January 20, 2021
A Reconciling in Christ synod
Prof. Kyle Schiefelbein-Guerrero is Steck-Miller Assistant Professor of Worship and Liturgy at United Lutheran Seminary. This reflection was posted on the ELCA Worship Blog.

Repentance is at the core of Christian living (the first of Luther’s 95 Theses). During the season of Lent, we all become a “penitent” with ashes on the forehead, looking toward to the cross as a sign of God’s reconciliation with all creation (with the absolution on Maundy Thursday). Ashes appear throughout the Hebrew Bible as a sign of mourning and repentance, but Isaiah reminds us that such practices point to the larger call for justice (Isa. 58:5-6). These ashes are at the very beginning (“dust” in Genesis 3:19) and connect each of us to all of creation and to our own mortality.

Ash Wednesday reflection has taken on new meaning because of the coronavirus. Some may argue that a specific day or season is not necessary since signs of impending death are all around us as the pandemic continues to claim thousands of lives and impacts millions more. But the coronavirus is not only a reminder of mortality but also the result of sins. Let me be clear here – I do not mean that the pandemic is punishment for sin, but rather that the spread of the pandemic has been aided by the sins of “neglect of human need and suffering” and “our lack of concern for those who come after us.”

The popularity of ashes-on-the-go highlights that Ash Wednesday can be commemorated outside the church building. For the sake of safety, the imposition of ashes should only take place with those in the household. Congregations could provide ashes (traditionally made from burning last year’s palm branches), or households could make their own – even all-wood charcoal would work.
When participating in digital worship, those in the household could impose ashes on each other during the appointed time in the liturgy. Those worshiping at home could use the litany of confession as a conversation guide, discussing (and then acting on) how to live into the disciplines of Lent: “self-examination and repentance, prayer and fasting, sacrificial giving and works of love.” It is not enough to just remember that “we are dust, and to dust we shall return.” As ones marked as Christ’s own children, we heed the call to repent, to ‘turn around.’

from Presiding Bishop Eaton
Connected, Generous, Free to Serve
Living Lutheran Jan/Feb 2021
Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reflects on the past year and looks toward 2021.

"We have been living with this pandemic for nearly a year. So much has changed. Bubbles, personal protective equipment, social distancing and one-way grocery aisles are part of our lexicon and everyday experience. Who knew, a year ago, that face masks would be advertised as ideal stocking stuffers? Our homes have become offices, schools and gyms. Our commutes have been cut down from hours of traffic to walking over to the dining room table. I do not look forward to the weekly summary from my iPhone that tells me how many hours a day I am staring at a screen."

Read her full column in English at and in Spanish at
eConnection Spotlight:
RMS in the GLOBAL Neighborhood
Bringing Joy Through a Meal,
Christmas boxes!
Camino de Vida, Albuquerque, New Mexico
In years past, the congregation of Camino de Vida in Albuquerque's South Valley has thrown a big community Christmas meal, feeding hundreds and giving out gifts for children. This year, of course, was different. Not only was New Mexico in a state of lockdown due to a surge in cases of COVID-19, preventing gathering, but several of the families in the congregation had been affected by the virus.

Pastor Guillermo Yela convened a Christmas Box committee, and work began to bring the Christmas meal to people's homes. A shopping team was assembled, and Pastor Guillermo started buying hams a few days in advance, and making sure they'd fit in the church refrigerator. On Saturday, December 19, the packing team assembled: the team maintained strict distancing, and masking. The church also sent small care packages to members who worship via Zoom in Mexico, Guatemala, and Spain.

Still, Pastor Yela mourned not being able to feed the wider community this year. "Next year," he said. And at each meeting, he repeatedly tells church members to bring to his attention anyone they know who is needing help with rent, and the church will try to help. This congregation cares for its members and the larger community. And it gives all of us in the Santa Fe Presbytery and the Rocky Mountain Synod the opportunity to directly help our neighbors in need.

