news & events
To the Community of Saint Paul’s Church,
So often in our lives we get so focused on the destination that we fail to appreciate the journey that gets us there. When we first suspended in-person activities and worship at Saint Paul’s most of us believed it was going to be brief and that in no time we would be back to just the way things were. Now we know that is not the case.
Once again, I must announce an extension. All in-person activities at Saint Paul’s will be suspended until at least September 8. You notice that again I use the words “at least.” We don’t know when we will reach the end of this journey we are on together, so it seems best to me to make the most of the journey that lies ahead.
During these times there are things going on within the life of Saint Paul’s Church. A committee of the Vestry has been gathered to plan for our eventual return to in-person worship. They will be using the Diocese of Georgia guidelines to make our initial gatherings as safe as possible. They are exploring creative options that will begin to draw us back together physically.
The Search Committee is beginning the important work of placing before the Vestry the very best candidate to serve as your new Rector. Your prayers and words of support are vital in the task that is before them. They will be commissioned this coming Sunday, July 26. Expect in the weeks to come a timeline that will outline the process.
We continue to connect through phone and Zoom, Facebook Live, and radio. Keith, Sarah, and members of our choir continue to put voice to our songs of prayer and praise each Sunday. Although not in the same space, the music they offer draws us together.
Elisabeth is a master at holding all we do together. All the small and large pieces of our work and witness are supported by her constant efforts.
Work continues on our handicap access. When we do gather again, those with mobility issues will find Saint Paul’s to be even more inviting and welcoming. Work on the new handicap restrooms will begin before too long.
On August 2 we will begin a new way of connecting via Coffee and Conversation. At 10:35 we will gather via Zoom simply to touch bases with one another and on the 2nd Sundays celebrate Parish birthdays.
As we continue in our own ways to reach out to one another; to worship together throughout the week; to give for the ongoing work of the Church; to simply care deeply for one another; the journey becomes worthwhile. It is in all these things we continue to be Christ’s body in ways we never expected.
Let us always remember that any journey is a reminder that all of life is an adventure. Our journey awakens curiosity and wonder at what surrounds us. With each step we draw closer to all God has in store for us. Let us also remember that we may stumble, we may skip, we may run and yes even fall, but the journey should be cherished as we travel together.
May God’s blessings continue to be poured upon us, and may we all at the end of this journey look back with gratitude.
Commissioning of the Search Committee
Sunday, July 26
10:40 a.m.
One of my favorite memories with Deacon Mary Kathleen “MK” Blanchard is one where we failed her. At the end of a service, MK sent us out into the world in peace; when we responded, our “alleluias” fell flat. With a big smile and a little attitude, she gave us a chance do it again with enthusiasm, and we did!
As Paul says in 2 Corinthians, “he who sows sparingly will reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will reap bountifully.” While this may be taken a little out of context, the sentiment is that important things require effort. Sunday morning, we will prayerfully commission the search committee; we need to do so with energy and joy!
I invite you to participate in the process by joining with the search committee as they are called on our behalf. Our prayers will guide the process of discernment; our joy will welcome a new rector. Alleluia! Alleluia!
Ashley Wright,
Senior Warden
SUMMER GATHERINGS WITH GODLY PLAY- Children through 5th grade
Sundays, 9:30 a.m.
OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID:
366 090 592
This gathering will be a relaxed time where we have the chance to connect and talk with each other, share a story or activity, sing, and pray together. We will continue to meet at our regular formation time, Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. and you can join us by using the same link and password that we have been using each week.
See you Sunday!
Sundays, 9:30 a.m.
OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 860 972 849
OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923
The Rector's Forum offers a time and place for engaging conversation that is not anchored to a specific curriculum or topic. Always we consider how to honestly and faithfully live out our Baptismal vows, now more than ever!
Ministry of Racial Healing & Reconciliation
Fr. Jenkins invites everyone called and interested to participate in the ministry of racial healing and dismanteling racism in our culture. The parish group forming will create ministry opportunities within the framework of The Episcopal Church’s
Becoming Beloved Community
This coming week
The Episcopal Church
offers three different Becoming Beloved Community webinars to prime and energize our church.
Becoming Beloved Community webinars
Email Fr. Jenkins
to connect with this new ministry, or to express your thoughts and concerns.
The Universal Christ, by Fr. Richard Rohr
Eight, 90 minute weekly sessions; beginning week of August 9; meeting time TBD by participants.
