These are certainly strange times, and the need to connect with others is more urgent than ever, especially for men affected by prostate cancer and their loved ones. While living with restrictions related to COVID, these men and women are still dealing with important treatment decisions or management of side effects associated with prostate cancer treatment.

Us TOO and AnCan are proud to announce Prostate Cancer Connections, a new series of educational and interactive webinars which will bring people together virtually and safely to access empowering, decision-making information and personal connections in a time of social distancing.

For the first of our three webinars, we offer a discussion around how and if men with prostate cancer should talk to their kids about how it could impact their lives.

Join us for
Prostate Cancer Connections
Episode 1 in a Series of 3:
The Talk Prostate Cancer Educational Forum Webinar
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
8:00-9:30pm EDT

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Meet the Panel
One of the groups of people at greater risk of developing cancer are those with a family history of the disease. This brings up a lot of potential questions and concerns as parents decide how and when to have The Talk with their children. This webinar will feature a very special panel discussion on how parents talk to their children about the prospect of passing down cancer.
Three fathers and sons, and one father and daughter, will join us to discuss their journeys with cancer, how and when they had The Talk , and how it has impacted their health and family dynamics. The experiences of this group include active surveillance, low/intermediate, and advanced prostate cancer together with inheritable genetic mutations.  
  • Moderator: Dr. Alicia Morgans, Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
  • Medical Panelist: Dr. Ryan Berglund, Urologist, Cleveland Clinic
  • Panel Includes Fathers, Sons, and Daughters Addressing Active Surveillance, Low/Intermediate and Advanced Prostate Cancer and Inheritable Gene Mutations

  • How and If Men with Prostate Cancer Should Talk to Their Kids About How it Could Impact Their Lives
  • Passing Cancer to Sons and Daughters
  • And Much More!

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