To date in Howard County, we have 16,150 confirmed cases of COVID-19, 8,482 active cases, 7,668 total recoveries, and 223 of our neighbors have passed from this virus. We're keeping these families in our hearts.
As of 9:00 a.m. today and according to the Maryland Department of Health, our 7-day average positivity rate is at 2.8% and our 7-day average case rate per 100,000 of our population is at 13.6. Both our positivity and case rates are below the State averages and our rates are within the lower third of all jurisdictions.
In this Edition:
Community Updates
COVID-19 Vaccine Updates
COVID-19 Relief
Government Updates
We are strong partners with the Howard County General Hospital and continue to monitor their staffing capacity. Today, there are 18 COVID-19 patients in both ICU and Acute Care unit.
To date, 20.9% of Howard County residents have received their first vaccine dose, and the Howard County Health Department has administered 24,420 first doses. HCHD has administered 110% of its allocation of first doses. This week, Howard County also received 400 Johnson & Johnson vaccine doses in addition to the expected 1,700 first doses from the State.
We’ve seen our key metrics COVID-19 decline over the past several weeks, but the virus is still very much present in our community, and we cannot let our guard down yet. With more of our community being vaccinated each week, there is hope that we can end this pandemic.
In the meantime, we must continue practices that we all know at this point - wear a mask around people not in your household, avoid gatherings of large groups, keep your distance, and wash your hands.
Addressing Vaccine Equity
After nearly a year with COVID-19 in our community, we have seen how starkly this virus has exacerbated the cracks and ruptures already present in Howard County. Now with expanded eligibility and increasing supply, we must do the hard work of ensuring that communities of color, our more vulnerable residents, neighbors with limited English proficiency, residents of all abilities, and people who have limited access to online registration can get their vaccine.
COVID-19 Vaccine Data
We added robust vaccine data to its COVID-19 data dashboard at The data details daily shots administered by the Howard County Health Department, total Howard County residents who have received first or final dose, and demographic details, including age and race.
Establishment of Interagency Vaccine Coordinating Team
We also established an Interagency Vaccine Coordinating Team to ensure the coordination of outreach activities and to execute more targeted distribution of the vaccine to communities with access challenges or lower vaccine confidence. The Mobile Integrated Community Health unit will expand to bring the vaccine to these targeted areas for distribution, as supply allows.
To date, the MICH unit has vaccinated:
- More than 270 staff and residents at independent congregate living facilities;
- 115 residents in their homes; and
- 270 residents at clinics or in their vehicles.
Grant Funding
The Howard County Health Department will be providing $1 million in grant funding to community organizations to support vaccine outreach and education, and to close barriers to access. The grants will be utilized to build community partnerships and ensure vaccine information reaches all corners of Howard County, and especially to communities where English is not a primary language.
Making History at HCDFRS
For more than a decade, Battalion Chief/Paramedic Cerisa Speight has been a stand-out in our Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services. Her recent rise to Battalion Chief is a testament to her incredible work and leadership in the department, and we’re hopeful that her success will continue to inspire many more to follow in her footsteps.
This Women's History Month, we are celebrating the incredible women who are making history in our Community. Chief Speight made history as Howard County's first Black woman Battalion Chief. Please, join me in congratulating her!
Read more about her here.
Cleaning the Tiber Watershed
One year ago, Gordan Ramsay chose to feature Ellicott City on his show because he saw what we already knew; Ellicott City is a special place filled with resilient, innovative people. I was so glad to join Howard EcoWorks for the Tiber Watershed Makeover this morning.
Taking care of our natural resources is critically important as we face the effects of a continuously changing climate. Thank you all our volunteers who participated.
Unemployment Data Update
COVID-19 has had an significant impact on all our Howard County residents. However, we are seeing positive outcomes in our employment metrics. In February, 1,557 residents filed unemployment claims. In total, Maryland saw 44,439 residents file unemployment claims in February. We remain committed to ensuring our residents have access to the best available resources and services to help navigate through this challenging time.
For more information for employers, employees, and job seekers, please contact our Howard County Office of Workforce Development by calling (410) 290-2620 or visit their website here.
