Volume 93 | November 1, 2020
News from Ohio State Organization
From Diana's Desk
Believe :: Belong :: Build

Staying Connected…while far apart

“Stay connected to your family, your friends, your passions and your DKG chapter!”

There is an inherent irony in the idea of all of us coming together to fight the coronavirus pandemic by staying apart.  It is abundantly clear we all need each other and need to maintain our social connections as much as we can. However, research shows we should be cautious and not confuse the necessary physical distancing with being socially disconnected. Social distancing can make it easy to feel disconnected from the people most important to us.  Staying connected with family, friends, and colleagues is critical to our well-being, whether you’re a social butterfly or an introvert.  With the ongoing uncertainties of COVID, now more than ever, we need to stay “ahead of the curve” in fostering and maintaining those close connections with family, friends and colleagues.  
I worry and stress daily over the effect this pandemic is having on our Ohio State Organization (and ultimately DKG International).   Learning how to maintain social connections poses a definite challenge for us all.  How can DKG/Ohio and our chapters stay “ahead of the curve?”  How do we as an organization go about fostering and maintaining those close membership connections?  Keeping our chapter members engaged is a must, as well as, essential to Ohio’s well-being.  While our situation is far from ideal, I suspect and know there are many positive and imaginative ways in which chapters can preserve their own connections with chapter members and/or colleagues to sustain healthy and strong relationships, yet all the while, holding social disengagement at bay…it just might require a little bit of extra resourcefulness and creativity.  With a little effort to reach out to your chapter members, you may find you are more connected and a little less lonely yourself. There is as much in it for you as there is for the individual you connect with.

I am proud and encouraged to see and hear many Ohio’s chapters taking “staying connected” to task.  I am thankful we have the technology to bridge the gap that can keep us connected.   Zoom (our new best friend) has truly been our organization’s saving grace.  I encourage all of Ohio’s chapters to continue to work hard or to get busy now at “staying ahead of the (membership disconnect) curve.”  Keep checking in, keep communicating with, and keep making the time to prioritize and support your chapter members…it will be well worth your investment of time when it comes to maintaining your chapter’s continued good health and well-being.
Feeling connected to others is good for everyone…not just during a time of crisis, but all the time.  Even though we are far apart, with your pledge of support, we can and will get through this challenging time together.   I genuinely hope and believe when all of this is behind us and humanity begins to heal, we will remember many lessons learned… lessons about the value of our relationships with others, but one, in particular, will be the lesson to never take for granted, the simple and pure healing power of a warm, genuine hug.  Missing you all…

ADSOEF Upcoming Elections
As stated in the article “ADSOEF DIRECTOR” in the October VOICE, seven directors need to be elected in April 2021.  Two of the new directors will serve a two-year term and the other five will serve a three-year term.  This may sound complicated, but the current ADSOEF Board of Directors decided that staggered terms will improve the operations of the Board. Several questions were listed in the previous article with concise answers.  Here are three more questions that you may have when you are considering serving on the Board.

Q.  What exactly is ADSOEF?

A.   The mission and purposes of ADSOEF is “to procure funding to serve charitable purposes relating to professional and personal growth of educators and educational excellence”. (Bylaws – Article II, Section B.)  In other words, ADSOEF provides the funds for various OSO scholarships/grants and lifelong learning activities such as the Strickland Student Teaching Grants and the Biennial Seminar.

Q.  How does the Foundation “procure” the funds?

A.  The money from the A. Margaret Boyd Overseas Foundation, the Esther H. Strickland Student Teaching Grant Fund, the Blanton Scholarship Fund, the Biennial Seminar Fund, and the Memorial Leadership Fund was used to start the Foundation.  The need to raise funds is an ongoing process and the Foundation’s Fundraising Committee as well as the Directors work year-round to make this happen.  Some of the fundraising efforts are the raffle of items at the OSO Convention, “Giving Tuesday”, a direct appeal campaign, and donations from members and chapters throughout Ohio.

Q.  Why should I consider becoming a Director?

A.   There are many answers to this question, but here are just a few.  As a new Foundation, we need new people to become directly involved in ADSOEF, which is why terms will be staggered.  Next no funds can be raised without new ideas and work from the various members of the Board. As a member of OSO, this is YOUR Foundation and involvement will give it strength for the future.  And finally, if not YOU, WHO?

