Welcome to the

September 2022 NEWSLETTER

One of the quotes that I saw at Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience in DC was “Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.” This quote invites us to remember that art, life, and ministry often start with a series of small steps that lead into something which is often bigger and better than we imagine.

When COVID began, we needed to pause some ministry plans. While this time has been filled with many losses, it has also been a time of immense opportunity to reimagine and more fully align with God’s vision for ministry during this next season. I give thanks that LCOC was willing to experiment and take many small steps in ministry throughout this time. God is using these steps to equip us to build community partnerships, to offer more experiential worship and learning opportunities, and to explore how God is calling us forward in ministry.

So, what is the next step for this fall? LCOC will offer an education time on Sunday mornings to connect people with God’s story. This means that our worship time will shift to 9:30 am and the education time will be at 10:45 am. Please read this newsletter for more details for learning, worship, and serving opportunities that are leading us, individually and as a congregation, into the life abundant that God desires for us.

Pastor Darcy


Email the office
Email Pastor Darcy
Subscribe to the LCOC YouTube Channel

Please note: office will be closed on Friday September 2nd (Noris - vacation day) and Monday September 5th, for Labor day.

Sunday Education returns
September 11, 2022!!!!
Note the new Sunday schedule:
Worship @ 9:30 am
Education @10:45am


They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. (Acts 2:42)

Experiment with various spiritual practices so that we can deepen our relationship with God.

Some ideas include:
·      Storytelling
·      Prayer opportunities
·      Worship
·      Bible Studies

like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2:5)

Develop clarity for how LCOC operates as a community of faith so that we can more fully live together in God’s ways.

Some ideas include:
·      Fellowship Opportunities
·      Incorporation of LCOC
·      Update Constitution
·      Ministry Team Development

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)

Make new connections so that we can widen God’s kingdom through the ministry of LCOC.

Some ideas include:
·      Outreach opportunities
·      Continued development of technology tools for worship and education 


NOTE: currently all of our events use the same information.



Worship Sundays

10:00 am

in-person and online via Zoom and YouTube Live!

July, August and September Worship Servers

Sharing a God moment

Click here for Jo Ann Rudy, God moment -Jesus and the little children shared on August 28th.

Sharing a God moment

Click here for Harriet Richard God moment- The story of the LCOC Stained Glass.

Service of comfort and healing

Comfort and healing service will be on 

OCTOBER 12 @ 7:00 PM

Reformation Sunday

Sunday, October 30

You are welcome to wear red.

November upcoming events

  • November 6 – All Saints’ Sunday

Pictures of loved ones who died in the past year

  • November 20 – Christ the King Sunday

Altar Flowers for 2022 

If you would like to donate flowers in memory of loved ones or in honor of someone’s birthday or anniversary, etc.
please contact Noris in the office (telephone 703-670-4242)
Thank you! 

The next Worship Committee meeting will be on Monday, September 19 at 9:30 AM.




September 11 - kick off brunch with a short video and discussion to explore next steps to live into the Jesus-sized dream

What Makes Christian Social Innovation Christian?

How can church leaders approach innovation in ways that are consistent with their faith? Kenda Creasy Dean says it starts by focusing on people not problem, by seeking to participate in God’s new thing rather than trying to get God to participate in ours.

September 18 - October 16

You are invited to a 5 week series exploring the story of Joseph  and how that helps us to see God's dream for your life.  

No prior Biblical knowledge is necessary.  

Video intro to the series

This is a video series, so the purchase of a book is not required.  However, if you would like to dive deeper, you can purchase the book on amazon:

click here to purchase book

Connect the dots of triumph and trauma in your life to discover God’s presence by studying the story of Joseph in Genesis.

Life can often feel like a scattering of random events. The various choices, opportunities, or even pain we experience seem to have no real purpose or connection. But if we pay attention to God’s work, our lives tell a different story.