Residents Budget Hearing
As we confront the economic challenges and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, it's vital that we hear from our community on what matters most. Join us tomorrow, Tuesday, March 9th, at 6:00 p.m. for our second virtual FY22 Resident's Budget Hearing.
Residents interested in speaking at the hearing can sign-up online. Speakers must sign-up individually, and one person may not sign-up for several testifiers. Residents may also email their testimony to, with “BUDGET TESTIMONY” in the subject line.
I encourage our residents to participate in our upcoming budget hearing and provide input on this year's budget, we want to hear from you about the projects that will make a difference and provide a positive impact on life in Howard County. We have tough choices to make and will need to prioritize.
Please remember, internet testimony is considered public information and, as such, is subject to the Maryland Public Information Act.
Catalyst Loan Fund Information Session
Are you interested in learning more about the Catalyst Loan Fund?
Join the Howard County Economic Development Authority for an introduction session on the Catalyst Loan Fund on March 16th, at 10:00 a.m. Managed by the HCEDA, the Catalyst Loan Fund is part of Maryland’s Video Lottery Terminal (VLT) Small, Minority and Woman-Owned Business Account initiative.
This fund provides financing for businesses who are looking to expand and grow or work on a new project to help build their business and the economy. I encourage Howard County business owners to register today.
Congrats Eagles!
Please join me in congratulating Christopher Lidard of Centennial High School (Howard County, Maryland) on being selected to represent Maryland, and Howard County, through the U.S. Senate Youth Program this month.
He is only one of two students to be selected from Maryland, which speaks to the leadership abilities, commitment to volunteering, and outstanding academic achievement of our students. I wish him the very best through this experience!
NACo Call with the White House
The quick and effective distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine requires all levels of government be in constant communication and work collaboratively. I was honored to participate in a National Association of Counties call with White House officials. The three officials, Intergovernmental Affairs Senior Advisor Luke McGowan, COVID-19 Intergovernmental Affairs Director Eduardo Cisneros, and White House Vaccine Coordinator Dr. Bechara Choucair discussed vaccine supply and equitable distribution.
We’re encouraged by the active role the Biden Administration is taking in communicating more directly with local governments, and ensuring we have the resources to equitably get shots in arms. We’ve already seen progress with earlier notification of how many doses we will receive each week, and we’ll continue to push for additional doses for our community.
They also noted how vital it is to hear directly from local communities and understand any problems on the ground. I plan to participate in these calls bi-weekly, and ask Howard County residents to send questions for the White House Vaccination Team to that I can direct to officials in the coming weeks. Residents should put “Question for White House Vax Team” in subject line of their emails.
Providing the COVID-19 Vaccine for our Veterans
The VA Maryland Health Care System has begun administering the COVID-19 vaccine to enrolled Veteran patients based on VA and CDC designated priority groups. Currently, enrolled Veterans 65 years of age or older are qualified to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. Veterans do not need to call and request the vaccine because they will be notified when they are eligible and provided the instructions on how to schedule an appointment.
If you are under 65, but you want to express your interest in receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, visit the VA's covid-19 vaccine website and sign in so they can contact you once you become eligible.
Maryland Vaccination Sites
Last week, the FDA authorized use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine (J&J). Governor Hogan announced Maryland will be receiving an initial shipment of nearly 50,000 doses, with 55% of this allotment going to the Maryland Mass Vaccination sites. The State has allocated 400 doses of J&J this week to the Howard County Health Department. At this time we do not anticipate receiving additional J&J for the next two weeks.
While there continues to be limited vaccine allocation to County Health Departments, we encourage qualifying residents to visit one of many available locations to receive their vaccines. The State has implemented four Mass Vaccine sites to administer vaccines to all residents who qualify under Phase 1A, 1B, and 1C. These sites are managed by the State and County Health Departments do not have the ability to register residents.
For more information and to register at any mass vaccination sites or pharmacy, please visit or call 1 (855) 634-6829.
Howard County Vaccine Distribution Process
We are efficiently administering the vaccine with approximately 100% of received vaccines administered by the end of each week. Please note, the phases are determined by the Governor, and are subject to change based upon State guidance. For questions about specific phases and where you may qualify, please call the State's COVID line at 1-855-634-6829.
Residents who have preregistered will be notified by email to schedule an appointment, as supply becomes available. Appointments are required, and persons should arrive no sooner than 10 minutes prior to their appointment time.