Again, the application form to be nominated for the ADSOEF Board is on the web site at adsoef@weebly.com. Please do not delay in completing one and sending it to Dr. Norma Kirby at nkkirby@roadrunner.com.  The work of ADSOEF is important and we need dedicated and energetic members to complete the tasks.

Finally, on a personal note, I am a testimony to the fact that YOU can do this.  I volunteered to become a Director in 2019 and I still am smiling, have time to write articles, and have a life! 

Karyn Kern-Lazear, ADSOEF Director and Nominating Committee member

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”
Elizabeth Andrew

Happy Thanksgiving from ADSOEF.  Your generosity and support have been incredible.  All our lives have been affected by this pandemic, yet your hearts have been open and generous in support of the mission and goals of the Foundation.  We continue to be awed by your kindness and philanthropy.

Currently, education majors at our state universities are completing applications for the Esther H. Strickland Student Teaching Grants, OSO DKG members are applying for Scholarships for advanced degrees, and our A. Margret Boyd Overseas Fellowship recipient, Gunel Alasgarova, is in her first semester of study at Kent State University.  This is possible in these turbulent times because of YOU.

OSO/ADSOEF is blessed with many dear and precious women.  We thank you for opening your hearts and supporting Excellence in Education in Ohio.

Donor Relations Committee: Patricia Cermak; Debbie Frazier; Mary Ellen Hall; Dr. Norma Kirby; Mary Kathryn McClendon;  Betty Monahan, Chairman.
ADSOEF Chapter Representatives are amazing!  Each one is your Educational Foundation’s closest link to you as members. We appreciate their efforts in distributing “A Heart for All” documents.  Did you use the contribution form she provided to make a donation? THANK YOU!  If not, you still have time.

WHY are you asked to contribute?  Think about the following testimonial from Sue Thuma who received a Project Fund award.  What are the possibilities for other applicants?

Chapter Representative Barb Zirke asked Sue, her DKG sister, “How did the PROJECT money help you with what you wanted to do and how did it help the community?”

“Eastside Community Ministry (ECM) Youth Program has a four days a weekday program that runs two months in the summer.  The award from ADSOEF allowed the children to visit the Ohio Historical Connection in Columbus, the John and Annie Glenn Historic Site in New Concord, and the National Road/Zane Grey Museum in Norwich.   The funds provided a small library of books dealing with historical figures, mostly pertaining to Ohio history, and provided a springboard to the fieldtrips to learn Ohio’s history.  The students were encouraged to journal about the books as they were read.  The idea was to keep the children reading, writing, and learning during the summer months.  The visits to the museums brought Ohio history to life and broadened the perspective of the children who participated.  They gained knowledge in a fun way during their summer program.  Without this ADSOEF award, these children from disadvantaged backgrounds would not have been afforded the opportunity.  ECM is grateful to be chosen.” Sue Thuma, Alpha Psi Chapter

Will you be like Sue and make an application for a project?  These funds are available for you too!

Here’s another way to increase funds for your Educational Foundation to award to deserving applicants.  Ask for a gift in your name!  Use a postcard to offer your suggestion to a family member, friend, co-worker, or significant other.
Click (HERE) to access a card. You’ll find a great way to respond to the question, “What would you like for your birthday?” It’s a win-win!

November is the month of Thanksgiving. Open your grateful hearts!

Please watch for an E-Blast coming on November 9.
As we look toward to the holidays, our lives are quite different and probably more challenging than a year ago.  The family traditions that we enjoyed in the past will most likely be altered somewhat as we do our best to safely navigate the holidays during a pandemic.  Speaking of which, your DKG/OSO Connectivity Team is still at work providing enjoyable ways to stay in touch with all of you as we approach the holidays.  Many thanks to all who participated in the Zoom Scavenger Hunt and to those who “dressed-up” for the occasion…and I’m not talking about putting on lipstick!  

