Volume 16 | Issue 50 | December 22, 2021
Generations This Week
News for Advocates of Children, Youth and Older Adults from Generations United
Happy Holidays from Generations United
As we reflect on 2021, we are saddened by the losses we all have experienced but fortified in our resolve to build a world that values and engages all generations.

While the past year has been filled with many challenges, we also had some amazing successes. We wanted to highlight five of these accomplishments and ask you to join us in supporting strong intergenerational connections in 2022.
1) Virtual Global Conference
Generations United’s 21st Intergenerational Conference was held virtually this year and was our largest convening to date! With over 450 participants, representing 40 states and the District of Columbia, at least 8 tribes, and 18 countries, the three-day event was filled with inspiring and educational sessions. The highly acclaimed plenary session, Sankofa: The Art of Intergenerational Storytelling, is available to watch online. We are starting preparations for our next international conference in 2023. Stay tuned.
2) Expanded Commitment to DEI
In 2021, we expanded our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion through intensive staff training, racial equity toolkits for grandfamilies, and a new project to elevate intergenerational practices in diverse communities. More information about our goals will be coming early in the new year when we release our 3-year strategic plan for 2022-2024.
3) Supporting Grandfamilies
Our National Center on Grandfamilies continued to elevate the voices of grandfamilies through our GRAND Voices Network. We were proud to participate in the federal Advisory Council to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren and the development of its initial report to Congress. We also administered the Grandfamilies COVID Response Fund, distributing grants totaling $120,000 to grandfamilies and nonprofits that serve them.
4) First National Technical Assistance Center on Grandfamilies and Kinship Families
Generations United is honored to create the first National Technical Assistance Center on Grandfamilies and Kinship Families (NTAC), funded through a five-year cooperative agreement from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration for Community Living (ACL). We will coordinate the work of five partners and a diverse steering committee of the nation’s leading experts on kinship and grandfamilies and caregivers from the GRAND Voices Network.
5) New and Updated Resources
Finally, we delivered a bumper crop of new and updated resources in 2021. We encourage you to check them out and use them in your efforts to strengthen intergenerational connections and supports for grandfamilies.

Thank You to Our Members and Supporters
All of this is possible because of our members, supporters, and you. Please donate now to continue to build a world that values all ages. If you're an organization, join us!

Generations United thanks Marilyn & John Oyler, Jean & Richard Josephson, and Jamie & Christopher Bailey for their contributions.
This is the last issue of GTW for 2021. Thank you for your support this year and please also let us know how we can improve! Email us at We'd love to hear from you!

Happy Holidays from
The Generations United Team