Please note, the Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services' Mobile Integrated Community Health (MICH) team will focus on vaccinating specific homebound at-risk adults as identified by the Howard County Health Department. If you believe you are in need of MICH in-home COVID-19 vaccination accommodations, please complete one of the pre-registrations below marking the appropriate area for MICH consideration. The Howard County Health Department can provide further information at 410-313-6284.
Per the Governor’s direction, Maryland residents in Phase 1A, 1B and 1C are currently eligible to receive the vaccine. There are more than 220 provider locations including regional State-run mass vax clinics, retail pharmacies and hospital operating clinics. All residents are encouraged by the State to register for a vaccine at these sites by using the State vaccine locator.
Phase 1A
Phase 1A includes all licensed healthcare providers, correctional officers, law enforcement agencies, and frontline judiciary staff. The Health Department estimates there are up to 15,000 people in this group. Healthcare providers can register here.
We are currently scheduling appointments and vaccinating those in this phase.
Phase 1B
The Health Department estimates there are up to 55,000 people under this phase, and we are currently scheduling appointments and vaccinating those in this phase.
Ages 75+: Residents who are 75-years-old and older are now able to receive the vaccine. In order to receive an appointment, please register online or by calling (410) 313-6284.
Educators/Childcare providers: Any adult licensed childcare providers and non-public K-12 school educators who live and/or work in Howard County are able to register for their vaccine. HCPSS employees should NOT complete this survey. HCPSS will coordinate vaccinations for their K-12 educators and staff, and educators will be contacted by their administrators.
Individuals with Developmental Disabilities: Those who fall under this category may register to receive their vaccine online or by calling (410) 313-6284. The intent of this group is to vaccinate persons with significant disabilities requiring support to live outside a congregant facility. Please note that a letter from a medical provider may be requested at the time of appointment to verify the person’s diagnosis.
Continuity of Government: At this time, local health departments have not been allocated vaccine for essential federal government employees/contractors or those under Continuity of Government. Federal law enforcement agencies should coordinate with the Maryland State Police for vaccination needs. All federal non-law enforcement agencies should consider implementing their continuity of operations plans and request vaccine doses from FEMA through their leadership. Essential workers who may be eligible for vaccine should visit the State website for area clinics providing vaccine to those prioritized in Phase 1C.
Phase 1C
We are currently pre-registering those who fall under this phase, and the Health Department estimates there are approximately 100,000 people in this phase.
Residents ages 65-74: Some residents under this group will be vaccinated as supply allows. Proof of residence in Howard County will be required to receive the vaccination.
All other groups under phase 1C can register here. This phase includes:
- Essential healthcare workers not in 1A
- Critical manufacturing workers
- U.S. Postal Service and mass public transit workers
- Veterinarian and support staff
- Clergy/other essential staff for houses of worship
- Food/agriculture production workers
- Grocery store and food bank workers
- Certain Immunocompromised individuals (the Maryland Department of Health provides specific definitions and categories for this group. Please refer to
Phase 2
We are currently pre-registering those who fall under this phase. Completing this survey DOES NOT pre-register you for a vaccination clinic. This survey provides the Health Department with your information so that once vaccination clinics are available for this group, we can contact you. This phase includes:
- Residents 16-64 years old with medical conditions
- Critical utility workers
- Transportation and logistic workers
- Food service workers
Phase 3
We are currently pre-registering those who fall under this phase. Completing this survey DOES NOT pre-register you for a vaccination clinic. This survey provides the Health Department with your information so that once vaccination clinics are available for this group, we can contact you. This phase includes the general population, which is other Howard County residents or workers ages 16-64 years old, including healthy workers.
COVID-19 Vaccine Scams
As residents begin registering and receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, it's important to be cautious of any scams. Receiving unsolicited offers for a vaccine can raise several red flags that should not go unnoticed. To stay safe, please know these warning signs of a possible scam and only follow trusted sources for vaccine information.
If you believe you are the victim of a scam, please contact the Office of Consumer Protection at (410) 313-6420
Reaching our Older Adults
The Office on Aging and Independence (OAI) is working to increase vaccine communications with phone calls, online information, signage and flyers posted throughout 55+ communities, senior residences or apartment buildings, assisted living facilities, healthcare providers and commercial areas, through traditional mail, and even through COVID-safe in-person direct community engagement.
