• Virtual Events & Worship
  • IFA: Charlottesville & the Courts
  • Online Learning with BHPC
  • Book Club
  • ICYMI: Bernstein on Broadway
  • SAC: A Wider Circle
  • SAC: Wear Orange
  • Food to Eat
  • Nachas Notes
  • Congratulations Graduates!
  • Meet A Member
June 2020 Newsletter
Rabbi Elhanan ‘Sunny’ Schnitzer
Sivan/Tammuz 5780

CLICK for the Complete BJC June Events Calendar
Kriat HaRav—The Rabbi’s Call
Rabbi Elhanan “Sunny” Schnitzer
“Stretch out your hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the narrow place (Egypt), a darkness that can be felt.” Shemot (Exodus 10:21)
We are now almost 3 months into the profound lifestyle changes necessitated by the coronavirus pandemic. We have not held a service or event at 6601 Bradley Blvd since March 9. We should all acknowledge that the necessary adjustments of a life in quarantine and social distancing have cast a darkness over much of how we live our lives. But, at the same time we acknowledge this shadow, we should also remember the Jewish teaching drawn from the story of the Plague of Darkness, “In the Shadow, lies the Gold.”
We have not been able to hug each other in our Gathering Space, or hear each other’s voices singing together in Covenant Hall, but we have been blessed to see each other’s faces online, to look in many eyes at once, to see what our homes look like, and to measure our commitment to each other by showing up. There have been gifts given to us, even as other things have been taken from us.
Now, we are about to move to a so-called “easing of restrictions.” We will have permission from County and State authorities to gather again in person. Coming together again, how we should do that if we so choose, and when, is a question that I have been grappling with for these many weeks. I am in near constant communication with other rabbis, cantors, movements, and organizations as well as interfaith clergy, about how to keep our communities together and vital in this time of extraordinary challenge and how to safely gather.
Deliberations as to the best path forward should be governed by the best our Jewish tradition has to offer. Our choices are and will be guided by the principles of:
Pikuach Nefesh —to save a life, the overriding Jewish halachic principle that suspends most other laws and teaches us that no one should be put at risk by engaging in Jewish life.
Savlanoot (Patience) Understanding that this is an adjustment for everyone, and it will not be perfect, nor does it have to be.
Kol Yisrael Aravim Zeh Bah Zeh —All Jews are Responsible for One Another
One thing I will say here and now is that there will be High Holy Day services at BJC . As long as we are permitted by the authorities to meet in person, we will do so in some fashion in limited numbers and take every physical distancing precaution possible to maintain the health and safety of our members. We will simultaneously offer very robust and creative online options for our members whose health could be compromised if they attend services in our Sanctuary. Services will, of necessity, be different while at the same time we will do our very best to maintain those “touchstones” that make the High Holy Days at BJC unique. There will be a candlelight Kol Nidre . There will be fine music. There will be opportunities for our members to serve as readers and to chant Torah and Haftarah , be it in person or online.
We will soon survey the congregation so that you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts about what parts of BJC High Holy Day services you feel are essential to your experience and what is not essential. Your answers will guide our choices.
As we learned during Sefirat HaOmer , the Counting of the Omer , the period of seven weeks before Shavuot where we work on perfection of our attributes and attitudes, the principles of Netzach and Hod —endurance and humility—can keep us balanced at times of adversity.

May all of us keep our balance. As Rebbe Nachman of Bratslav famously taught, “the world seems like a very narrow bridge—the only thing is to not be afraid.
BTW, in case you are wondering, I have postponed my planned summer sabbatical. I cannot in good conscience be absent from our community for 10 weeks at this challenging time. I will be taking breaks this summer in June and July, but not 10 consecutive weeks as originally planned.
If you are afraid, feeling out of balance, or just need to talk to your rabbi, I am here. If you reach out, I will answer.

Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer
President's Column—Sandra Walter
Shaping BJC's Future
I know so many of us are looking at the calendar and wondering how we got to June already. For some of us, the weeks have passed swiftly working remotely, managing children’s studies, figuring out how to order groceries online. For others of us, time passes painfully slowly, waiting for deliveries that are a lifeline, wondering if this sore throat is anything more, waiting for the rain to stop to go outside. For all of us, as we wait away from loved ones and friends, patience and perseverance are our steady companions.
And so, too, is BJC a steady companion—a light of community and companionship coming across Zoom to bring each of us together with those we share bonds and values with; a source of reflection, laughter, friendships, and connected spiritual journey.
Together as June brings the early days of summer, with blooms of brilliant colors and bounty birthing in our gardens, let’s continue to come together as a community in prayer and for learning, to care for each other, and to take care of our world in ways we can—given current conditions. Every time you join in a BJC event, you give your presence to our community and you give yourself the gift of knowledge, learning, prayer, and yes, the company of others.
As we celebrate Shavuot, let’s continue to harvest the abundance of generosity, joy, and connection that we each contribute to our BJC community. Like the puzzles so many of us are passing time with these days, each piece helps shape the picture—and each of you shapes the picture of who BJC is.
On a serious note, just as your presence and participation are important, so too is your financial support of BJC through your dues and donations. First notice on dues are going out June 1, and your responsiveness is appreciated. The BJC Board and Staff are making every effort to ensure that BJC thrives in new ways, beyond what we could have imagined before recent months. 
Every opportunity to be relevant and responsible is being taken, and that will include plans for the High Holy Days come September. The Rabbi and Board are planning now for ways to make Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur among our most memorable. (Hey, look what happened when the power went out Kol Nidre a few years ago and we prayed by candlelight ‘til the power suddenly went back on. We took that moment of unity and recreate it annually as a special moment together. I know we’ll come through this High Holy Days season similarly feeling that through the difficulty, we have achieved greater meaning in our service.)
We look forward to your continuing to pass the time with us via Zoom until we can be together in person again. Be well, be healthy—and keep your sense of humor.
From the BJC Administrator—Hal Bordy
Dear BJC Community,

I am pleased to report that BJC continues to make progress with the implementation of the ShulCloud program to maintain member accounts. The first trial was the mailing of May 1st statements to members who still have open balances. Now I’m preparing for the mailing of the 2020-21 member dues statements. These will be mailed the first week in June. Reminder: the first payment, if not paying all at once, is by the end of August.
In preparation for the payments for the new member/fiscal year, work is being completed to change our online payment feature in ShulCloud to their own credit card/EFT processor. At that point, BJC will no longer accept PayPal payments. Members will be able to pay directly online with immediate credit to their accounts. This will improve accuracy, timelines, and ease both for members and for administration.
A special thank you to President Sandra Walter , who has used her design skills to develop new tribute, memorial, and acknowledgement cards for the congregation. Colorful and appropriate for the purpose, temporary office-produced copies of the design are being used. The new professionally printed cards will be available soon. Please consider purchasing donation cards online or by mailing a check to the office to memorialize yahrzeits and recent deaths, honor and pay tribute for special occasions, or achievements or just to support Bethesda Jewish Congregation.
In these unusual and troubling times, I hope all of you are well and handling the isolation. Looking forward to seeing all of you back at BJC in the near future…

Rabbi's Message
Please be in touch with me in times of joy, sadness, or illness in your life or in the lives of a loved one or another member of the congregation. This is particularly necessary now that HIPAA regulations have made getting information from hospitals extremely difficult. I greatly appreciate your help keeping me informed of the health needs of our congregation. While we're forced apart, please call my cell: 703-362-2679.
Click for the complete BJC June Calendar
NOTE: New Earlier Shabbat Service Times

Beginning June 5/6, and continuing into the future, BJC Shabbat Services will begin at a new time every Friday and Saturday. Both online and in the building—when conditions make our gathering in person safe for all—this new earlier starting time responds to the changing needs of our community.
All Shabbat services are 7:30 on Friday or 10:00 on Saturday. CHECK THE CALENDAR AND BJCNOW!
All online events in June are subject to changes in Social Distancing regulations of the State of Maryland.
Taking White Supremacy to Court: The Charlottesville Case
NEW DATE: Monday, June 15, 7:00 PM

Rabbi Sunny will lead services from the BJC Zoom Room through June 13. New, permanent service schedule is 7:30 PM for Friday nights and 10:00 AM for Saturday mornings.

Friday, June 19 , Rabbi David Ingber with Romemu, NY at 6:30 PM
Click here for the siddur
Friday, June 26 , Rabbi David Evan Mark with Temple Beth-El, NY at 7:30 PM
Click here for the siddur
Saturdays, June 17, June 24, July 4 with Rabbi Mark Novak and Minyan Oneg Shabbat at 10:00 AM  

Meeting ID: 985 602 4728
PASSWORD, if requested: 496875

Joining by cell phone?
Dial In (301) 715-8592

Sunday Mornings at 9:15 AM
Meeting ID: 849 9652 6701
Password: 922151
Audio Call In
(301) 715-8592

