St. Clare Updates for Oct. 31 - Nov. 13, 2020
“It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead, that they may be loosed from sins” - 2 Maccabees 12:46

All Souls Day is a holy day set aside for honouring the dead. The Catholic Church dedicates the entire month of November to the Holy Souls in Purgatory. This season begins with the Hallowtide Triduum, which consists of All Hallows' Eve, All Saints' Day, and All Souls' Day. During the entire month we pray for the souls of those who have died, especially those whom we have known and loved. Remembering them, praying for them, and giving thanks for them, pleases God, who makes use of our prayers to help purify these souls in Purgatory that He loves.
The Roman Catholic celebration is associated with the doctrine that the souls of the faithful, who at death have not been cleansed from temporal punishment, due to light sins and from attachment to mortal sins, cannot immediately enter heaven.  Therefore, they must be purified of “lesser faults,” and the temporal effects of sin. 

The Catholic Church calls this purification “purgatory.”  The universal Christian teaching on Purgatory essentially requires belief in two realities:  1) that there will be a purification of believers prior to entering heaven.  2) that the prayers and masses of the faithful in some way benefit those in this state of purification.  We, as Catholics, believe that these souls may be helped by our prayers and by the sacrifice of the Mass. 

During the month of November we have a long-standing tradition of accepting Masses by All Souls Envelopes:  
1.    Each envelope is a request for one Mass. Please take it from the entrance of the church or make your own envelope that is clearly marked for ALL Souls.
2.     Write the names of your deceased on the front and, along with your donation, put it in the Sunday collection basket (during the entire month of November) OR send it to us by the mail.
3.     Each of these envelopes will be used as one Mass intention, celebrated by Fr. Yarek or myself or another priest.  Please note: we will not be able to let you know the date on which your Mass will be observed.   

I encourage you to continue this beautiful practice that help set our hearts and minds in the strong belief of Christ’s resurrection.  This is our spiritual gift, not only for our deceased, but also for all the forgotten souls.  May they rest in peace!

Please remember that we can assist all the departed by way of ALMSGIVING, INDULGENCES, AND WORKS OF PENANCE on their behalf.

Fr. Maciej

Happenings at St. Clare
Our thanks to all those who have already donated to this year's Project Advance appeal. Thanks to your generosity, we have pledges totaling $153,862. Our diocesan goal is $32,500, so that means that $121,362 will be coming back to St. Clare's. Our goal this year is to raise $250,000 for our mortgage. If you wish to donate online you can do so by clicking below. This link is also on our web page (

If you have any questions, please call Janet at 604-475-7195 or Lynda at 778-788-5045.

Lectors Needed
Due to Covid-19, some of our regular lectors are unavailable to read at our Sunday Masses. If you are a previous regular lector at St Clare’s and are willing to read again at occasional Saturday evening or Sunday Masses, please contact our Lector Coordinator Tim Ryan at Thank you for your help!


  • Sorry, we were unable to arrange for a flu vaccination clinic in our Parish Centre this year. Please don't forget to get one either from your doctor or local pharmacy. Please keep safe and healthy.

  • Don't forget - Daylight Savings starts this weekend. Turn your clocks back on Saturday night, October 31 before you go to bed.

Many changes have been necessary since the arrival of Covid 19 and now the traditional Advent Tree program at St. Clare's will have to be adapted as well.

For practical reasons it is not possible to have the Advent Tree with tags this year but we have talked with the groups that we assist and the need is as great as ever.  The best way that we can help is to provide gift cards that can be given to the needy so that they can purchase their own gift either for themselves or for their children.  If you wish to participate, we ask that you donate money for this special purpose and we will purchase gift cards that work best for the people receiving them.  

We have special envelopes available at the Registrar’s desk in the church lobby before mass that indicate that your gift is for the Advent Tree.  You can also use a plain envelope, clearly marked “Advent Tree”.  In either case, please include your name, address and envelope number and we will add your gift in your annual tax receipt.  Please make cheques out to St. Clare of Assisi Parish.  Envelopes can be placed in the collection box in the lobby, dropped through the mail slot in the office door or mailed to St. Clare’s at 1320 Johnson Street, Coquitlam, BC  V3B 4T5.  If you choose to donate online, please make a note in the comments section that it is for the Advent Tree.

The generosity of parishioners toward the Advent Tree program has been tremendous over the years, brightening thousands of Christmas’ and while changes have to be made this year, hopefully at some point in the near future we will once again able to return to our usual format.
Thank you and God Bless.

