November 13, 2020

Board of Education Update
The Board of Education met on Tuesday, November 10, 2020. Below are summarized highlights of the meeting, but for detailed information about all agenda items addressed during the meeting, please click here to access the agenda and referenced documents, and click here to access a digital recording of the Open Session meeting. The next regularly scheduled meeting will take place on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 7 p.m.
Information Items 
COVID-19 Compliance Team and TK-2 Waiver Update
Chief Technology Officer Dr. Stephen Choi provided another update about work performed by the District's COVID-19 Compliance Team, which consists of about 30 administrators, teachers, staff, counselors and parents and represents all aspects of the SMUSD community. 
In addition to reporting on the successful compliance visit to SMUSD campuses by the Los Angeles Department of Public Health, Dr. Choi discussed the different ways that in-person programs are currently allowed on school district campuses.  In addition to allowing day care programs for school-aged children, LADPH allows specialized services for defined subgroups.  Currently, the District has about 20 special education students receiving in-person services and about 150 athletes participating in in-person conditioning and socially-distanced practices by sport and cohort.  Athletes have returned on a staggered basis, and plans are underway to allow athletes participating in soccer, water polo and baseball to return.  San Marino High School is also working on making in-person PSAT testing available.
Dr. Choi also discussed the application process for waivers to conduct in-person elementary education for TK-2 grades.  The District submitted a waiver application and was informed that it could take three weeks for the LADPH to make a decision.  In the meantime, the COVID-19 Compliance Team is continuing to prepare schools for in-person learning, and the District is working with the employee bargaining units to refine best practices for in-person instruction.
Please click here to view the presentation and visit to access the latest data, reopening protocols, plans, schedules, training, and communications.
Students with Exceptional Needs Cohorts
Dr. Lena Richter, Executive Director of Educational Services, and Mrs. Abigail Cabrera, Director of Special Education, presented a review of the first four weeks of in-person support services for the District's special education students.  Mrs. Cabrera explained that after a review of student needs, only some special education students could meet the LADPH mandates for mask wearing and social distancing required for in-person support.  Of the 22 eligible students, about 14 are regularly attending school and receiving support for on-line instruction, such as assistance with technology and lesson review.  Classrooms have been rearranged to ensure compliance with public health mandates as well as accommodation of students' needs.
Special education cohorts are currently provided at the elementary and middle schools, and the District is planning on opening a high school cohort at SMHS shortly.  Mrs. Cabrera continues to work with the school site principals to review and improve the programs, with aides to provide on-going training to support students online, and with parents to provide updates on supports that work for their students.
Local Control Accountability Plan
As set forth in earlier Board Updates, due to COVID-19, changes have been made in the format and requirements of the Local Control Accountability Plan, and school districts were required to instead adopt a Learning Continuity Plan for the 2020-21 school year.  After timely submitting its LCP and receiving feedback from the Los Angeles County Office of Education, the District made the minor recommended amendments suggested by LACOE.  Dr. Lena Richter explained the amendments made to the Board and will resubmit the amended LCP to LACOE (Board approval is not required).
Action Items 
Public Hearing and Second Reading of Resolution No. 11 Regarding the Renewal of the District's Education Parcel Tax/Measure E
After a Public Hearing, the Board adopted Resolution No. 11 to call for an election to renew its education parcel tax/Measure E on March 2, 2021.  Passage of Measure E is essential to the District as the educational parcel tax supports about 33 teaching positions, and the loss of that revenue source will lead to increased class sizes and the potential loss of many programs that provide excellent educational opportunities for SMUSD students.  Parents and community volunteers are encouraged to join the campaign committee to communicate the importance of Measure E to the San Marino community.
Resolution No. 12 Authorizing the Borrowing of Funds for Fiscal Year 2020-21  
The Board approved and authorized the issuance of a Tax and Revenue Anticipation Note ("TRAN") by the District in an amount not to exceed $3,000,000.  As is typical with many school districts, especially those without significant cash reserves, the District experiences cash flow shortfalls between its anticipated expenditures and its estimated receipt of revenues.  Because school districts do not receive a steady flow of revenue from the State but instead receive a significant portion of their revenue only after property taxes have been collected in December and April, and in light of the State's announcement that it will defer the issuance of State funding, the SMUSD must address its cash flow shortfall by the issuance of a TRAN.  The District is able to participate in the California Education Notes Program with similarly rated school districts at very low interest rates.
Certification of Signatures
The Board approved Dr. Lena Richter to sign and authorize warrants, salary payments and contracts in her capacity as Executive Director of Educational Services.

Congratulations to Carver Elementary School for being recognized as a 2020 National Blue Ribbon School!
San Marino Unified School District Board of Education

C. Joseph Chang
Shelley Ryan
Vice President
Corey Barberie
Lisa Link 
Chris Norgaard