253 7149
Password: 771003
Reaffirmation of Faith

Although we do not yet know when we will begin re-gathering, or if Bishop Ryan will be able to actually visit St. John's on August 30, we are planning 4 Wednesday evening sessions for preparation prior to Bishop Ryan's proposed visit: August 5, 12, 19, 26. Becoming Beloved Community, a program developed by The Episcopal Church, is designed as a strategic path through distinct phases that lead to personal and structural transformation . “You’re not looking at a set of programs,” Presiding Bishop Curry explained. “You’re looking at a path for how we, as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, can more fully and prayerfully embody the loving, liberating, life-giving way of Jesus in our relationships with each other. Look at the scriptures, at Christian history. There is no doubt that Beloved Community, healing, justice and reconciliation are at the heart of Jesus’ movement in this world.”

We will continue to utilize Zoom for these meetings.

If you wish to be baptised, confirmed, or received, or if you have any questions about reaffirmation, please feel free to contact Fay Jones by email (

Only Rev. Ann and essential support staff will be in the Chapel for the streaming of services as w e continue to follow the direction of government officials and the guidance of our Bishop.

All meetings and activities at St. John's are temporarily suspended.

Ministry continues. All St. John's meetings will be held virtually (via Zoom).

We will post a notification here, on Facebook, and on our website when this restriction has been lifted.
St. John's Episcopal Church
 P. O. Box 81493, Austin, TX 78708-1493

Virtual Sunday Services
10:00 am in English (Facebook and website)
Mediodía en español (Facebook y sitio web)
For more information about events at St. John’s,
please visit our website at