June 7 Gretchen Gaines, Social Worker
“Healthy Kids in the Pandemic”
BHPC member and social worker Gretchen Gaines will talk about maintaining mental health for children and adolescents through the pandemic.
  June 14 Dr. Karl Klontz, M.D., M.P.H
“Global Overview of Covid-19 Pandemic”
 Dr. Klontz, a BHPC member and FDA epidemiologist, will present a brief background of coronaviruses and elements of their ecology and transmission followed by a discussion of selected features of the epidemiology of the present Covid-19 pandemic.  
June 21   Bob Deans, Former President of the White House Correspondents Association
“The Soul of America - Integrity, Competence and Unity: The Essential Pillars of Presidential Leadership”
BHPC member Bob Deans will discuss the meaning of the modern presidency, its place in our democracy and the call of citizenship, faith and government by the people.
June 28   Bill Frick, former Majority Leader of the Maryland House of Delegates
“The Soul of America - The Barabbas Doctrine"
 BHPC member Bill Frick will explore how elected officials respond to the will of the people – even when the people are imperfect sinners.
Use your time at home to learn or improve your Hebrew language skills. Study on Zoom in Chevrutah (small study groups) with students at your level. Weekly online meetings.
For more information or to register, please contact Maran at .  
Book Club
Wednesday, June 24 & July 22, 8 PM

Due to the social distancing guidance, the BJC Open Book Club will meet virtually in June. We will decide whether to meet in person or virtually in July once we see what the situation is like. We meet at 8 PM on the fourth Wednesday of the month.

On June 24 , we will discuss Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson. This is a powerful true story about the potential for mercy to redeem us, and a clarion call to fix our broken system of justice.

On July 22 , we will discuss Mama’s Last Hug by Frans de Waal. This book explores the fascinating world of animal and human emotions opening our hearts and minds to the many ways in which humans and other animals are connected. 

Evelyn Ganzglass will send out the Zoom link prior to each meeting. If you are not already on the book club’s email list and would like to join us for any of these and/or other meetings, please let Evelyn know and she will add you to the list.

By Carol Ann Greenberg
When I moved here, I learned about a group called A Wider Circle (AWC), which was founded by Mark Bergel. In 2001, as a Sociology Professor at American University, where he earned his Masters and PhD, he realized that it was important to do something and not just teach about it. Bergel started this unique non-profit organization in his Bethesda studio apartment. He deeply believes that all men, women, and children must have their own bed and a decent place to live. Bergel conceived the idea of finding ways to collect and move gently used quality beds, mattresses, and furniture in good condition to a storage facility where low-income families, especially those transitioning out of homelessness, would come to the center and select the items at no cost they need for their newly acquired homes in the county. AWC's key message to donors has always been that items must be in good to great condition to support the dignity of each and every one of the AWC client families.
Today, A Wider Circle has several programs including the Essential Support Program, where clients receive furniture and other basic support services. Through the AWC Workforce Development Program, clients attend classes and work with job coaches as they strive to get back into the workforce or pursue better jobs. This program also includes a Professional Clothing Center, where clients are able to select from a wide variety of business attire for both men and women. A Wider Circle’s Neighborhood Partnership Program now provides services to low-income families and individuals living in DC in Shaw (NW) and Highland Dwellings and Additions (SE).
I have been a supporter of A Wider Circle for many years. I have occasionally donated household items from my home in Bethesda and from the beach house I previously had. I have also done some volunteer work for the organization. I provided several child care counseling classes to single-parent high school students at their schools around Montgomery County, and at the AWC site in Silver Spring I taught a few classes on how to find quality child care. One Christmas, I drove with one of the board members and her family to deliver Christmas presents to several families in DC who had just moved into a new apartment. Just as we arrived with the gifts, the AWC team was delivering furniture. A Wider Circle now has a second building next to the storage facility, where they hold classes, meet with clients, and have activities where volunteers can help. AWC is always seeking to meet needs of their current clients and new ones. It is a remarkable effort that continues to commit themselves to help families have the best quality of life possible.
At various times, Bethesda Jewish Congregation has been a partner to A Wider Circle. I was on the Social Action Committee 10 years ago and spearheaded a joint effort with Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church to collect furniture and household items. We did two collections in the parking lot. It was fun to see children proudly joining their parents and coming up to the truck with children's playroom table and chairs, coffee tables, kitchen items, lamps, bedroom table stands, hassocks, chairs, and many other usable household items. Now, many of us are home and spring cleaning, clearing out closets, and wishing we can donate, but cannot because of the coronavirus. AWC isn’t doing pick-ups now, but why not get a list for a pick up or to be notified when you can drive your items to the A Wider Center Community Service, located at 9159 Brookeville Road in Silver Spring.
AWC is about ending poverty in our community. You can help by collecting and donating items in good to great condition including furniture, household items, professional clothing, and even cleaning supplies. In the future, I hope the volunteer opportunities for individuals, families, and groups will return.
AWC has an ongoing need for financial support. I encourage BJC members to go to to learn about their programs and ways to get involved. I hope you will join me in supporting my favorite non-profit organization. If you have any questions, write me at or my good friend, Pam Feinstein who is an AWC board member, at about AWC.
Gun Violence Prevention: Wear Orange June 5-7
National Gun Violence Awareness Day and Wear Orange Weekend is June 5-7, 2020. MOMS Demand Action is asking all gun violence prevention advocates to wear orange to show the country just how powerful we are. National Gun Violence Awareness Day is June 5, followed by a weekend of commemoration to honor lives lost to gun violence. Join by attending their virtual Wear Orange event on June 7 at 1 PM. MOMS Demand Action will be doing family-friendly, easy projects to commemorate victims of gun violence: Soul Box making and orange rock painting. Tell a friend to join too! This event will be held over Zoom. RSVP here to get the Zoom information.

