April 2020
ALI's 2020 Climate Change Deep Dive Report is now available! The Deep Dive gave ALI Fellows the opportunity to learn about the causes and consequences of climate change, and the efforts across sectors to address the issue. This year's event featured faculty across the university, outside experts, and real-world problem solving. Read the full report now!
Program News
Looking for a way to give back during the coronavirus pandemic? Share your functional skills to help a nonprofit in a time of need through Taproot. The team at Taproot has built a matching service to put you in touch with a social sector organization looking for your expertise on a meaningful project supporting that organization's success. To learn more, please visit
Fellows News
Susan Fine (2019) is working to save small businesses in the age of coronavirus. Ms. Fine authored an op-ed for the New York Daily News describing the devastating effects of the pandemic on small business owners and outlining what government can do to help.

Marti Robinson (2019) says that Congress must ensure public safety if the Trump-appointed commissioners will not. In an op-ed for Politico, Ms. Robinson explains how the administration's safety standards no longer include foreseeable misuse of products, and how Congress must take action to address these problems.

Thuli Madonsela (2017) is asking if the coronavirus crisis will mark a turning point in the history of South Africa. In a recent op-ed, Ms. Madonsela argues that the pandemic has the potential to promote solidarity and the values of ubuntu.

Eduardo Elejalde (2015) continues to fight to improve the living conditions and self-esteem of people affected by schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. In the most recent edition of its newsletter, Mr. Elejalde's Natalia Mental Health Foundation gives updates on their research projects, including its Integrated Placement and Support employment program.

Akhil Gupta (2015) is finding a silver lining behind the COVID-19 threat. In a piece he recently authored for Medium, he makes the case that the pandemic presents an opportunity to reclaim our humanity.

Judy Perry Martinez (2015) is helping support the growing legal needs of ordinary Americans arising from the coronavirus pandemic. Ms. Perry Martinez and the ABA have created a nationwide task force of volunteer lawyers and judges from across the legal profession for individuals in legal crisis due to the virus.

Mary and Steven Swig (2014) are fighting to cancel student debt in the United States. Mother Jones recently detailed the efforts of the Swigs to persuade Democratic presidential candidates to take up the cause. Their initiative, "Freedom to Prosper" was also featured in Swiss Universe.

Joe Mandato (2012) says we should be wary of giving the CEO job and the board chair job to one person. In an article for Harvard Business Review, Mr. Mandato argues that the Two Job-One Person model can deny organizations talent at the top and lead to blind spots that undermine the ability to manage risks.

Dennis Scholl (2012) is working to support visual artists during the coronavirus pandemic. Mr. Scholl and Oolite Arts announced the Oolite Arts Relief Fund for COVID-19, designed to help cover lost income due to the cancellation of specific, scheduled employment or a professional artistic opportunity for Miami artists.

Paul Irving (2010) says that finding purpose may save lives during the coronavirus pandemic. In an article for Next Avenue, Mr. Irving says that finding purpose will not cure the coronavirus, but may well mitigate its effects and enable a more rapid recovery.

Fred Southwick (2010) is warning people with Parkinson's disease about the dangers of COVID-19. In an article for U.S. News & World Reports, Dr. Southwick explained that respiratory issues can make it difficult for these individuals to take deep breaths and get enough oxygen into the lungs, heightening their risks around the virus.
Harvard Professor Daniel Schrag engages Fellows on Climate Change at our 2020 Deep Dive!
Faculty News
ALI Faculty Board Member Cornell Brooks (HKS) says COVID-19 reveals justice challenges the working poor and people of color have long faced. In a recent interview, Prof. Brooks explains how COVID-19 has the potential to "viralize injustice."

ALI Executive Committee Member Howard Koh (SPH/HKS) says it is too early to consider rolling back COVID-19 social distancing guidelines. In an article for Axios, Dr. Koh argues that the U.S. must double down, not lighten up, on social distancing and related measures.

ALI Founding Chair & Director Rosabeth Moss Kanter (HBS) is sharing insights about how coronavirus is affecting the workplace. In an interview with Minnesota Public Radio, Prof. Kanter also discusses what it might mean for how we work in the future.