Facilitator: Fr. Jenkins
Insights shared by a Saint Paul's participant:
"It led me on a journey that I never expected. It answered questions that I've had all of my life and helped me see things clearly and in a new light while at the same time making me ask new questions. I see people and things differently now. I see Christ in all things and in new ways. I feel a reassurance in these uncertain times and for the first time, I see a glimpse of how I might fit into this eternal plan. I'm thankful and thirsty for more. It was like drinking a cool glass of water on a really hot day."
This small group gathers for eight structured meetings to reflect on passages from each week’s reading assignment. The content explores the meaning of Christ incarnated and implications following and practicing Christianity.
If you are curious and would appreciate speaking with a parishioner who already has completed the 8 session program, Fr. Jenkins can connect you will several people who welcome this conversation.
NOT INTERESTED in the Reflection Group, consider LISTENING to the podcast:
Another Name For Every Thing
. Season 1 presents conversations about the book. Subsequent seasons delve into being Christian from the theological perspective of the Universal Christ.
Audience: All parishioners, visitors, and guests
Our church's deepest and strongest roots are found in daily common prayer.
The Book of Common Prayer
contains a variety of daily prayer services for both private or public
use, but few Episcopalians today are comfortable with how to pray these prayers solo or in community (in whatever form it presently takes). Praying Together offers tutorials about prayer and our prayer tradition so that everyone may learn how to pray the daily prayers of our church, giving their attention and intention to God's presence in the community of common prayer.
Contact Fr. Jenkins
if you would like to request instruction about a particular daily prayer service or at a particular time.
Noonday Prayer
Wednesday, July 29, 12:30 p.m.
OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454
OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923
Gather online to pray the service of Noonday Prayer. The service will be led by members of the parish and the bulletin will be presented through Zoom so all may participate.
Noonday Prayer is a short and simple service which allows prayer to enter into the midst of our daily work or other activities, while joining our prayers in the ongoing prayer of the Church around the world. It may also be observed in private and is found
online here
and on p.103-107 in The Book of Common Prayer (BCP) or in the simplified version daily devotions on page 138.
Centering Prayer Tutorial and "Sit"
Contemplative prayer tutorials resume next week.
Contemplative practices
facilitate and deepen our relationship with God.” This tutorial will offer a "beginner's” approach to the practice of Centering Prayer. “The more we practice and allow the transformation process to happen, the more we are able to experience the Indwelling Presence in everything we do."
Immediately following the tutorial and a very short “sit,” we join the parish for the liturgy of Compline on the same zoom meeting at 8 p.m.
Inquiries, questions to be addressed in the tutorial? Please send them in advance to
Fr. John Jenkins
Compline – Facebook Live and Zoom
Wednesdays, 8 - 8:15 p.m., social time follows worship on Zoom.
OR from Zoom App, Meeting ID: 595 177 454
OR phone-in: (646) 876-9923
Compline is a beautiful, simple, and quiet service to end the day together in prayer with God. This service is led by members of the parish using an on-screen bulletin so everyone may pray together.
Following the prayers, which are streamed on Facebook Live, those who gather through Zoom have opportunity for a mid-week visit.
Coffee and Conversation...on Zoom!
Sundays at 10:35 a.m., beginning August 2
Grab a cup of coffee and join us on Zoom before the 11 a.m. service for a few moments of fellowship! Participants will be split into "rooms" of 5-6 people to allow everyone a chance to simply catch up with your Saint Paul's family. We miss seeing all of you and look forward to this new opportunity to gather together. See ya on Zoom!
Be on the look out for more information, including the Zoom login, in the next few emails from the Parish Office.
Saint Paul's Faithfulness
Offerings pledged this Week $15,000.00
Offerings received this Week $5,191.00
Operating Expenses to Date $542,483.62
Total Income Received to Date $526,649.09
Stewardship Campaign:
2020 Pledge Cards Received to Date 174
Forward Day by Day is here!
The new Day by Day issue for August, September, and October has arrived. If you would like to have one mailed to you, please
contact the parish office
Forward Day by Day is a booklet of daily, "page-a-day," inspirational meditations each reflecting on a specific Bible passage from the daily lectionary readings of the Episcopal Church. The meditations are rich in substance and offer a wide range of witness and experiences.
Are we missing your birthday?