The story of Joseph in Genesis teaches us to look for the big picture in our lives. It shows us how God weaves together events that seem random into a beautiful image of joy, survival, purpose, and meaning. In The Big Picture: Seeing God’s Dream for Your Life, authors Jevon and Nicole Caldwell-Gross take a closer look at the life of Joseph to discover God’s presence in moments of triumph and trauma. Join them for this five-week study and see God’s dream for your life as you begin connecting the dots of God’s grace, presence, and protection.


 Monday, October 3rd at 10:30 AM for an outing to the Occoquan Regional Park to see the Turning Point Suffragist Memorial, a monument dedicated to the millions of women who fought for the 19th Amendment to the Constitution allowing women the vote. There will be a presentation by a docent. Afterward, we will enjoy lunch together at the Brickmaker’s Café nearby in an indoor/outdoor setting overlooking the Occoquan River. 

For further information, or if you would like a ride, contact Harriet Richard at 703-670-3205.

Mark your calendar..

Fall Tuesday morning Bible Study

begins September 13 @ 10 am

You are invited to
Adam Hamilton's study on Moses
Begins September 13
@ 10:00 am via Zoom
This Fall on Tuesday mornings,
you are invited to explore the
life and ministry of Moses.
Here is the link for the book and study. 
Please email Noris to order a book. 
Invite a friend or neighbor
to be part of this time of
prayer, fellowship, and learning.

All are welcome.
No prior Biblical knowledge required.

In the meantime, here are links to short videos about Exodus and Deuteronomy and also the posters to give you an overview of these books and the life and ministry of Moses.

Click here for Exodus video
Click here for Deuteronomy video

2022 Churchwide assembly summary

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Final summary

Click here for more updates

Book club!

The Out to Lunch with Books (OTLWB) club will meet on September 12th at 12:00 noon to discuss The Maid by Nita Prose. All are welcome to attend. If you would like more information, please contact Sandy Strychowski or Diane DeGroodt.


September 10 at 9:00 am

Lower Fellowship Hall



Experience the joy of being God's hands in ministry

and serving with others!

Click here to learn more about being a part of a team
If you can play music on your computer OR use PowerPoint, OR have been the family videographer, OR you willing to learn, then you, too, can be a part of the Broadcast team!
Some ways to serve in worship include:
  • Assisting Minister
  • Reader
  • Usher
  • acolyte

Do you like to have fun or do you like to plan gatherings?
Would you be willing to plan ONE event this year and/or work with several people to plan an event(s)?

We are always learning and growing. Please email the broadcast team with any suggestions or experiences that would help to improve the streaming of our services OR if you would like to share your gifts as part of this team.
Broadcast team email

Thank you message to LCOC family!

Ray Smith and his family and Patti Barry and her family would like to thank all who have been so kind with their support, prayers, and condolences after the passing of our mom, Tilli Smith.  Mom was blessed to have had such a caring extended family at LCOC.



SEPTEMBER 17 – God’s Work-our Hands Cloverdale Clean-up @ 9:00am

The ACTS IWalk is back in person this year at Stonebridge (near Wegmans).  

click here to register to walk and/or make a donation for team

Lutheran Church of the Covenant (LCOC)


On Friday, August 19, the children and families of Neabsco Elementary met their teachers AND many community supporters. Dave and Denise Wilder and Pastor Darcy represented LCOC at this community event and made wonderful connections with the students, families, teachers, staff, and other community leaders.

Stay tuned for ways that you can help build connections with Neabsco and other community groups this fall....


Dear LCOC Family ~

Thank you so very much for your extravagant generosity once again! On Monday, August 15th, Cory (the Neabsco Social Worker) and Allison (one of the School Counselors), came to LCOC to pick up food, snacks, games, activities, supplies, and 60 backpacks to help the children at Neabsco have a good start to the school year We were also able to fill about 20 bags with our LCOC logo on them with treats for the teachers. Thanks to Diane and Emily DeGroodt for all the shopping they did (without them, we couldn't have done this); to DeLoris Bellinger and Roger Rudy for their Thrivent Action Teams; to Thrivent Financial for "Living and Giving Generously"; to Roger Rudy for all he did in helping to get everything organized; to Diane DeGroodt, Kathy Panther, Pastor Darcy, and Noris for helping to load two cars filled with our gifts to Neabsco!

