Week of December 26, 2021, With St. Martin's
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The Leaflet for this week's service can be found by going to
Epiphany House Blessings
It is traditional to have homes blessed during the season of Epiphany. This blessing may occur in one of two ways:

Option One: You and your family may bless your home by inscribing an Epiphany blessing on the lentil of your door with blessed chalk. The blessing uses the initials of the names of the three wise men (Casper, Melchior, and Balthasar) to create an anagram which represents a latin prayer, Christus Mansionem Benedicat- which means "Christ bless this house." The blessing is written as: 20+C+M+B+22

Blessed chalk will be available in the narthex on Sunday and a simple liturgy for the house blessing will be posted on the website.

Option Two: You may make an appointment with Father Rob to come to your house blessing at your home during the season of Epiphany. The season of Epiphany begins on January 7, and ends on Mardi Gras, March 1. The cycle of Christmas ends on the feast of the Presentation, also known as Candlemas. The greens will be removed from the church after the end of the 12 days of Christmastide, but the creche will remain throughout the season and will be removed after Candlemas (February 2).
RITE 13 in December
We will gather again in the Lady Chapel on Sunday, January 2, after the 10:30 am Mass.
Upcoming Dates
January 23, 2022 - Annual Meeting - There will be a joint Mass at 10:30 am on that weekend, and the meeting will follow the Mass.
Parishioner in Need of Transportation
Linda Virtue is in need of some help with transportation to her health/ recovery facilities. She needs someone who might be able to provide transportation once a week. Could be any time of the day but would be a commitment of at least an hour. The facilities are maybe 20 -30 minutes away depending on whom she’s seeing that day. Please call her at 732-271-8026 for more details. 
Pandemic Cookbook
There has been renewed interest in purchasing more copies of the cookbook we created last year. If you are interested in buying a copy, please email Alison ASAP so that she can order some from the publisher. 20 copies = $22 per book; 30 copies = $20 per book.
Prayer Requests
  • The family of Sam Kearton.
  • Juanita asks for prayers for the family of Gloribel Ayala who passed away.
  • Marilyn has requested prayers for Andrea, Stephanie, Alex, and Kelsey.
  • Anne Marie Verdiramo's mother Marion, who had surgery.
  • Lauren Jandak who has tested positive for Covid.

Please send your prayer intentions to Philip at
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Contact information for Fr. Rob or