September 15, 2016   
Assiniboia Chamber of                                      
Chamber Calendar of Events!
October 13 - Business Succession Webinar with SXNM. Complimentary Registration to first 25 Assiniboia Chamber Members. Register Here

October 20 - Lunch Meeting - From Basement to Boardroom  the rise of BOB FM to International Media giant with founder - Howard Kroeger. Register Here 
Chamber Notes!

Member Referral Program
Congratulations - Marway Militaria , August draw winner in the member re ferral program.
for referring
Prairie Iron Motorworks

Member referral draw sponsored by:

Winnipeg location - 
1838 Portage Avenue.

Marketing & Sponsorship Opportunities
- Minutes for Members is your opportunity to address the attendees at a future member breakfast or lunch to promote your business. For only $75 including event registration you are provided with three minutes of undivided attention including brochures at each place setting. Contact Richard at the chamber for further information. 204-774-4154

Assiniboia Chamber Members - Affinity Partner Offers

Telephone System Offer!

Chamber member and Winnipeg based business ZOOMFONE provides a cloud based VoIP telephone system that can save you money and provides extensive features. Need to know more?  contact Richard at the chamber office for a referral or

Payroll & Time Management
When you need a self-service payroll and scheduling service consider Blue Canvas. For information and a referral contact Richard at the chamber office or

Your Assiniboia Chamber membership provides for many business services at preferred rates or with additional benefits. Remember to advise these service providers of your Assiniboia Chamber membership to take advantage of your benefits. 
Member Survey - The Results are in!

Well not completely, the survey is closed and we still have to review your responses in more detail. Here is a snapshot of how you responded:

You are loyal - 58% of you have been members for more than 5 years and 41% for more than 10.
Small business - 58% report less than 10 employees and we would hazard a guess that means primarily micro-business defined as 4 employees or less.
Knowledge Gap - 65% report wanting to learn of Social Media & 30% want to hear more on Succession Planning (Oct 13 Webinar)
Time to Meet - 70% like a Lunch meeting and 53% a Breakfast meeting.
Advocate - 63% rate Local Infrastructure as a key issue followed by PST Reduction 56% and Community Safety/Crime at 55%. 

Thank you to our respondents, your input will assist us in shaping our programming and activities for 2016 - 2018. At any time feel free to submit any concerns or requirements that you may have.    

A full report will be posted on the website at a future date.  
Minister Cullen addresses first Chamber Breakfast meeting. 
Thank you to Minister Cullen, Growth Enterprise & Trade for addressing the chamber members at the Sept 15th breakfast meeting. The event was well attended by members and guests as we heard first-hand of some of the achievements and progress of our current government. 

The reduction of cabinet and the resulting cost saving of $4m, a new Canada Trade Agreement, increased tourism funding, attracting investment into our mining sector and many other areas of this ministry were addressed by Minister Cullen. He concluded with a positive statement , There are issues in Manitoba but issues that can and will be solved by Manitobans.   
Canadian Chamber of Commerce - AGM

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce AGM and Convention is being held September 17 - 19 in Regina. Representatives of the Assiniboia Chamber will be in attendance and participating in the national and regional caucus discussions and policy resolutions. We will report back on any relative issues in future editions of the newsletter.   
2016-17 Member Directory & Buyers Guide 

Your 2016-17 Member Directory will commence delivery the week of September 19. If you don't receive your copy by the end of September contact the chamber office. Delivery is by Canada Post so be sure to check your daily mail for our envelope. 

Be on the lookout for our Open & Win promotion in the directory envelope. Random directories have gift redemption vouchers inserted for valuable prizes and those without have instructions on how to enter into our grand prize draw for a great gift package. 

Peruse your directory, support your fellow businesses and look for your chance to win!   

Thank you to our prize sponsors: 
Dave's Quick Print, Calabria Market, Sheraton Four Points, Morier Benefits, Red Bomb Fireworks and the Assiniboia Chamber.

Business Succession Planning - Free Webinar
Your chamber has partnered with SXNM SuccessionMatching Ltd. to present a complimentary webinar on transitioning your business. 

There are currently more people over the age of 65 than under 15, these baby boomers need to sell their businesses - Do you have a plan? 

Join this webinar on October 13 at 2pm - Complimentary for the first 25 chamber registrants (Value $40). Alison Anderson CEO of SXNM will lead a presentation including;
Market Conditions
Three types of Succession Planning
Timelines & Expectations
Resources available to business owners in Manitoba 

This is an important topic that we don't want you to miss out on - participate in the webinar from the comfort of home or your office. Register HERE.

Webinar brought you by the Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce and SXNM.  
Increase your Member Profile!

Sponsoring your chamber events and programs is a cost effective and highly effective marketing tool to increase your profile and awareness.

Book your "Minutes for Members" slot at an upcoming breakfast or lunch meeting, only $75 including your event registration. 

We have a variety of sponsorship opportunities including 
website banner ads, new member guides, E-News and more.

Contact Richard at the Chamber office for your information package.

Thank You - Marway Militaria

August member referral draw winner, for the member referral of Prairie Iron Motorworks. 

We have presented a gift package courtesy of Red Bomb Fireworks.

Member Profile -
Assiniboine Gordon Inn on the Park
If you're looking for a great stay in Winnipeg, a venue for your special occasion, a fun night on the town or ice-cold take-home beverages, you've come to the right place!

Warm and welcoming for all your visits and events, we want to be your home away from home hotel.

With our modern, spacious and easily accessible guest rooms, restaurant, lobby and banquet space, you'll definitely enjoy your stay at the Assiniboine Gordon Inn on the Park!

1975 Portage Avenue
Member Since 1990

Would you like your business profiled in the Chamber Connection? send your request to

Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce | | |
1867 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, R3J 3X7