PS.  The groups that we help include, Transition and Safe Houses, Teenagers (some with babies) in the alternative school in Coquitlam, local Seniors in Care facilities that do not have family support, homeless in the Tri City areas as well as downtown Eastside, Covenant House, Aboriginal Childrens’ groups from babies to teens, also through our school District we have several families that require assistance and of course persons and families that come to our parish office for assistance.

Gift cards will be purchased at the recommendation of the people operating these programs and then distributed by to needy individuals in their program before Christmas.
Catholic Women's League (CWL)

Everyone is invited to join us daily 
7:30 pm, Online

The Knights Executive Meeting will be on November 9th at 7pm, via zoom.
All Knights are welcome to attend.

The BC Knights of Columbus are holding their 59th Annual Charity Appeal with the top prize being $100,000. Tickets are only $3 each and are available at

For more information on the Knights of Columbus please visit our websites at and If you are interested in becoming a Knight please email
Milo at or call him at 604-341-0062.
Refugee Update
As many of you know, we started our parish refugee program five years ago, and since then we have fully settled three families in Canada. We have also assisted several other refugee families who had already arrived in Canada. Although the current pandemic has had a drastic effect on many parish activities, you may be pleased to learn that the refugee program has remained active throughout this year. In particular, we have been able to continue with applications for new families.
While we have previously helped families from Syria, Iraq and Iran, our newest family originates from central Africa. More than 25 years ago, the parents and two sons fled their strife-ridden country and began a long journey south. Some four years later, after enduring many hardships and dangerous situations, they arrived in South Africa. By the time they had settled there, two daughters had been born, and they began a long wait for a permanent home and stability. Though they have remained in South Africa for such a long time, they have never been granted the right to permanent residency, much less equal treatment with local citizens. The difficulty of their tenuous existence is compounded by systemic and widespread discrimination against African foreign nationals. Below is a recent picture of the family, followed by the words of the father himself:

This heart-wrenching story led one of our own parish families to take action. Peter and Jennifer Sexton decided that they must help this family, whom they came to know before leaving South Africa themselves. After exploring different avenues, they reached out to St. Clare’s refugee committee asking for advice. It soon became apparent that, working together, the Sextons and our parish could finally bring some hope to this family. We can joyfully report that the first stage of their refugee sponsorship to Canada was approved in September 2020. We are hopeful that the second stage will be approved within 12 to 18 months, and that we can welcome them to Coquitlam soon after.

Food for Thought . . . and for the Soul
A Saint for Today
St Martin de Porres (Nov 3) was a Peruvian lay brother of the Dominican Order who was beatified in 1837 by Pope Gregory XVI and canonized in 1962 by Pope John XXIII. He is the patron saint of mixed-race people, barbers, innkeepers, public health workers, and all those seeking racial harmony, and the patron saint of social justice, racial harmony, and mixed-race people. Born of a liaison between a Spanish grandee and a free black woman, Martín de Porres was raised in poverty and bore the stigmas of both his illegitimate birth and his mixed race.
When "Great" means "truly Great"

Do you ever say "that's awesome", or " my car is amazing", and "that show was great"? Overused superlatives like awesomeamazing, and great diminish their own meaning and crowd out things which are truly awesomeamazing, and great. Our saint for Nov 10, Pope St Leo the Great, according to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, was one of the truly greatest pontiffs of all time because of his work as a pastor and his strength during difficulty. Pope St Leo “is also the earliest Pope whose sermons have come down to us, sermons he would address to the people who gathered around him during celebrations", Pope Benedict explains. "St. Leo the Great’s letters and sermons also provide us a window into his work as a theologian and pastor", the Pope Emeritus said. He was “constantly concerned for his faithful and for the people of Rome, but also for communion between the various Churches and for their needs, he tirelessly supported and promoted Roman primacy".

A Last Word from Thomas Keating
Only the Divine matters,
And because the Divine matters,
Everything matters.

Thomas Keating "What Matters"
(from his last book of poems
"The Secret Embrace"
Sacraments at St. Clare's
October 3-30
Oscar Miklos and Sofia Sanchez
Elizabeth Chavez, daughter of Rafael and Beatriz

Elisa Lardizabal, daughter of Roderick & Lailani

Emily Varandas, daughter of Kevin & Natalie
Mass Intentions
Mass Registration
If you know someone who cannot register for mass because they don't have a computer or are unfamiliar with its use, we have a volunteer who will help. Ask them to call Louanne at 778-712-0890 or email her at

We will of course continue to stream our mass live on Saturday evening at 5:00pm and post it on Youtube for the weekend for anyone who is not able to come to the church.

