Updates in Pediatrics
Editor: Jack Wolfsdorf, MD, FAAP

header with photos of various children
October 12, 2022 | Volume 13 | Issue 41
Empiric treatment of infant irritability and acid gastro-esophageal reflux (GER)
“The ongoing trend to promote proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) to infants presenting with irritability and/or inconsolable crying is hard to break, despite the absence of evidence of benefit”. Guidelines suggest PPI’s are to be used only for erosive esophagitis or symptoms associated with acid reflux demonstrated by pH monitoring.

Chronic PPI use has significant side-effects which include negatively impacting the microbiome of the mouth, gut and lungs, enhancing small intestine bacterial over-growth (bloating, abdominal pain and diarrhea) enhancing the risk of allergies (particularly in infants <6 months of age) and interfering with nutrient absorption (e.g., Iron, Vitamin B12, and Calcium).

From an interesting investigation it appears that only 23.8% of health infants with irritability and/or inconsolable crying may have evidence of acid GER on pH monitoring. Where reflux investigation is difficult, a short-course (2-4 weeks) of empiric treatment with a PPI may be considered.
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At the completion of this activity, participants are expected to:
[1] Understand Florida law on informed consent, [2] Be aware that consent for minors must be in writing and detailed, [3] Learn about Florida’s new regulatory provision specific to pelvic exams.
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