Bilingual staff is available to assist those with limited English proficiency who may need support signing up for vaccination or to answer questions. Translated documents are available on the Department of Community Resources and Services website in Korean, Chinese, Hindi, and Spanish, and there are resources available to assist those who are visually or hearing impaired.
For residents without access to the internet or who may not be comfortable with using technology, please call the State's Vaccine call center at 1 (855) 634-6829.
Howard County Restrictions Update
Howard County has seen a consistent decline in our key metrics over the past two weeks, and we’re very grateful to our residents and businesses who have taken precautions throughout this winter surge to slow the spread the virus. Last week, we announced capacity restrictions on recreational sports and programs, wedding receptions, and social and fraternal organizations will be relaxed to match current State standards, as of February 19, 2021.
The decision to relax restrictions on events follows significant decreases in Howard County’s positivity rate and case rate per 100,000 residents, currently at 3.8% and 13.2 cases, respectively. In February, Howard County’s 7-day average positivity rate fell below 4% for the first time since November 8th.
Please note, gathering limits are still in effect for other social gatherings such as family gatherings, parties, cookouts, parades, festivals, conventions, fundraisers, other gatherings not associated with operating or patronizing a business that sells merchandise.
This is a step in the right direction and we must stay vigilant to keep our data trending downward. After nearly a year with this pandemic, we all know the mitigation measures we must continue, wearing our masks, keeping our distance, washing our hands, and when it becomes available to you, getting a vaccine.
For more information, please click here.
Energy and Utility Bill Assistance
COVID-19 has devastated many households who have lost income and are trying to make ends meet to keep the heat on, feed their families, and pay their rent. There are several programs available to assist residents with current and past due energy and utility bills.
We are laser-focused on ensuring that our most vulnerable residents do not fall through the cracks this winter, as we continue to combat this virus in our community. Please share this information with friends and neighbors who may be in need.
Rental Assistance and Eviction Prevention
The longer this pandemic stretches on, the more urgent rental and eviction relief becomes. With more than 23,000 renters in the county and more than 46,000 residents who have filed for unemployment, we are doing all we can to keep people safely housed.
Residents may now apply for additional housing assistance. As we continue to battle this virus, we must deliver the necessary relief and services to make sure no one falls through the cracks.
For more information, please click here.
Tax Resources
Applications for the Aging in Place and Senior Tax Credits are now available! These tax credits provide financial incentives to allow residents to stay in their homes while offering more affordable aging in place.
Homeowners can use the county's Credit Eligibility Calculator to explore all available tax credits and relevant information regarding the application and screening processes. The Credit Eligibility Calculator can be found here.
Please, share this information with an older adult in your life. For more information, you can also call the Department of Finance at (410) 313-2195.
Moratorium on Evictions Extended
The moratorium on evictions and foreclosures has been extended!
President Biden has issued an executive order extending the moratorium on evictions for renters and foreclosures for homeowners with mortgages backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which was originally set to expire at the end of this month, through March 31, 2021. This means that if you have a federally backed mortgage, you can’t be foreclosed on or evicted for not paying.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email the Howard County Department of Housing and Community Development at
Where to Get Tested
As residents continue to receive the vaccine, it’s important to still get tested for COVID-19. While our positivity rate and case rate per 100,000 of our population are declining, testing is a proactive way to slow and eliminate COVID-19 in our community. We have several testing locations across the county. I strongly encourage residents to get a COVID-19 test if you are exhibiting any flu-like symptoms or think you may have been exposed.
To find a testing location near you, please visit
Department of Community Resources and Services
Applicants Sought from Business Community to Serve on County’s Commission for Transitioning Students with Disabilities
It is vital that residents of all abilities be provided with opportunities for self-determination and independence, whether pursuing a higher education or starting a career. If you are a member of our business community and would like to play an integral role in ensuring all students are ready and successful in life, I encourage you to apply today for our Commission for Transitioning Students with Disabilities. Comprised of 28 members, the Commission’s responsibilities include:
- advocating for policy on behalf of students with developmental, intellectual and/or physical disabilities;
- examining current practices and making recommendations on ways to improve postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities;
- making recommendations that would facilitate successful customized employment and postsecondary education for students exiting the Howard County Public School System; and
- fostering greater collaboration between the business, academic, non-profit and public sectors to engage in successful initiatives designed to immerse students with disabilities in a work environment and provide important job skills.
