Parish Newsletter
March 2021

Dear Parishioners and Friends,

It is with great joy that I share some news about Incarnation’s plans for reopening. The Bishop of New York has lifted Diocesan restrictions on gathering for public worship, while leaving in place all protocols around worshiping safely - masking, distancing, limitations on singing and safe practice of the Eucharist. Adhering to these safety protocols and also public health guidelines, we are taking the following steps for resuming public worship.
  • We will resume the Sunday 8:30 a.m. service of Holy Eucharist on March 21 and the Wednesday 12:15 p.m. service of Holy Eucharist on March 24.
  • We will resume in-person worship at the Sunday 11:00 a.m. principal service on Palm Sunday, March 28, while continuing to live stream this service on YouTube.
  • Likewise, our services on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday will be both in person and live streamed.
  • And, of course, this means we can worship in person on Easter Sunday!  
Please see this flyer listing all Holy Week and Easter services, including those held on Zoom. For now, the Sunday 5:00 p.m. service will remain on Zoom, as will weekday services of the Daily Office and all parish programming.

Reopening is an incremental process. It will be some time before our communal life is fully restored, and there is always the chance that we will need to backtrack should Covid numbers go up. I also know that some parishioners are still not comfortable coming to church until we emerge from the pandemic. Holy Week and Easter will be spent online once again for many in our congregation. I hope the palm cross enclosed with the March newsletter might be a small comfort and tangible reminder that we all remain united in Christ’s self-giving love and victory over the grave.  
If you are not on our mailing list and would like to be, reply to this email with your address. Hard copies of this letter along with palm crosses will be mailed this week.

Palm Sunday, always a chief feast in the liturgical calendar, will be especially festive as the first in-person Sunday 11:00 a.m. service in over a year. On that day the music will begin with a plainchant antiphon and an Entrada from the 20th century; the music for Holy Week and Easter Day will be representative of most of the periods in between. There will be solos from each of the singers of Incarnation’s choir and, on Easter morning, trumpet music from Ray Riccomini, principal trumpet of the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra. 

May the music of this season contribute to a deeper sense of what it means to be baptized into Christ’s death, and risen with him.

--David Ralph


Family Ministries

Children’s Chapel continues to go from strength to strength at 9:00 a.m. each Sunday morning on Zoom, with growing lay leadership. Families will receive packets in the mail with a few treats and crafts for Holy Week and Easter, and we look forward to celebrating Easter Day together.

The Parenting Group has moved meetings in 2021 to mid-week evening social hours - and we will gather next on the Feast of the Annunciation, Thursday, March 25, at 8:00 p.m. We thought it fitting for parents to gather on a day dedicated to the Holy Mother!


The 20s/30s Group continues its second installment of our four-part speaker series in collaboration with Trinity Church Wall Street on Tuesday, March 23, at 7:00 p.m. We will gather on Zoom to hear about the daily rhythms, challenges and joys of the monastic experience with Brother Aidan, Guestmaster and Groundskeeper at Holy Cross Monastery in West Park, New York. All young adults in their 20s or 30s are welcome. Please contact me to be added to the 20s/30s email distribution list.

Mission & Outreach

We had a parish volunteer day at Crossroads Food Pantry at St. Bart’s on Park Ave. on Thursday, March 4, and look forward to our next opportunity to serve in the coming weeks. Please let me know know if you are interested in joining. We are coming to the end of our Mission and Outreach Discernment Committee work and hope to have made a decision on which new organization we will be supporting as a parish by Eastertide. And, we are delighted to confirm that Incarnation will be providing an Easter brunch for our friends at Moravian Open Door.

Bible Study

We continue with our 10:00 a.m. Sunday morning study of Second Isaiah using the Yale Bible Study curriculum. All are encouraged to attend on Zoom, and we welcome newcomers at any time!

--The Rev. Rik Pike


Pledges for 2021 continue to rise. We are now at a total of $198,228, getting close to our $200,000 goal for this year. When parishioners make a financial commitment to Incarnation in the form of a pledge, it helps the church be wise in our financial planning and decisions. We know and trust that God will provide all we need as a church. But when we have a record of the giving commitments of the people of the church, it allows our leadership to be accountable stewards of God’s provisions. You can still make a pledge online or by emailing me directly.

Another way to support Incarnation is by providing for the future of our parish through planned giving. Our late Treasurer, Michael Linburn, established the Incarnation Legacy Society for those who intend to remember Incarnation in their wills—as he did. Let me know if you wish to be included. Every year we remember with gratitude those who made bequests to Incarnation in recent years. This year, Legacy Sunday will be observed on March 21. Through planned giving, we help assure the continuing witness and work of the Church and other institutions that have sustained and nourished us during our lifetime.


At this time of year, many parishioners wish to make donations for Easter flowers or music, either in thanksgiving or in memory of loved ones. I am thrilled that we will have our full array of Easter lilies, hydrangeas and more, as well as a trumpet to celebrate Easter morn. You can return this form with your donation by mail, drop it off at the Parish House, or place it in the offering plate at church.


One of our most beloved parishioners, Mihail Georgescu, turns 90 years old on April 3. In celebration and thanksgiving for his presence among us, our Zoom Coffee Hour on Easter Sunday, April 4, will be in his honor. We will have a trivia game about his life - including his years of service as Incarnation’s Sexton - and other festive activities for Easter. Please join us, and be sure to wear your best, funniest, or most creative Easter hat! You can find Zoom access information in the weekly e-minder.


Ready to get back to the basics? Our annual Confirmation and Inquirers’ Class is for all interested in the Episcopal Church’s understanding of Christian faith and doctrine, including those who are already confirmed and would like a refresher course. We will cover faith fundamentals, the Sacraments, the Prayer Book, church history, reading the Bible and more.

The class will be held on Zoom for six consecutive Wednesdays during Eastertide, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m., beginning April 14. Everyone should find something of interest, find their faith enriched, and make deeper relationships within the parish. Please be in touch if you are interested or have questions.

Confirmation Sunday will be this fall, when we welcome Bishop Andrew St. John to preach and celebrate the Eucharist. Bishop St. John will confirm members of the 2020 and 2021 Confirmation Classes, and what a celebration it will be!


This past year has been nothing short of extraordinary, but so have our parishioners. Thank you for your continued faithfulness and support through exceptionally challenging times. The light at the end of the tunnel burns bright, and the joy of Easter is near.

On behalf of the Incarnation staff, I wish a spiritually fruitful Holy Week and a blessed Easter to you and to those you love.

Adrian +

The Rev. Adrian Dannhauser
Interim Priest in Charge