Camino de Vida is so grateful to all who contributed to this Christmas Box project. Thank you for helping make Christmas extra special in this year of isolation for the families of Camino de Vida. Thank you for your continued support of this mission.

Join Lutheran World Relief
Season of Hope: Lent 2021
Lutheran World Relief needs your help to bring real, tangible hope to our poorest neighbors.

This Lent, your congregation can help by gathering and assembling Personal Care Kits. LWR has also created an accompanying full suite of Lenten resources called "Sensing Hope," including a 5-week sermon series and small group study guide - all of which can be used digitally or in-person to nurture hope and action in your congregation. Everything you need to get started can be found at
RMS & ELCA News and Events
Despite the many challenges faced in 2020, Christ's Church continues to proclaim God's unconditional love across the Rocky Mountain Synod. Thanks to your continued participation and financial generosity we are learning anew not only what it means to be Better Together, but to be Christ’s Church for the life of the world.

Thank you for YOUR part in our shared ministry and witness and for YOUR gracious support of our life together as Christ’s Church, for your investment in all that it means to be God’s people in the ELCA Rocky Mountain Synod!  

Your faithful investment in our life together allows this vision to become reality. As you finalize your congregational spending plans for 2021, we ask you to give prayerful consideration to your congregation’s mission support for 2021, knowing that your generosity not only funds our work as a synod but contributes to the impact made by our vast churchwide ministries. Our goal next year is to share 47.5% of all congregation support with our ELCA Churchwide organization.
Lenten Discussion Series:
Struggling with Our Stories of Race
About the Lenten Discussion Series

This discussion series is intended to create an experience for each of us the chance to think about our personal stories of race and faith. This discussion guide includes a guided timeline experience and individual journal prompts. Participants are encouraged to engage as much of the materials as they are able. Synod Assembly Voting Members are specifically asked to engage this work as part of the preparation for the assembly, though anyone in the RMS is invited to participate. 

How to Participate

  • As a Congregation: Gather as a congregation small group to view the specified parts of the timeline and discuss the journal prompts from that week.
  • With the RMS group: Join either Sunday or Wednesday evenings throughout Lent to view the timeline with folks from around the synod. This can be as an individual or congregational group. 
  • As an Individual: While the journal prompts are meant to be done individually, you may also view the timeline on your own as well. If you select this option, it is strongly encouraged you find a conversation partner to process your learnings with.


Wednesday, February 17, 4pm: Opening Conversation with Bishop Gonia, Rev. Ron Roschke, & Assembly Keynote Speaker Dr. Edward Antonio

Session 1: Sunday, February 21st, 6pm OR  Wednesday, February 24th, 3pm
Session 2: Sunday, February 28th 6pm OR Wednesday, March 3, 3pm
Session 3: Sunday, March 7th 6pm OR Wednesday, March 10, 3pm
Session 4: Sunday, March 14th 6pm OR Wednesday, March 17, 3pm
Session 5: Sunday, March 21st 6pm or Wednesday, February 24th, 3pm

The RMS Veteran Servant Corps Project
and a Fall 2021 Retreat
On May 1, 2020 the Rocky Mountain Synod (RMS) council approved the Veteran Servant Corps Project. This mission will be partnering with agencies that help homeless veterans. They will provide no-cost retreats at ELCA camps for veterans and their families. They will also provide training for ELCA clergy and pastoral care support staff to understand veteran issues. Along with this, they will provide ideas and materials for veteran awareness and celebrations in ELCA communities.

You can learn more by going to the RMS website and select "Ministries," then "Servant Corps," then "Veteran Servant Corps Project". You will be taken to information on what this group is doing, including a button to make a donation. If you are interested in working on this project, please contact Vicky Daub at You may also contact Diana Biggs at or 719-275-4647.