Notes on Confirmation of booking
When you have completed the online booking form the attached screen is displayed and a confirmation email is sent.
Once you see the reservation received screen displayed – your booking is in the system, there is no need to repeat that booking
If you do not receive the confirmation email:
-         Please check the email account that you provided in the form
-         Please add to your contact list
-         Please create a rule in the email program to accept all email from

These steps will help ensure that you receive your confirmation. Thank you.

To attend mass, please register as space is very limited. Only confirmed registrants will be allowed to enter the church.

Watch St Clare parish weekly Sunday Mass on our YouTube Channel. Updated every week. Live Streaming on Saturday at 5:00pm with a Higher Definition version available at 7:30pm (Saturday)
In order to help you facilitate the offertory for St Clare parish, The Archdiocese has created an Online Offertory page to facilitate one time or pre-authorized monthly or weekly giving through direct debit or credit card donations.
Our Confession Schedule is as follows:

  • Monday to Friday 8:45 am – 9:00 am

  • Saturday, 9:30 am – 10:15 am (no need to register)

  • By appointment by emailing our Pastor Fr. Maciej at

  • By appointment by emailing our Assistant Pastor Fr. Yarek at

Confessions are now heard in the Crying Room (by the washrooms on the east side of the church) NOT in the confessional.
Our Prayer Corner

Please pray for the sick of our Parish
Noah Zanatta, Bob Roy, Loni Cain, Brendan Pace, Gracienda Ramos, Brian Stewart, Catherine Dunne, Lucy Chase, Doreen Allyen, Tyson Ward, Nora Arroyal, Christopher Brown, Joan McDonald, Annabella Cirko, Frank Matchett, Kelly Durkin, Jason Kendall, Bill Clendinning, Chris Mah, Lydia Guzman, Angelo Visentin, June Cross, Katelyn Boudewyn, Karen Morris, Ramon Montecillo, Janice Caine, Nadine Classen, Leanne Theiss, Sierra Osborne, Sebastien Robillard, Carol Clifford, Sandra Diersch, Lori Dennis, Marcel Quaghebeur, Mazoe Kaufman, Cindy Mazerolle-Kass,  Anna Figura, Ed Garcia, Viray Family, Walter Banke, Nettie Helgason, Etheen Lowry, Elizabeth Teixeira, Reema Ferreira, Terry McDonald, Andrew De Boda, Maurice Quaghebeur, Henry Sicking, Hari Vijay, Peggy Maas, Chad Galitzky, Al Trotter and all recipients of St. Clare’s Prayer Shawls.
Poor Clares in Mission
The Poor Clare Sisters are praying for our parish and would be happy to take your personal prayer requests by mail or telephone 1-604-826-2818. St. Clare's Monastery, Box 3370, Mission, B.C. V2V 4J5
Of Interest from the Diocese

All Souls' Day Mass with Archbishop Miller
Join Archbishop J. Michael Miller, CSB for All Souls' Day Mass on Monday, Nov. 2 at 6:00 pm live from the Evangelist Chapel at Gardens of Gethsemani. Register to attend in-person or by livestream at
The Search
WHY ARE WE HERE? WHAT'S LIFE ALL ABOUT? The Search is an innovative video series that tackles the key questions of every human heart. In seven beautifully filmed episodes, Chris Stefanick and experts from multiple fields of science, medicine, psychology, art, and religion examine our place in the larger story of existence.
Whether you’re a practiced inquirer or a jaded skeptic, The Search will speak to you. You may be reassured by some parts, and challenged by others. Either way, you’ll find a lot here to think about. And when all is said and done, life’s questions demand to be answered.
Are you ready for The Search? Join us for weekly sessions on Thursdays from Nov. 5 until Dec. 17 from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm. Register online at

