Why these Five minutes matter!
At our Vestry meeting last night it was reported that approximately 15% of the St. Martin's households have already responded to the survey sent out earlier this week. That's a great start.
Your responses to the survey will do two things:
1) Help our committee write the posting of information that will invite individuals to apply for the position of rector here.
2) Determine what values, styles, traits and vision we are looking for in our next rector.
This step in the process is crucial to the future of our parish.
Although we are a committee working on behalf of the entire parish, this survey seeks to gather as broadly as possible the mind of as many of our members as possible. This includes teenagers. As many people are in your household who wish to have their opinion considered should reply. This is not a one survey per household process.
Each member of St. Martin’s is a conduit for the Holy Spirit in this process. So we ask you to respond thoughtfully and prayerfully....and SOON! The sooner we complete this step, the sooner we can move to posting our position, then gathering interested parties to interview before we eventually come to calling a new person to share in ministry with us.
Our bishop has called on us all to have our churches be schools of discipleship. This is one of the marks of that discipleship, and we pray you will all want to participate.
A prayer for the process
Almighty God, while you are unchanging, the world in which we seek to proclaim the Gospel of your son, Jesus Christ, and grow as disciples building disciples, changes continually. We ask that you send your Holy Spirit upon the members of St. Martin’s and guide us to embrace who we have been and what we have done in your service and to your glory. We ask that the Spirit help us to see also how we need to evolve in order to deal with a post-Christian world with new evils, new distractions, new challenges. May the presence of the Spirit cast aside our fears for the future and instead embolden us to move towards the future of your Church with confidence, wisdom, and excitement. This we ask in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen.
Here is the survey link to the survey - please participate!
Thank you!
The St. Martin’s Discernment Committee
Chris Abraham
Jim Agosto
Nate Endick
Randy Jandak
Christine Kellam
Judy Laidlaw
Philip Muniz
Kathy Picazio
Anne Marie Verdiramo