The first Veteran Servant Corps Project retreat for veterans and their families is planned for September 10 - 12, 2021 at Sky Ranch. A future retreat will be planned for Rainbow Trail.

For Your Bulletin

Ruby Narucki
Senior Pastor
Tabor, Pueblo, CO
Sunday, January 24, 1:00 pm
Color of the Day: Green

Rebecca Aardahl
Ascension-St. Matthew's, Price, UT
Sunday, January 24, 5:00 pm
Color of the Day: Green
Meeting ID: 892 2974 7190
Passcode: 961247

Chelsea Achterberg
All Saints, Aurora, CO
Saturday, January 30, time TBD
Color of the Day: Green


Chelsea Achterberg
All Saints, Aurora, CO
Wednesday, January 27, 4:30 pm
Color of the Day: Red
Meeting ID: 929 2999 6200
Passcode: 951963
RMS Prayer Cycle

- Week of January 24-

Episcopal Church in Garfield County - Glenwood Springs, CO
Kimberlee Law

Nativity - Commerce City, CO
Richard Gianzero

Shepherd of the Valley - Grand Junction, CO
Kaila Armbruster

Shepherd of the Valley - Grand Junction, CO
American - Grand Junction, CO
Gail Britt (Deacon)

St. Andrew - Arvada, CO
Bev Piro

St. Mark's Church of Grace Episcopal Lutheran Ministry - Craig, CO
Bain White
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Third Sunday After Epiphany

Prayer of the Day
Almighty God, by grace alone you call us and accept us in your service. Strengthen us by your Spirit, and make us worthy of your call, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord.

In God's Hands:
Ecumenical Prayer Cycle from the World Council of Churches
24 - 30 January : Cyprus, Greece, Turkey - Intercessions and Prayers

Join us in daily prayer
Download ELCA Prayer Ventures for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.
Around the Synod
Conversations for Connection: Supporting Mental Health
Hosted by Atonement Lutheran Church, Boulder and the Interfaith Network on Mental Illness

“The Power of Rituals”
Thursday, January 21, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
During a time when our world seems to change by the day and even by the hour, there are moments of uncertainty and continual adjustment to what is new. In this time of change, there is power in rituals. The power of regular rituals sustains us and brings consistency to our lives. Together, we will explore the ways rituals give us life. We will share in conversation about the rituals that we have unearthed at this time that bring us comfort and steadiness. Come to learn! Come to share! Aly Kohlmeyer is a seminary student at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN and serves as intern pastor at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO. She and her husband Chad have three growing and active sons, ages 14, 11, and 5. She has found strength and hope in adopting new rituals throughout the past year.

“Radical Curiosity As An Antidote to Political and Spiritual Polarity”
Thursday, January 28, 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
We live in a remarkable time in so many ways, full of promising developments as well as profound, multi-leveled dangers--including fragmentation in our government. How can we as individuals actively help this situation, instead of possibly making it worse, despite our good intentions. We invite you to a discussion where we may freshly question and explore our assumptions related to world view and politics. Our intention is to invoke the further recognition that we, all of us, are the voices of a system that’s expressing something--and that expression needs to be heard in order to invite the emergence of an evolution beyond our current state of highly polarized political and spiritual conflict.
Chuck Knapp, M.A., L.P.C., a graduate of Naropa University, worked for many years in the public mental health sector. In 1990 he co-founded Windhorse Community Services in Boulder, Colorado, where he served as a Co-Director until 2019, and currently works as a senior clinician. He is co-founder and Editor of the Windhorse Journal.

Our Life Together
Telling the Resurrection for True: The Gospel of Mark
Jan. 21 & 28, Feb. 4 & 11
In the dark of late January, we will gather (on Zoom, of course) to think together about what it means to walk slowly toward Mark’s odd Resurrection story. After the year we have had, something in us surely wants Easter to explode in obvious glory.

In this 4-session workshop presented by Pam Faro and Richard W. Swanson, come think with us about how we might tell true stories of Resurrection in our tense and complicated world.

