May 7, 2021
Strafford Regional Planning Commission Newsletter
A lovely sunset moment above Wakefield, NH. (Photo courtesy of The Moose, NH/Shawn Williams)
One of my favorite quotes is by F. Scott Fitzgerald from the Great Gatsby, it reads, "“And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.” Now, I know this a little premature but with the flowers blooming and trees budding I have summer on my mind as I'm sure most others do as well. After being cooped up, we are all bursting to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. And with the growing amount of NH residents getting vaccinated we look forward with optimism to a much more normal summer than the last!
Here at SRPC we are finalizing our Comprehensive Development plan to go out for public comment later this month, gearing up for data collection season, and closing out several projects as we near the end of the 2021 Fiscal Year.
In this issue you will find information on SRPC's latest YouTube video, spotlighted data collection service, "save the dates", staff news, planning events of interest, funding opportunities, an update on the first week of the Seacoast and Statewide commuter challenges, news you may have missed including a public input opportunity, and community happenings.
Until Next Month,
Shayna Sylvia
SRPC's Latest YouTube Video
SRPC Service Spotlight
Save the Dates
Staff News
Planning Events of Interest
Grant Corner
Commuter Challenge Check In
NHPA Hosts UNH Student Presentation
In Case You Missed It
In Case You Missed It: Public Input Opportunity
Community Happenings
Trail maps SRPC prepared for the Town of Durham's Doe Farm are now up. along the trails! Check them out when you visit
SRPC Communications and Outreach Planner prepares to drop off Seacoast Bike/Walk Month Trail Passports at local bike shops and businesses. Check out the trail passport activity here.
SRPC's Latest YouTube Video
The SRPC Resiliency Subcommittee held it first Resiliency Roundtable on Apr. 15. This kick-off event featured Hazard Mitigation Planner Kayla Henderson and Senior Field Representative Heather Dunkerley from the New Hampshire Department of Safety, Homeland Security and Emergency Management. They discussed hazard mitigation planning and resiliency themes and techniques, before opening up the discussion to all attendees to engage in a roundtable discussion of municipal approaches to hazard mitigation planning, possible scenarios for regional collaboration, and the emerging theme of resiliency as it relates to planning for natural disasters. View the video below.
Regional planner Stefanie Casella sets a pedestrian counter on the Dover Community Trail (SRPC Photo)
SRPC's data collection season takes place in spring/summer of each year. This include setting traffic counts determined by the state in addition to those requested by member municipalities on roads and trails across the region.
Within the last few years, SRPC has begun to offer trail counting services using its set of pedestrian counters. Last summer, the Town of Durham and City of Dover took advantage of this service and SRPC installed counters on the Dover Community Trail and at Wagon Hill Farm.
Data retrieved from these counts measure usage and can be presented to show the busiest days and times for trail use. This data can be helpful for informational purposes for the municipality, or if data is needed for grant applications, etc.
SRPC is able to set pedestrians counters at no cost for dues paying communities. Those that do not pay dues can arrange a contract with the planning commission if they are interested in these services.
For more information, or to inquire about setting a pedestrian counter on a municipal trail, contact Stephen Geis, planning technician.
SRPC Virtual Annual Meeting - June 24 at 3:45 p.m.
NH Planner's Association Spring Virtual Conference 2021 - June 9, 16, and 23
SRPC Thanks Stefanie Casella For Time as Regional Planner
Friday, May 14 will mark regional planner Stefanie Casella's last day at SRPC. Stefanie started in April 2017 as a data collection intern and was most recently promoted to Regional Planner II in July 2020. Stefanie also served as the contract town planner for the Town of Nottingham.
Commenting on her work, the town of Nottingham shared, "Ms. Casella’s knowledge of planning practices, state regulations, and experience with other communities has proven immensely helpful to Nottingham’s boards and committees as well as residents and project applicants. Having resources such as SRPC and Ms. Casella available to a town like ours has helped Nottingham bring a consistent, professional level of quality to the planning board in a manner that is cost effective for Nottingham and the tax payers."
During here time at SRPC, Stefanie managed the data collection program before transitioning to Nottingham's contract planner, and working in areas like resiliency and hazard mitigation planning. She was also involved in each year's Bike/Walk to Work month programming.
The entire SRPC staff will miss Stefanie's infectious energy, curiosity and willingness to learn and get involved with new areas of the planning field.
We wish her luck in her new job working as a planner for the City of Portsmouth.
Planning Events of Interest
LAST DAY TO REGISTER OSI Spring 2021 Planning and Zoning Conference - May 15, 9 a.m. - noon
Today is the last day to register for the Office of Strategic Initiatives (OSI) annual Planning and Zoning Conference. Being held virtually, this conference has two tracts, one for planning boards and one for zoning boards of adjustment. This event is geared towards new planning and zoning board members, but is also useful as a refresher for current members.