The next Zoom event sponsored by the Connectivity Team is called, “Holiday Treasures Show and Tell” and will be held on Tuesday, December 1, 2020, at 7:30 P.M.  All members will have the opportunity to share a precious holiday ornament or decoration with the group.  Feel free to dress for the occasion by wearing your favorite “teacher sweater” or “ugly sweater.”  Make it fun!!  In order for you to be a part of this Zoom event, it is important for you to register in advance with the link provided below.  After registering, make sure you flag the email from President Diana Kirkpatrick, put the date on your calendar, or do whatever you need to do to remember to join us on Tuesday, December 1, at 7:30 P.M.

With the year 2020 coming to an end in a couple of months, we are hopeful that 2021 will allow us the opportunity to meet in person with one another.  With that thought in mind, it is our hope to be able to have our DKG/OSO State Convention on April 9-11, 2021, at the Embassy Suites in Dublin, Ohio.  The chapters making up the Steering Committee for the 2021 Convention are:  Zeta, Rho(Nu), Sigma, Alpha Gamma, Alpha Delta, Alpha Iota, Alpha Phi, Beta Rho, Gamma Iota, Gamma Nu, and Gamma Xi.  A Zoom meeting will be held on Thursday, November 5, 2020, with representatives from these chapters to make plans for the spring convention.  We are planning for an on-site convention, but we will be prepared for a virtual convention if that is what we need to do.  Continue reading The Voice each month for updates on the State Convention.  Take care!  Be safe!  

Linda Diltz, Beta Rho
Convention Coordinator
Committee News
The 3rd of November is a beautiful day for all of our Ohio State Organization Neighborhood for our Delta Kappa Gamma Society Sisters to remember to VOTE ….
Would you please vote?    Could you please vote?
Please, won’t you cast your ballot?

As you walk into the voting precincts on November 3, 2020, as women educators, let’s remember the letters V-O-T-E to remind us what to do on that special day! 

Visualize the women who’ve come before us who did not have the 
        right to vote. Let’s value our special right. We remember the model of   
        Sister Lalla M. Odom, one of our DKG founders, who was actively   
        involved in city, state, and national political events. We also  
        remember when women in the USA were granted the right to vote. 
        In 1920, Caucasian women were given the right to vote.
        In 1924, Native American women were granted the right to vote.
        In 1943, Chinese women were given the right to vote.
        In 1965, African American and Latino women were given 
                      the right to vote.
Organize and research information about candidates in your area, who 
         are running for city, state, national political elected offices, so that           
         you are prepared to vote.
Take the time to go and vote. You could also cast your absentee 
        ballot in person or by mailing it in at your local post office.
       “Together we stand, divided we fall. We cannot thrive divided, but 
        we must stand together as a nation united.”- Steven Forrester             
Encourage each member in your Ohio State Organization DKG chapter 
         to exercise their right to vote. Ask them if they need transportation to 
         get to their polling precincts, too!

As you remember what happens on November 3rd, and go to vote, here is a special song to sing, if you have to wait in the lines, that goes to the tune: 

[“If you’re Happy and You Know It”]

It’s a very special day today, Go Vote!
 It’s a very special day today, Go Vote!
It’s a very special day, In the good ole’ USA!
It’s Election Day, today! Go Vote!

Melodie A. McGee, Gamma Nu Chapter
Educational Excellence, Chairman
It’s difficult to encourage chapters to recruit new members when we are all struggling to sustain daily living during the pandemic. There are some DKG resources that can be used at your chapter meetings to encourage retention among your members and lay the foundation for recruitment when things return to “normal”. 

On the DKG website, you can navigate the resources tab to find useful tools to share with members. Under Resources, you will find Videos/PowerPoints/Templates. Click on Videos then Webinars and there is a section for Orientation with five videos and a section for Membership Training with nine videos.  Going back to PowerPoints, you will find three that relate to Membership. If you need a membership brochure, that can be located under Templates. 

This can be a little overwhelming so just take time to look over these resources and decide what best suits your current chapter needs. I welcome any comments on using these resources at your chapter meetings this year so I can share with other chapters in upcoming issues of The Voice

Debby Canter, Delta Epsilon
First VP/Membership Chair
    Ballot Building

With anticipation, the nominations committee of OSO eagerly waits to see the applications from sisters interested in serving as a state officer or nominations committee member during 2021-2023.  