The course will meet on four Thursdays (Jan. 21 & 28, Feb. 4 & 11, 2021 ). Each session will be 1¾ hours long. Click on the flyer for more info and links. Questions? Contact either Richard Swanson ( or Pam Faro (

2021 Big Idea!
Learning Strategies for the Life of Faith Initiative
In 2020, the Christian Education Network of the ELCA pivoted our Learning Strategies to focus on virtual and home faith formation. Even in the midst of the difficulties, we remained faithful to the call and God has indeed blessed our efforts.

We are pleased to announce our 2021 Big Idea: Learning Strategies for the Life of Faith Initiative. Together we will:

  • Discover what it means to be both a Gathered and Scattered Church
  • Equip leaders to model and encourage a life of faith in others
  • Nurture all ages to live out their faith on a daily basis
  • Learn about real life examples in our Congregational Spotlights

This Big Idea grew out of the Network’s friendship and partnership with the Rev. Dwight DuBois, author of The Scattering: Imagining a Church that Connects Faith and Life. For more information, check out In addition to offering resources each month, we will also be highlighting congregations who are living out lives of faith. Keep coming back from new and exciting ideas, conversations and resources that can help make your life a little easier. Also, be sure to check out the Christian Education Network of the ELCA Facebook Group for the latest ministry ideas from your colleagues. This is a great group to ask questions as you plan your new year.
Apply for a year of service and intentional community at Urban Servant Corps!
At Urban Servant Corps (USC), we believe that service is transformational. It offers connection from one human to another and when we are of service to one another in the context of intentional community, simplicity and faith, we become more deeply aligned with our own purpose.

Please consider joining the USC intentional community for a year of service to our vulnerable neighbors, simple living and faith formation.
Learn more and apply at:
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
NEW! Lent Resources
from ELCA World Hunger 40 Days of Giving
Over the last year, as the world has reeled from the effects of a deadly pandemic, we have seen the number of hungry people around the world rise, watched as food pantries and soup kitchens expanded to serve an ever-growing number of guests, and longed for the time when we “will hunger no more, and thirst no more … and God will wipe away every tear from [our] eyes” (Revelation 7:16-17).

Thank you for all you are doing in your congregation and community to continue God’s work and to share the grace and love of Christ. We invite you to continue your work by connecting your congregation to the church’s global work to end hunger and poverty during ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving, which begins on Ash Wednesday, February 17.

To prepare, visit to download or order resources today.
from Administration Matters, January 2021
Stories of Faith in Action new digital platform

We’re delighted to unveil a brand-new digital platform for Stories of Faith in Action, housed at The new website features content from this annual publication in a modern, dynamic format, mixing video and visual elements with stories to take you further into the work of Mission Support. This site is a fantastic tool to include in your next stewardship communication or as part of your annual meeting materials. Visit now to learn how your offering sustains and enhances ministries that support and lift up God’s people.

2020 IRS mileage allowance

The Internal Revenue Service issued the 2021 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business and charitable, medical or moving purposes. Beginning Jan. 1, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) is:

  • 56 cents/mile driven for business use, down 1.5 cents from the rate for 2020,
  • 16 cents/mile driven for medical, or moving purposes for qualified active duty members of the Armed Forces, down 1 cent from the rate for 2020, and
  • 14 cents/mile driven in service of charitable organizations, the rate is set by statute and remains unchanged 2020.