The conference takes place on Saturday, May 15 from 9 a.m. - noon, and those interested can register via email to When emailing, OSI requests the following information, first and last name of each individual, email address for each individual, land use board affiliation (i.e. Planning Board, Zoning Board), if applicable, for each individual, the municipality/organization each individual serves, and the track each individual would like to participate in.
NH Coastal Adaptation Workgroup Coastal Climate Summit - May 26 and 27, from 1 -4 p.m., and 9 a.m. - noon, respectively
CAW’s ninth (and first virtual!) Climate Summit will take place on the afternoon of Wednesday, May 26 (1pm-4pm), and the morning of Thursday, May 27 (9am-12pm).
Day 1 will feature keynote speaker A.R. Siders, assistant professor at the University of Delaware in the Disaster Research Center, who will discuss communities deciding when, where, and how to adapt to the effects of climate change and how these decisions and related processes affect risk reduction and equity outcomes. The remainder of Day 1, and Day 2, will consist of updates from local researchers, municipal representatives, and partners on the latest science about local climate impacts as well as recent adaptation projects in NH’s coastal watershed communities. Day 2 will also include the announcement of the 2021 CAW Climate Champion Award. View the full agenda here.
The target audience includes municipal staff and volunteers from across the coastal NH watershed, technical assistance providers, state and federal agency staff, researchers, and other interested community members and partners.
Registration is free, but please register early as space is limited. The registration deadline is 5pm Friday, May 21. Questions about registration? Contact
Communities and Consequences II - Workforce Housing and Zoning- May 20 at noon
Join New Hampshire PBS and Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health as they present a series of online interactive screenings and discussions of the new documentary COMMUNITIES & CONSEQUENCES II - Rebalancing NH's Human Ecology. This sequel project to 2008’s award-winning Communities and Consequences: The Unbalancing of New Hampshire’s Human Ecology explores the economic and social realities of workforce shortages in our state - the nation’s second oldest state in terms of median age.
The documentary and companion book are a collaborative project of Demographer Peter Francese, writer and former Agriculture Commissioner Lorraine Stuart Merrill and Filmmaker Jay Childs. NHPBS is the presenting station.
New Hampshire Sea Grant NH Coastwise Professional Development Immersion Program, due: Thursday, May 27, at 5 p.m.
New Hampshire Sea Grant is now accepting applications for NH CoastWise, a year-long, cohort-based professional development immersion program for those working on coastal resilience and marine resource management issues in the state. Designed to build new skills and stronger networks, NH CoastWise seeks to cultivate an engaged and diverse workforce to work together to tackle the challenges facing our coasts (including upland watersheds).
Applications must be submitted by Thursday, May 27, at 5 p.m. to be considered for the 2021-22 program. Applicants working in a broad range of settings are eligible to apply (government, not-profits, consulting, academic, etc.) as are upper-level students and recent graduates looking to continue building their work in the state.
Bank of America - Economic Mobility Focused on Needs of Community program, due Jun. 25
The Bank of America Charitable Foundation works to advance pathways to economic mobility in order to build thriving communities through its Economic Mobility Focused on the Needs of Community program. Funding through this program supports tax-exempt entities under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and not classified as a private foundation to provide support for affordable housing, small business, and neighborhood revitalization. Applications will be accepted from May 31 through June 25, 2021.
REMINDER: 2021 Aquatic Resource Mitigation Fund, LOI due May 31
As we've shared before in recent months, the grant round for the 2021 Aquatic Resource Mitigation Fund has opened, with $2,028,000 available for protection, restoration and enhancement projects that will offset impacts to aquatic resources in the Salmon-Falls watershed.
In order to be considered for funding, a pre-proposal is required and due May 31, 2021. After review by the site selection committee, applicants will be contacted as to whether they should proceed with a full application. The ARM Fund staff are available to discuss your project or any other questions about the application process.
Commuter Challenge Check In
Since the challenge started on May 1, 243 participants have already logged trips, representing 33 companies, 20 of which are on the Seacoast.
The most used mode currently is teleworking, with 47% of participants using telecommuting as a sustainable alternate to driving to work alone. Also, a special shoutout to the 17% of participants who are biking and walking!
And for compiled statistics, smart commuters across the state have saved 15,687 miles, 14,437 lbs of CO2, and $8,949.
It's not too late for your company to create a team and join! Register for the Seacoast B2B Challenge here. Located outside the Seacoast? Register for the statewide challenge! Once you've filled out the form, watch this video on how to register and log your trips. As a note, registering and logging trips is the same process for both challenges.
