Your financial support matters
We give out of a response to God's love, and call to love and to DO . Your gifts enable St James’s to deliver six services a week, to experience worship that sustains us, and to enable our ministries to others. 

At St. James's we have several ways to give: 
  • If your custom is to pay a lump sum at year-end, consider setting up a recurring monthly draft from your bank or financial institution, 
  • Creating an automatic payment through your online banking portal
  • Simply by using our website, here, you can set up recurring payments

We are deeply grateful for your engagement and faithful support. Thank you for all you do!
Parenting Forums
Ashley Soukup, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, is back and hosting an online forum.

It will be Tuesday, May 26 at 7:00 p.m., via Zoom.

She is sharing "Challenges of life during social distancing and what families can do."

For all information contact
State of the Church
Rob Reed vestry 2019
Since our last update, it is important to give you a further update. The vestry's and the staff’s expectations for the amount of time it will take for a future return to public gatherings and worship. 

On May 4, local Episcopal Bishops jointly published a phased plan for the return with various criteria that must be met before expanding our ability to come together for all church activities...

-Robert "Rob" C. T. Reed, The Senior Warden