Friday, May 14 will mark regional planner Stefanie Casella's last day at SRPC. Stefanie started in April 2017 as a data collection intern and was most recently promoted to Regional Planner II in July 2020. Stefanie also served as the contract town planner for the Town of Nottingham.

Commenting on her work, the town of Nottingham shared, "Ms. Casella’s knowledge of planning practices, state regulations, and experience with other communities has proven immensely helpful to Nottingham’s boards and committees as well as residents and project applicants. Having resources such as SRPC and Ms. Casella available to a town like ours has helped Nottingham bring a consistent, professional level of quality to the planning board in a manner that is cost effective for Nottingham and the tax payers."

During here time at SRPC, Stefanie managed the data collection program before transitioning to Nottingham's contract planner, and working in areas like resiliency and hazard mitigation planning. She was also involved in each year's Bike/Walk to Work month programming.

The entire SRPC staff will miss Stefanie's infectious energy, curiosity and willingness to learn and get involved with new areas of the planning field.

We wish her luck in her new job working as a planner for the City of Portsmouth.