April 2021
This past Sunday, we began in-person classes in the Parish Hall. Our lesson was titled, "Why Do You Look For the Living Among the Dead?" We listened to the story of the women finding Jesus' tomb empty and Peter running to confirm what was true. We talked about what Resurrection means and how we see "rebirth" in springtime. To remind ourseleves, we created a paper holder made of a butterfly and a flower, signs of spring and rebirth.

This coming week, our lesson is titled, "Jesus on the Road Toward Emmaus".
Since the worship service has resumed IN PERSON, we will also be resuming Church School IN PERSON at 9:30am. We hope you are able to join us.

We will be inside in the Parish Hall with the doors and windows open, continuing with social distancing and families sitting together at tables. If/when the weather is warm enough, we will move outside on the patio.