NHPA Hosts UNH Student Presentation on Effects of COVID-19 on the University
SRPC Partners with RPC to Host Model Drinking Water Buffer Regulation Workshop
SRPC, in partnership with Rockingham Planning Commission, invites interested municipal staff, planners, and members of local conservation commissions, river advisory committees, and open land committees to join the conversation about the newly developed model buffer regulation seeking to strengthen the protection of local drinking water sources.
The statewide model Drinking Water Quality Buffer Regulation for New Hampshire, developed by SRPC and RPC, reflects guidance and feedback from local and statewide experts and research from relevant published works, including strategies for buffer implementation, buffer effectiveness, buffer widths, and buffer functions. The model also recommends a minimum drinking water quality buffer but also considers landscape level and site-specific criteria to increase the minimum buffer, when appropriate, to provide increased protection for water quality.
The planning commissions will be presenting the final draft model regulation at a Zoom workshop on Monday, May 24, 2021, from 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Lastly, workshop organizers are asking that participants send in up to 3 scenic photos of natural buffers from their communities for viewing at the workshop. Please include a photo credit and location in the file name. All photos should be submitted to The photos will be compiled into a slide show and displayed during the workshop.
SRPC Launches Interactive Online Tool for Exploration of Over 300 Regional Recreation Sites
SRPC announced the launch of its Promoting Outdoor Play (POP!) online tool on Apr. 23 via press release. This interactive map of over 300 publicly accessible recreation sites spread amongst the 18 communities in the SRPC region. Funded by the NH Children’s Health Foundation, SRPC is excited to share this map to help residents and visitors to the region discover the abundance of parks, trails, playgrounds, and other natural resources.
SRPC’s POP! program followed on the heels of its Pathways to Play project, which initially allowed staff to inventory and map all recreation sites in the region. POP! took this a step further in that SRPC staff, with the help of much-appreciated volunteers, were able to inventory all 300+ sites over summer 2020, taking photos and collecting data on park amenities and specifications. The result, the POP! online tool, provides users with information on the region's amazing recreation sites organized by the following categories: playgrounds, parks, trails & open space, sports, beaches & pools, boats & small watercraft, ice skating & sledding, and other. It also has a comprehensive view of all sites on one map.
View the map online at:
In Case You Missed It: Opportunities for Public Input
Stafford MPO Public Comment Period for the 2020 Metropolitan Transportation Plan
During the week of Apr. 12 Strafford MPO staff finalized the content for the 2021 Metropolitan Transportation Plan to go out for public comment on Monday, Apr. 19. The MTP is the core transportation plan for the SRPC region, and comprises at least twenty years, including projects in the 4-year Transportation Improvement Program, the Statewide Ten Year Plan, and the long range portion of the Metro Plan called the out-years.
Newly organized for this iteration the plan addresses regional issues organized into the following themes: Economic Linkages, Housing & Jobs, Infrastructure Conditions, Inter-Regional Transit, Intra-regional Transit, Overall System Performance, Population Demographics, and Safety.
The updated MTP is also unique in that the data that would normally be incorporated into the plan itself, is now a standalone resource called the Data Snapshot. This document is organized into 6 sections, and includes data relevant to all of SRPC's core plans, including the MTP.
Strafford MPO is accepting comments on the draft MTP until Thursday, May 20. It is available on the SRPC website in addition to copies at the Dover, Rochester, and Somersworth libraries. Comments can be submitted via email (, phone or mail. Comments via phone should be left at 603-994-3500 EXT 102. For mail, address comments to Colin Lentz, Senior Transportation Planner, Strafford Regional Planning Commission, 150 Wakefield Street, Suite 12, Rochester, NH 03867.
Outdoor Spring Craft Fair
May 8 at 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
The Somersworth Festival Association is hosting an Outdoor Spring Craft Fair from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on May 8, at Holy Trinity
Church, 404 High Street in Somersworth, NH!
There will be talented crafters and great raffles! This event replaces the usual spring indoor craft
fair hosted at Somersworth High School.
Shop for your Mother's Day and graduation presents!
Face masks and social
distancing will be required.
For vendor inquiries, email ,call 603-692-5869 or visit
2021 Branch River Paddle
May 22 from
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Moose Mountains Regional Greenways and Branch Hill Farm/Carl Siemon Family Charitable Trust are once again teaming up to offer canoe and kayak enthusiasts the opportunity to enjoy a paddle on the pristine Branch River in Milton Mills, NH. An annual favorite, this 4-mile paddle along the scenic and winding Branch River will take place from 10am-2pm on Saturday, May 22.
Learn more and register online.