As the pandemic limits our ability to volunteer, we want to remind you that myriad opportunities exist to help others.

Write to and let us know how you have continued your volunteer work.
Editor’s Note:   Here’s where we share seasonal recipes. Please submit your favorites! Send to  
American-Style Vanilla Biscotti

This biscotti recipe come from Joan Wolf and Karen Levy who have been baking together while apart during the pandemic. Fascinating, fun article here on the difference between biscotti and mandel bread.

6 tablespoons (85g) butter, salted or unsalted
2/3 cup (131g) sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 to 3 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon almond extract, optional
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
2 large eggs
2 cups (241g) King Arthur Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
coarse white sparkling sugar, for sprinkling on top, optional

Variations : Add up to 2 cups nuts, dried fruit (dried, not fresh), or chips to the dough, along with the flour. Adjust the spice to suit the add-in, if desired, e.g., add 1 teaspoon cinnamon with 1 cup chopped dried apple and 1 cup diced pecans. Or substitute hazelnut, butter-rum, or your favorite flavor for the vanilla. A classic Italian anise biscotti is made with 1/2 teaspoon anise extract (or 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon anise oil, to taste), and 1 tablespoon fennel seeds.
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Lightly grease (or line with parchment) one large (about 18" x 13") baking sheet.
2. In a medium-sized bowl, beat the butter, sugar, salt, vanilla, almond extract (if you're using it), and baking powder until the mixture is smooth and creamy.
3. Beat in the eggs; the batter may look slightly curdled. At low speed of your mixer, add the flour, stirring until smooth; the dough will be sticky.
4. Plop the dough onto the prepared baking sheet. Divide it in half, and shape it into two 9 1/2" x 2" logs, about 3/4" tall. Straighten the logs, and smooth their tops and sides; a wet spatula or wet bowl scraper works well here. Sprinkle with coarse white sparkling sugar, if desired, pressing it in gently.
5. Bake the dough for 25 minutes. Remove it from the oven.
6. Using a spray bottle filled with room-temperature water, lightly but thoroughly spritz the logs, making sure to cover the sides as well as the top. Softening the crust just this little bit will make slicing the biscotti much easier. Reduce the oven temperature to 325°F.
7. Wait 5 minutes, then use a sharp chef's knife or serrated knife to cut the log crosswise into 1/2" to 3/4" slices. Or cut the biscotti on the diagonal, for fewer, longer biscotti. As you're slicing, be sure to cut straight up and down, perpendicular to the pan; if you cut unevenly, biscotti may be thicker at the top than the bottom, and they'll topple over during their second bake.
8. Set the biscotti on edge on the prepared baking sheet. Return the biscotti to the oven, and bake them for 25 to 30 minutes, until they feel very dry and are beginning to turn golden. They'll still feel a tiny bit moist in the very center, if you break off a piece; but they'll continue to dry out as they cool.
9. Remove the biscotti from the oven, and transfer them to a rack to cool. Store airtight at room temperature; they'll stay good for weeks.
 Editor’s Note: Now, more than ever, we all need some good news. Send to:

Sincerest apologies to Ruth Salinger for messing up her name in the last newsletter acknowledging publication of her letter to the editor in the Washington Post .
  • Mazel Tov to Dr. Karen Anderson, wife of Ted Posner, on having been made a full, tenured professor at Georgetown Medical School. She is a psychiatrist specializing in Huntington’s Disease and other neurological disorders. Her primary appointment is with the Department of Psychiatry with secondary appointment in Department of Neurology.
  •  Mazel Tov to Annie & Mike Cifarelli on the engagement of their son Artie to Tanya Farr. The wedding will be in September 2021 in Pennsylvania.
  • Mazel Tov to Kathy & Dan Spiro, whose daughter Rabbi Hannah Spiro, was featured in a recent Washington Post Magazine story profiling how individuals are handling the pandemic.
  •  Mazel Tov to Julie & Mitch Kraus, whose grandson Hudson James (Abraham) Mills was born on May 9 to Allison Kraus & Cortney Mills.  

We celebrate our family members who have completed high school or college this year. Click on each button to meet our graduates.

MEET A MEMBER: Allen Grunes
In his own words
I’m a native Chicagoan who grew up on the South Side in the neighborhood of the University of Chicago. I’ve lived in the Washington, DC area since the mid-1990s, when my family and I moved here so I could take a job at the Department of Justice Antitrust Division. I continue to practice antitrust law, with a focus on mergers and acquisitions. I’ve worked with companies and with labor unions. I believe that if you work at something for long enough, eventually you may become reasonably good at it.  
I joined BJC a number of years ago. My main connection with BJC is worship with Reb Sunny. I am one of the Saturday morning “regulars.” If asked to explain why Saturday morning, I’ll answer that in my Chicago childhood I often skipped Saturday services at the Conservative congregation where I went to Hebrew school. As a result, I’m doing some teshuvah. BJC is nothing like that old shul in Chicago. Times change, and fortunately some things get better.
Although I have been a BJC member for fewer than 10 years, the spiritual connection with BJC actually runs deeper. Back in the 1970s, I took a class with Reb Sunny’s teacher, the late Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, at the Naropa Institute in Boulder. Through that experience, I had a small taste of traditions in Judaism that I was unaware of growing up. The experience motivated further study and practice. My initial encounter with BJC was chanting with Rebbetzin Yaffah and some of her friends several years before becoming a member. 
My perception of the congregation is that it is a bunch of deeply caring, thoughtful people who tend to check their egos at the door. It has been a great ride so far. 
Yahrzeits JUNE 2020
Lillian Austin, mother of Laurie Mabile
Arthur Barrios, father of Rochelle Banta
Beatrice Barsky, mother of Lisa Strauss
George Borden, father of Victoria Bailer
Pauline Borden, mother of Victoria Bailer
Alan Brenits, father of Donald Brenits
Tom Campiglia, father of John Camp
Bernice Dubin, mother of Alan Dubin
Sonia Gold, mother of Judith Scott
Hilde Hirsch, mother of Evelyn Ganzglass
Harry Jerome, grandfather of Karen Jerome
Ida Kornfield, mother of Judy Folsom
Joseph Laufer, father of David Laufer
George Lichter, father of Alan Lichter
Linda Ratner, wife of Richard Ratner
Mozart Ratner, father of Gary Ratner
Doris Rauch, aunt of Craig Winslow
Beatrice Schwartz, mother of Linda Baum
Marvin Shapiro, father of Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer
Leo Stern, father of Edward Stern
Bill van Berg, heartmate of Lorraine Van Akkeren
Goldie Walter, grandmother of Sandra Walter
Good As We Give

Donations are still welcome and needed. Help us finish our fiscal year on a positive note. Send a check to the office via snail mail or donate online . Why not do it now while you’re thinking about it? 

Here’s an easy way to help BJC. By signing up for AmazonSmiles, BJC gets 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products—and it doesn’t cost you anything. AmazonSmiles is a website operated by Amazon with the same products, prices, and shopping features as 

