So this is what One. has been looking like nowadays. As we begin the month of June we will continue to service ALL o f your livestreaming class and virtual post rehab training needs, and even if we all become vaccinated and it is safe to return again, we actually love this so much, we will keep it up for you!

One. would like to thank ALL of you for your continued support, you have kept us going and we cannot ever thank you enough for helping us through these challenging times!

We have also started started bringing some clients into the clinic for emergency appointments, and beginning June 1, in order to cover the extra cost of time to disinfect between clients as well as the added protective measures we have adopted, we will be including an additional $10 fee for in person appointments for the forseeable future. We appreciate your understanding and your generosity.

We hope you will take the time to read on about all the changes we have implemented at One. for your safety, as well as all the ways that you can continue to stay healthy, body and mind, during these difficult times. We know you are now being constantly inundated with information, and we don't want to add to that burden, but we hope we can be a trusted resource to you and your family in your ongoing wellness journey.

Yours in Wellness,

Jennifer and Christina