Click here for more pictures

We were also able to provide a beautiful backpack filled with supplies to Andrea, whose Mom cleans our church each week.

Please know what a difference you have made, are making, and will continue to make in the lives of these young children and their parents.

What a blessing you all are!  

Lovingly and sincerely,

Jo Ann  

The volunteers for Project-Mend-a-House continue to care for the Prince William Community. Talk to Ralph Morse for more details in how you can participate in this outreach.
Here are some pictures of a recent project:


Email Denise to experience the joy of welcoming ONE family from Afghanistan
Dear Fellow LCOC members,

Our Afghan Family Update
LCOC has been working in conjunction with St. Matthews Lutheran Church to help a special family settle into their new life in Woodbridge. So much has happened in just 3 months! Mr. A. now has his drivers license and has received a donated car. The Asian Spring festival of Nowruz was celebrated with Spring flowers and treats. One of the family members was also given an American style birthday party. The 5-year-old has been able to enjoy preschool, and St. Matthews provides a team of drivers to get him to and from school each day, which is a huge boon to his English language development. He’s become quite the little chatterbox during the drives. He is expecting to start kindergarten in the Fall.
Mrs. A. is learning English online. (They were able to get Internet! Yay!) She also attends an in-person class once a week. The family has even found an Afghan physician practicing in Woodbridge to take care of any medical needs.
Lutheran Social Services (LSS) continues to support the family in their orientation to our culture.  As of May, St. Matthew’s takes over from Lutheran Social Services the responsibility for paying the family’s rent, utility, and power bills for the next three months. They will then assist with partial payments for an additional six months.
If you would like to participate in this rewarding ministry, please contact me at thewilders54@gmail.com or phone me at 540-841-4079. Thank you in advance.
Denise Wilder, Council President

Thrivent Action Teams

Through Sept 30, you can become an associate Thrivent member for FREE


This will enable you to access $250 for a Thrivent Action team to support the LCOC outreach opportunities. 

click here for more info



To equip LCOC to:
grow in faith
share the love of God and LCOC with others
connect people in mission and outreach.

Because of your generosity, LCOC has been able to:
·      Make in-person and online worship connections with a new audio and projection system, camera, and other cables for the sanctuary
·      Provide a safe sanctuary for children and youth as provide background checks for the adult leaders.
·      Brighten the entrance hallway with new LED lights
·      Reach out to support God’s work in the Synod to develop church leadership, grow existing congregations, plant new churches, and support growth across the country.

With your generosity, in 2022 LCOC will be able to:
  • Make People Connections and create New Ministries
  • Redesign our website and refresh our communication tools
  • Grow and expand our online options with a broadcast booth, and additional technology needs for the sanctuary/UFH/rooms on upper level
  • Create a welcoming space with a new HVAC system and heating and a/c for hallways






Ways to give:

       15008 Cloverdale Road

      Dale City, VA 22193

September Treasurer's Report

LCOC is a beacon of light in this community.

Your financial support will equip LCOC to BE the church so that we can offer care, hope, and peace in these uncertain times - Thank you!



Please email Noris, with any additional birthdays, baptismal birthdays, or wedding anniversaries. We want to celebrate YOU!


1 Joey B

1 John E

3 Amy M

8 Venus O

8 Isabella Y

10 Greta S

28 Sarah S

30 Jason P


4 Harriet and Brian R

7 Amanda H and Mark B


6 Georgiann T

16 Mark G

29 Allison P

29 Tyler P

Tyler R.
Tom M.
Ryan L.
Samuel B.
Xavier D.
Kevin B.

Lutheran Church of the Covenant




Connect with us

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