Abby Horwitz & Herbert Bixhorn, in support and appreciation of BJC
Cindy & Leonard Bogorad, in support and appreciation of BJC
Helen & Michael Dalton, in support and appreciation of BJC
Laurie Dubrow, in support and appreciation of BJC
Barry Dwork, in support and appreciation of BJC
Karen Jerome &d Jonathan Eig, in support and appreciation of BJC
Engel Giving Fund /Linda Engel, in support and appreciation of BJC
Barbara & Martin Faigin, in support and appreciation of BJC
Hope & Marty Klauber, in appreciation of Rabbi Sunny and the Torah Today class
Julie Searls, in support of BJC and online Shabbat services
Robert Silver, in appreciation of Friday Night Shabbat Zoom services
Wynne & Bruce Busman, in honor of Rabbi Sunny’s birthday
Harri Kramer & Russ Hogya, in honor of Rabbi Sunny’s birthday
Madeline Killefer, in honor of Rabbi Sunny’s birthday
Lois Maiman, in honor of Rabbi Sunny’s birthday
Judy & David Scott, in honor of Rabbi Sunny’s birthday
Howard Teitelbaum, in support of BJC and in honor of Rabbi Sunny
Rabbi Shoshama Wiener, in honor of Rabbi Sunny’s birthday
Sheila & Ira Wolpert, in honor of Rabbi Sunny’s birthday
Donna & Daniel Goldberg, in gratitude for the support provided by the BJC community upon the death of our mother, Colette Goldberg
Donna & Daniel Goldberg, in appreciation for their generous spirit, friendship and care in honor of the following:
         Harri Kramer and Russ Hogya
         Peg & Burt Bachrach
         Maureen & Lance Pelter
         Lauren & Sam Kline
Donna & Daniel Goldberg, in appreciation for her generous spirit, friendship, care, and leadership of Sandra Walter.
Peg & Burt Bachrach, in memory of Dan Goldberg’s mother
Wynne & Bruce Busman, in memory of Dan Goldberg’s mother
Harri Kramer & Russ Hogya, in memory of Dan Goldberg’s mother
Lorrie Van Akkeren, in memory of Dan Goldberg’s mother
Peg & Burt Bachrach, in loving memory of Joan Wolf’s mother, Janyce Wolf Jacobs
Wynne & Bruce Busman, in memory Joan Wolf’s mother
Robin & Stuart Sorkin, in memory of Joan Wolf’s mother
Sheila & Ira Wolpert, in memory of Joan Wolf’s mother
Harri Kramer & Russ Hogya in memory of Rabbi Jennifer Weiner’s father, Irv Weiner
Wynne & Bruce Busman, in memory of Rabbi Jennifer Weiner’s father
Lorrie Van Akkeren, in memory of Rabbi Jennifer Weiner’s father
Sheila & Ira Wolpert, in memory of Rabbi Jennifer Weiner’s father
Diane Blumenthal & Craig Winslow, in memory of Craig’s mother, Polly Winslow
Robin & Stuart Sorkin, in honor of BJC support during the passing of Robin’s father, Donald Wilansky
Peg & Burt Bachrach, in loving memory of Robin Sorkin’s father
Anonymous, in support of Steve Friedman online program
Harri Kramer & Russ Hogya, in memory of the yahrzeit of Harri’s grandmother, Rose Wagman Sherman
Julie & Mitch Kraus in honor of their new grandson, Hudson James Mills
Laurie Mabile, in memory of her sister, Emily Austin

Peg & Burt Bachrach, with gratitude for Rabbi Sunny and Joani’s inspired leadership during this time
Laurie Dubrow, in honor of Rabbi Sunny’s birthday
Liz Sloss & Jim Korelitz, in honor of Rabbi Sunny’s birthday
Robin & Stuart Sorkin, in appreciation to Rabbi Sunny for his care and support during the passing Robin’s father, Donald Wilansky
Lisa Tarker & Eliot Sternfeld, in honor of Rabbi Sunny’s birthday
Lorrie Van Akkeren, in honor of Rabbi Sunny’s birthday
Lorrie Van Akkeren, in memory of the yahrzeit of Gordon D. Goldstein
And to all of our members who “round up” their synagogue support and donate their time.
Board of Trustees (thru 6/30/20)
President Sandra Walter
Vice-President Jeremy Pelter
Treasurer Terri Reicher
Secretary Lorrie Van Akkeren

Jason Engel
Ken Fine
Alan Grunes
Alan Lichter
Ted Posner
David Slacter
Committee Chairs
Communication [An Opportunity!]
Education Issie Resti
Financial Advisor Jason Engel
High Holy Days Jim Korelitz
Student Representative Sammy Peterson Intercongregational Partnership Liaison
Marty Ganzglass
Membership Diane Blumenthal
Past President Shoshanah Drake
Programs Jason Weidenfeld
Social Action Harri j. Kramer

BJC Administration
Spiritual Leader Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer
Synagogue Administrator Hal Bordy

BJC News
Newsletter Editor Harri j. Kramer


Bethesda Jewish Congregation
6601 Bradley Boulevard
Bethesda, MD 20817-3042
Tel: 301-469-8636