And we are preparing. Regardless of the forecast, wet and cold or warm and dry, we have some sort of snow or ice every winter. Even last winter which was mild and dry, we had 5-6 ice and light snow events where we mobilized and serviced properties.  
We believe we provide the best winter weather service in the Portland/Vancouver Metro area out of our 3 offices: Hillsboro, Sherwood, and Parkrose. We provide sidewalk shoveling and deicing, parking lot plowing and sanding, as well as parking lot deicer pre-treating. You can sign up for any or all of these services and can designate whether you want them provided on weekdays or all days including weekends. We monitor weather throughout the winter and recommend you allow us to make the determination on when to deploy but leave you the option of making the call.
In expansion of our service starting last year, as a part of our winter storm service, we post winter weather warning signs at the driveway entrances of sites we serve. We also send emails out on days before potential events to keep customers informed of our plan. We follow these up with email updated during the storm, often times in the middle of the night as we complete service to give customers real time updates. Our service and communication is next to none!
Remember, we offered preferential pricing and priority service for maintenance customers who ordered service before November 1st.  If you are a current customer and haven’t signed up for service yet, call your Area Manager today.