Autumn leaves falling to the ground bringing new opportunities to embrace, possibilities to step into, and energy to simply bow to. Trust you are each finding new favorite games, books, activities, and recipes to bring you joy and energy. Any fun new task or trick you are teaching your furry canine friend?
We are grateful for all the attention, interactions, and new sponsorships. Our community is growing as we prepare to transfer three service dogs to their forever handlers! 
First, thank you for your support and energy as we celebrated our 2nd Poodle Palooza. With your generous donations bidding up the Silent Auction and supporting us through ticket sales and sponsorships we raised enough funds to support raising up 1.35 Pups! Grateful to each of you who sponsored, donated, attended, and cooked with Chef James from Bistro 45- such a lovely evening. Poodle Palooza 2020- Empowering FUNctional Independence Chair Jessica Larson is truly amazing! Along with Jennifer Chen our Social Media Chair and new Board Member, Lindsay Valenzuela former Board Member doing Special Projects for us, and Brittany Jarabek, Board Member with her husband Jamie Jarabek had fun with Ollie and Layla voice overs and the Palooza Committee.. 
A surprise happened! Adriana from Molina Healthcare called me to share that I was chosen for the Molina Healthcare Community Champion Award 2020! Deep bows of gratitude to Molina Healthcare for honoring me with their Molina Community Champions 2020 Award yesterday in Long Beach, California. Beautiful people, COVID-19 user friendly, and so much joy. Service Dog Beckett accepted an envelope for $5000.00 from Molina President John Kotal while I accepted a beautiful Crystal Rainbow Maker Award and flowers from Ruthy, Adriana, and Roberto. Aiko Tan, my friend and board member came to celebrate. Thank you Molina Healthcare, it is an honor. Molina usually has a big event to honor their winners; however, with the pandemic it was not possible so they took the event money and added it to our checks to donate to our favorite charity- what an incredible and generous gesture.
Day of the Dead celebrations are beginning around the globe as we think of loved ones and people who have departed this journey. Grateful hearts.

Safe journeys as the sun shines, the leaves continue changing colors, and the snow has begun falling as we enjoy the energy that autumn brings. May you find comfort in and gentle energy in your community. Stay well.
Peace. Community. Joy.
Gratefully yours,
Janie Lynn Heinrich, Founder and Executive Director
PRESENTATION OF THE MOLINA COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS AWARD President John Kotal presenting envelope to SD Becket for $5000.00
SD Team Beckett & Janie with Rainbow Maker Crystal Award, Flowers, check.
MSD-WCP's Board Member Aiko Tan with Service Dog Team Beckett & Janie
Service Dogs having FUN!
Poodle Palooza CLICK HERE to watch
- West Coast Project