Holiday Stress Relief for Parents and Children!
As we approach the holidays, many of us look forward to spending time with family and friends. Sharing in the joys of the season is a favorite pastime for most of us to experience, along with a break from school work. However, for some, the holiday season can potentially bring up negative and anxious feelings. At this time of year, more than any other, we think about loved ones we may have lost, how to finance the gifts and experiences we want to give our family, how to “make the rounds,” how to survive hours in the car with small children, and the list seems to go on indefinitely.
In fact, in an article I just read recently, a poll conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) concluded that 8 out of 10 Americans anticipate stress and anxiousness during the holiday season, and roughly half of that number pertains to children. We all know that children learn what they see, so if they see the adults in their lives stressed out, they will be too. Therefore, it is important to find ways to cope with your own holiday anxiety. The less holiday stress you feel, the more relaxed your children will be during this time of year. As such, please feel free to check out this practical article from Very Well Family on ways to help minimize stress in our children during this holiday season. May you all have a wonderful, safe, and happy holiday!
~Mr. Ling, Curriculum Director