To learn more about the Commission and how to apply, click HERE today. NOTE, the deadline to apply is Friday, March 26th.
Updates from Office of Children and Families
Have you read the March issue of the Parent Pages? Published by our Office of Children and Families (OCF), this issue is chock full of helpful information for Howard County families. Check it out at and watch for more information about OCF's virtual Child Care and Preschool Information Fair, coming on March 27!
Stay Active, Try Something New this March with OAI
Howard County older residents, if you are looking for something to keep you active and engaged, check out our OAI’s monthly Virtual Offering Guides! Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, OAI has been working hard to provide older residents with various activities, from exercise and cooking classes to social engagement and lifelong learning classes, to help keep you moving, cooking and staying social while at home. To learn about the virtual offerings OAI has going on this month, check out its the March Virtual Offering Guide, available online now. for a list of this month’s offerings. For questions, contact OAI at
Department of Public Works
ROAD CLOSURE: A Howard County Department of Public Works project to tie in the water and sanitary at 7900 N. Oceano Avenue in Jessup to the County’s mains is underway. During the work, the roadway will be closed to traffic. Signs are in place to alert motorists of the closure as traffic will follow a clearly marked detour using Tar Bay Drive, Rappahannock Avenue and Assateague Drive. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by March 19, 2021.
While the County and its transportation partners work hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones, drivers are reminded to stay alert and look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers. Please slow down and don’t follow too closely when traveling through a work zone. Remember, work zone safety is in your hands.
For questions, concerns and/or more information about this project and/or road closure, please contact Public Works Customer Service at 410-313-3440 or email
Department of Public Works Construction Report
To learn about DPW Capital Projects currently underway, visit Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) website and search by “County” to learn more about State road projects in Howard County.
Maryland State Highway Administration
MD 108 at Centennial Lane/Beaverbrook Road Intersection Improvement Project to Begin
Project improvements include:
- Widening both directions of MD 108 approaching Centennial Lane/Beaverbrook Road to accommodate new turning lanes at the intersection and new bicycle lanes;
- Constructing a new second left-turn lane from eastbound MD 108 to Centennial Lane;
- Extending the right lane on westbound MD 108 by approximately 350 feet;
- Widening Centennial Lane to accommodate the new double left-turn lanes;
- Upgrading the pedestrian signal and crosswalk;
- Improving area drainage systems; and
- Installing a new traffic signal for the new turn lanes.
Electronic message signs and barrels and flagging operations will be in place as occasional single-lane closures will be required. However, SHA does not anticipate any traffic detours and pedestrian access in the area will be maintained during construction. Weather permitting, the project is expected to be completed by fall 2022.
While SHA and its transportation partners work hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones, drivers are reminded to stay alert and look for reduced speed limits, narrow driving lanes and highway workers. Please slow down and don’t follow too closely when traveling through a work zone. Remember, work zone safety is in your hands.
Department of Recreation and Parks
Spring/Summer Activity Registration
In-county registration for our upcoming Spring/Summer programs is now open! To search for classes, special events, sports leagues and more, click here.
Virtual and In-person Spring Flower Hunts with the Robinson Nature Center
On March 14, join the Robinson Nature Center for a Virtual Spring Ephemeral Flower Hunt! In this live workshop via Zoom, learn to identify spring ephemeral flowers found in your neighborhood or in local Howard County parks. The Virtual Session also includes instructions for making an iNaturalist account to track your sightings.
Alternately, you can join the Nature Center for an in-person Spring Ephemerals walk on March 21 and April 11 to discover spring ephemerals along Robinson’s trails! For more info, visit
Dog Training at Worthington Park
This spring, sign up for dog training courses with Howard County Recreation & Parks! Led by professional instructors, these classes are the perfect opportunity to introduce your canine companion to training fundamentals or brush up on obedience. Upcoming courses include Dog Obedience (beginning March 13 and April 5) and Puppy’s First Class (beginning March 14). To register, click here.