Virtual Catechists Evening with Archbishop Miller
Come and join the hundreds of catechists in the Archdiocese of Vancouver for this annual event where Archbishop Miller will honour, celebrate, thank, commission and give his annual exhortation to the those involved in the catechetical ministry - PREP, RCIA, Liturgy of the Word with Children (LWC) and CGS (Catechesis of the Good Shepherd). This event takes place on Friday, Nov. 13 from 7:00 pm - 8:30pm. Register online at
The Gospel of Luke: Turning the World Upside Down
Join us as we explore what makes the Gospel of Luke fascinating and beautiful. We will pay particular attention to how Jesus inaugurates the Kingdom of God. In addition, we will see how Jesus’ mission is continued by the Church in the Acts of the Apostles, the sequel to Luke’s Gospel. The message of Luke is important because it inspires us in the mission Jesus has given us. Join our speaker Fr. Nick Meisl on Saturday, Nov. 14 from 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm on Zoom. Register online at
How to Spiritually Survive and Enjoy the Holidays as an Adult Child of Divorce at Online
This talk will feature some psychological tips from a licensed counselor on the topic of boundaries and confronting difficult family situations around the holidays. Then, it will have a witness talk from an adult child of divorce about different practices and attitudes that she has found helpful to have greater peace around her family during the holidays. Join us on Tuesday, Nov. 17 from 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm on Zoom. Register online at
Estate & Memorial Planning Webinar
This free presentation provides general information for preparing or updating your will and learning about the beauty of the funeral rite, and formulating pre-need arrangements. You'll be pointed to complementary guides, tools and practical resources. Join us on Thursday, Nov. 5 at 10:00 am on Zoom. Register online at Hosted by Gardens of Gethsemani, a ministry of the Archdiocese of Vancouver.

Help Evangelize 1,500 Teens in Vancouver
NET Canada is bringing ten joy-filled missionaries who have volunteered a year of their life to come to the Archdiocese of Vancouver to evangelize 1,500 high school students. Because of the pandemic, they are looking for basement suites, empty apartments, rectories, or retreat centers where they can live during their time here. They are also in need of assistance with their food budget. If you are able to help in any way, please contact Cecilia at

Highways to Heaven -
Lives of Blesseds Carlo Acutis & Chiara "Luce" Badano
How did two normal teenagers—a 15-year-old tech whiz and an 18-year-old ray of sunshine—live such authentic lives? Despite their short years on earth, they found their highway to heaven and are on the way to sainthood. We only have one life to live, so how can we find true fulfillment and meaning? Let’s look to Carlo and Chiara and hear their stories. Join us this Saturday, Nov. 7, at 7:00 pm on Zoom to get to know these two extraordinary youth through storytelling and artistic performances. Register online at Presented by young adults from SFU Chaplaincy and Focolare Movement.

Parishioners Receive 10% Off Sacred Burial Space in November
Gardens of Gethsemani Catholic Cemetery is offering envelope users at our parish 10% off sacred burial space during the month of November. Planning for the future allows you to have your wishes carried out, reducing the burden on your family, and ensuring that important decisions won't be made in a time of sorrow. Call 604 531-2141 or visit to set up a personal one-hour appointment with an experienced and compassionate advisor. We can meet in-person, by phone or video conferencing.
*Applicable on burial space only (not on services or memorialization). Cannot be combined with other offers. Present your parish’s offertory envelope at your appointment.

The Catholic Moms Summit
So many of us struggle to find joy within our vocation of motherhood, and this Summit is here to help you do exactly that. Our dynamic presenters will be sharing inspiration, wisdom, and encouragement from a wide variety of experiences and backgrounds, and this event is a great opportunity for you to connect with other moms just like you from around the world. I know it will be an experience unlike anything you've ever done before.
You'll discover...
- How to balance your never-ending obligations and expectations.
- Why inadequacy, guilt, and regret plague all of us, and how to move past these robbers of joy.
- How to avoid getting overwhelmed and actually recharge!
- What’s really at the root of a general feeling of unhappiness and what to do about it!
- Practical step-by-step advice on parenting, marriage, work, health, prayer!
... and much more!
Join us online from Friday, Nov. 13 at 2:00 pm to Saturday, Nov. 14 at 9:00 pm. Register for free at

Email Fraud Warning (Note, one of our parishioners received this request this week)
The Archdiocese has received multiple reports from parishioners and priests who have fallen victim to a recent Internet email phishing scam. Imposters, posing as priests and using email addresses that are similar to those of our priests, have been emailing people asking for personal donations, gift cards, and other forms of financial assistance.

Never respond to emails requesting Google Play cards, iTunes cards, or any other form of personal financial assistance, even if it appears to be from a priest, deacon, religious, parish staff or bishop. If you have any doubt, please contact the sender by other means to verify any requests.

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