What are the qualifications?  
Are you a current member of a chapter of Ohio State Organization?
Do you have a passion for the career we hold dear?
Do you like to collaborate with others at the state level?
Then, this might be for you!

What do I need to do?
Applications for president, 1st vice president, 2nd vice president, corresponding secretary and recording secretary are online at the state website under the Nominating Committee.  Just simply complete and return to the address on the website.  This same application can be used for a Nominating Committee member.  Then, the application will be forwarded to the Nominating Committee chair, Patty Truex.  Applications will then be reviewed by the Committee as we “Build the Ballot”.

What would my responsibility be if elected?
All job descriptions for state offices can be found in the Constitution.  The link to the Constitution is found on the state website. The term of each office is two years.  For the Nominating Committee, the term is also two years. 

Realizing chapter meetings possibly are limited at the beginning of this year, members of the Nominating Committee reached out to chapter presidents to help communicate this message to members of chapters.  But we also know we may have missed someone, so if there is any question, please contact Patty at nominations@dkgohio.org.

Stay well!

Beta Alpha - Congratulations to Dr. Denis Schockley! Her article "Connecting Summer Inservice Professional Development to Team Teaching" has been selected for inclusion in the 2020, Volume 87-1 issue of the The Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin.

Beta Kappa - The Arts & Humanities Jury of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International is pleased to announce the publication of photographs ‘Early Fall Morning-Yellowstone Lake’ and ‘Fallen Autumn Leaves’ by Cathy Tenney, editor of The Voice, in the DKG Gallery of Fine Arts, an online gallery of works of art and letters at www.dkg.org.
The anticipated unveiling of the new DKG Fine Arts Gallery is mid-November.   Cathy's work will be displayed on the gallery for six months, after which it will be archived for two years.  

Beta Kappa - Congratulations to Tracy Hall, Vicki Quinter and Sister Ginny Scherer who have been selected to receive The Governor’s Thomas Edison Awards for Excellence in STEM Education and Student Research for their accomplishments during the 2019-2020 school year.

Beta Kappa - Congratulations to Vicki Quinter, who teaches science at Anna High School for being named a district winner in the Shell Science Lab Challenge, a competition for middle and high school science teachers.  Sponsored by the Shell Oil Company and administered by the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA), the competition encouraged teachers  grades 6-12, who have found innovative ways to deliver quality lab experiences with limited school and laboratory resources. Quinter was one of 18 district winners named.

Beta Rho - Beta Rho member, Michele Walters, became grandma of seven when son and daughter-in-law, Adam and April Walters, adopted four siblings after fostering them for two years. This November is the one-year anniversary of the adoption. Nazarae, 18, attends Otterbein University, Aida, 16, is in high school and wrestles, and Angel and Fidel are 5 and 4, respectively. They join Rowan, who was born last November. Beta Rho member, Carolyn Seitz, is great aunt to the Walters’ children. Beta Rho celebrates with the Walters family and supports the foster families in Pickaway County through gift cards to restaurants and local stores.
Chapter News
In August 2020, Alpha Chapter merged with Tau Chapter and in the tradition of Tau, all members with 20 years and more in DKG were honored at the meeting and received a corsage. 
Beta Eta members enjoyed assembling red, white, and blue greeting cards for US Veterans.
Gamma Theta Chapter launched their year with a collection of much needed items for Forbes House, the only domestic violence shelter in Northeast Ohio.
Gamma Theta collected a total of 2,853 diapers, 67 children's books and a few women's clothing items for the Forbes House.
Important OSO-DKG Dates to Remember

November 15, 2020 - Deadline for Chapter Treasurers to File IRS Form 990

December 1, 2020 - Holiday Treasures
Zoom Event @ 7:30 p.m.

January 1, 2021 - OSO/ADSOEF Scholarship Applications Due

January 15, 2021 - ADSOEF Director Application Form Due

January 15, 2021 - First Day to Submit
Arts & Humanities Submissions for Spring Gallery
DKG International

February 15, 2021 - Last Day to Submit
Arts & Humanities Submissions for Spring Gallery

April 9-11, 2021 - OSO State Convention
Embassy Suites - Dublin, Ohio

Remembering Our Lost Sisters