The standard mileage rate for business use is based on an annual study of the fixed and variable costs of operating an automobile. The rate for medical and moving purposes is based on the variable costs.
For more information, visit the IRS website.
Leadership news from the Women of the ELCA
Download the winter 2021 issue
The final issue of Interchange—winter 2021—is available for you to download, print, and share. In it, you will find news about staffing changes, an October 2020 executive board report, and information about the convention and gathering.
Our news brief section offers a variety of information: on Bold Women's Day, Gather's winter Bible study, the new and improved virtual gathering for leaders (once the Conference of Presidents), and special days to observe.
RMS 2020 Annual Report And Stewardship Resources, and Annual Report covers available
The RMS insert for your annual reports is available here along with other resources to share about our life together as church:

Mission Support Intent Resources:

2020 Annual Report covers are now available for download in two versions. One is individual pages. The other is a two-page spread across 11x17 paper. Both can be downloaded at Stewardship resources:, or below.

Employment Opportunities

Chancel Choir Director, Praise Band Leader, Organist/Collaborative Artist, and Director of Music and Worship!
Zion Lutheran Church - Loveland, CO
Zion Lutheran in Loveland is seeking musicians to fill the following responsibilities: Chancel Choir Director, Praise Band Leader, Organist/Collaborative Artist, and Director of Music and Worship. Compensation may range from $10,000-42,000, depending on the responsibilities included upon hiring and the candidate's experience. Go to to more information about each position, fill out an application, and download a resume. For full job descriptions or questions, contact Noelle at Zion's worship is grounded in Lutheran liturgical tradition, while encouraging creativity and engaging worship with all the senses.
Lay Ministry Coordinator
First Lutheran Church - Colorado Springs, CO
First Lutheran, Colorado Springs is hiring a Lay Ministry Coordinator. This person coordinates volunteers for worship, service projects, funerals and other church events, and oversees visitor follow-up and the new member process. They manage and coordinate use of the new Elexio database (church mgmt software) and liaison with the church’s outreach ministry partners. Full time. 40K-50K salary. Retirement and Health Benefits. For a full job description and information on how to apply send email to Pastor Travis at
Community Curator
Lakewood United Methodist Church
1390 Brentwood St Lakewood, CO 80214
Lakewood UMC is seeking a part time "Community Curator" who will aid the church in growing in relationship with the people of Lakewood, and the organizations doing important work in our neighborhood. This is a part-time, (20 hour/wk) position. Download job description here.

Part-time: $20K-$23K/yr

If interested, please contact Rev. Ben A. David Hensley,
Community Connection Ministry
St. John's Lutheran Church - Thornton, CO
St. John's Lutheran Church in Thornton, Colorado is seeking a bi-lingual candidate for our Community Connection ministry to develop relationships in our local community through our Early Learning Center and technology ministries. We're a welcoming and inclusive community that fosters connection to God, each other and the community.
This part-time (20-25 hrs/wk) position reports to the Pastor and works with the Office Manager, ELC Director and Technology Team to support the congregation’s ministry.

Job description here. For more info, write to:
Office of the Bishop This Week
 Bishop Jim Gonia
  • 1-1 Appointments
  • Congregational Ministry Board
  • RMS Executive Committee
  • Installation of Pastor Ruby Narucki
  • Installation of Pastor Rebecca Aardahl

Pastor Dana Peterson
  • Congregational Ministry Board
  • Global Mission Committee

Kurt Rager
  • New Mexico First Working Group
  • NM Fair Lending Coalition
  • NM Tenant/Housing Coalition

Peter Severson
  • ELCA Hunger Leaders Gathering
  • Lutheran Disaster Response Consultation

Tina Kvitek
  • 1-1 meetings
Pastor Sarah Moening
  • Congregational Transition
  • Excellence in Leadership

Pastor Kent Mueller (1/2 time)
  • Campaign Advisory Team
  • Lutheran Center Administration

Deacon Erin Power
  • ELCA Hunger Leaders Gathering
  • First, Longmont, CO

Pastor Leslie O'Callaghan
  • Candidacy Appointments
  • Administrative work
Quick Links
Share the News
Erin Power,  Assistant to the Bishop
Feel free to contact Andrew Nakatani, Communications Assistant, with your questions and comments about eConnection and our website!

Rocky Mountain Synod 
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-733-0750