October 2020
I am very proud of our staff at Sedgwick County and have always felt they have been doing a great job for our citizens. During the past six or seven months however, they have gone above and beyond. I don’t know if we can ever calculate the number of extra hours they have diligently worked for our citizens.  
The pandemic has touched every department in Sedgwick County. Earlier, our Election Office conducted a Primary Election and is in the process of completing a major General Election. Our Finance team developed a budget for 2021 at the same time as allocating the CARES funds. Employees from our Division of Public Services provided support to our aging citizens, disabled, citizens with behavioral health issues, and cared for the health of the community in many ways beyond COVID-19. Our first responders – 911, fire and EMS – have not missed a beat while protecting themselves and our community. The Public Works Department has maintained our roads, bridges and buildings and continued our hazardous waste programs. The Corrections Department has protected those in their custody and their staff. We have a first-rate Regional Forensic Science Center; and our planning and building and construction staff continues to serve the public. Each of our departments is supported by great Human Resources and Information Technology staff. We rely on our Legal Department and Communications Office every day to provide us guidance and keep our community informed. I know this was a long post, and I probably missed a key department, but I want the community to know how our staff impact each of your lives every day.  
It is an honor to serve District 3 and all of Sedgwick County.  
October 30, 2020 COVID-19 Report
Comparing case counts from Wednesday, October 28 to today: 
  • The United States of America case count increased from 8,812,318 to 8,990,196 (+ 2.02 percent).
  • Today, the State of Kansas case count increased 3.82 percent, from 82,045 to 85,181. 
  • In Sedgwick County, case counts increased from 11,345 to 11,823 (+ 4.21 percent). 

The SCHD Mobile Outreach Team will provide no-cost COVID-19 testing for symptomatic residents, contacts of COVID-19 positive people, or people in certain high-risk professions on the dates listed below.  
  • Saturday, October 31 from 9 a.m. to noon at Sedgwick County Extension Office, 7001 W. 21st St. N., Wichita
  • Tuesday, November 3 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at YMCA Garvey Sport Center, 1410 S. Glendale St, Wichita 
  • Wednesday, November 4 from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Tabernacle Bible Church, 1817 N. Volutsia St, Wichita
  • Thursday, November 5 from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at University United Methodist Church, 2220 N. Yale, Wichita

Visit for additional information about COVID-19 including testing information, funding resources, and data. 
County Continues to Use CARES Funding for COVID-19 Response
There was a discussion of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act during the October 28 Special Board of County Commissioners Meeting.

  • Time is running out for public health and social services organizations to apply for CARES funding. The portal for non-profits to apply for funding is available for other, health or social services organizations. 
  • Eight different public health and social services agencies were awarded a total of $324,000. 
  • Commissioners approved two agreements with Wichita State University related to its molecular diagnostics lab. 
  • More than $1 million in safe operating grants have been distributed to 238 applicants.
  • The safe operating grant portal will be reopened until funds are exhausted or until November 30, 2020. 
  • In total, Sedgwick County has spent roughly $40 million related to COVID-19.
  • So far, the County has spent $34.5 million from the CARES Act. More than half of the $12 million increase is related to COMCARE for staff to provide services to residents. Additional funds are for Plexiglas installation in courtrooms and support to allow INTRUST Bank Arena to safely reopen for events.  
  • Commissioners approved $100,000 to continue the County’s public service announcement campaign focusing on healthy behaviors, CARES funding, and safe holiday planning. 

For questions or additional information, email or dial (316) 660-7148.
Have a Safe and Spooky Halloween
‘Tis the season of black cats and witches hats. Halloween is nearly here and COVID-19 is still present in our community. While Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) does not recommend trick-or-treating or “Trunk or Treat” events as ways to celebrate Halloween, there are important recommendations for how to keep yourself and your household members safe if you decide to go trick-or-treating this year.

Consider fun Halloween alternatives that pose lower risk of spreading the virus that causes COVID-19 like:
  • Carving or decorating pumpkins with members of your household and displaying them
  • Carving or decorating pumpkins outside, at a safe distance, with neighbors or friends
  • Having a virtual Halloween costume contest
  • Having a Halloween movie night with people you live with

Remember to follow healthy behaviors over the holiday:
  • Correctly wear a cloth face covering - incorporate them into costumes. Face coverings should not be worn by children younger than 2 years old, anyone who has trouble breathing, or anyone who is otherwise unable to remove their cloth face covering without assistance. 
  • Carry hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol and use at regular intervals while outside your home.
  • Consider carrying sanitizing wipes to disinfect candy or other items accepted from homes, or sanitize items individually when you get home before consumption. 
  • Practice physical distancing. Always leave at least 6-feet of space between yourself and people not in your household. 
Time to Vote - General Election is Tuesday, November 3
The General Election is Tuesday, November 3. Polls will be open on Election Day from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. Please take your photo I.D.

To keep those voting in-person safe, election workers are supplied with personal protective equipment (PPE); hand sanitizer will be available (make sure your hands are dry before voting) and social distancing will be practiced while standing in line and in the poll place. A professional cleaning service will disinfect high touch surfaced and restrooms at the polling places throughout voting days.

Remember, advocating for or against any candidate or ballot initiative on the November ballot is not allowed while at a polling place; this includes wearing or displaying merchandise from any campaign. Additionally, all signs related to campaigns and candidates must be at least 250 feet away from all polling location entrances. More information about activities at or near polling places can be found here:

If a voter requested an advance ballot-by-mail, he/she is strongly encouraged to vote that ballot rather than voting in person at a polling place. Voters who choose to not vote the ballot-by-mail for any reason must vote provisionally at a polling location. Advance ballots will be counted by the Election Office prior to Election Day provided the ballot is properly completed and returned.

Advance ballots may be dropped off at the Election Office, 510 N. Main, Ste. 101 or at one of the 14 ballot drop boxes placed around the county. They may be mailed to the Election Office, dropped off at a polling location during early voting, or dropped off at a polling location on Election Day.

Flu Season is Here: Get a Flu Shot!
Getting a flu vaccine is more important than ever. Roll your sleeve up and help protect yourself and others by getting your flu vaccine this fall. Flu vaccines have been shown to reduce the risk of flu illness, hospitalization, death, and can help save medical resources this fall and winter.

Sedgwick County Health Department (SCHD) is offering flu shots to uninsured adults, uninsured children, children covered under the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Medicaid (Aetna Better Health, Sunflower, or United Healthcare). Flu shots are available by appointment only. They are available to those who qualify at SCHD Main Clinic, 2716 W. Central by calling (316) 660-7300 or (316) 660-7333 for one of our mobile locations.

For children and adults with private medical insurance, please visit one of the following locations for a flu shot: CVS, Dillon’s, Walgreens, Walmart, or your primary care provider.

Pandemics Don’t Stop Emergency Responders
Responding to critical illness and injury never stops even in the midst of a pandemic. First responders continue to provide care to those in need. Local first responders had the honor of meeting a cardiac arrest survivor from this past June. Shelia Hudson, wife of survivor Brian Hudson reached out to thank the first responders. Sedgwick County EMS, Sedgwick County Emergency Communications (911), and the Wichita Fire Department were all present to meet Brian while socially distanced. Each agency played an integral part of the pre-hospital chain of survival – and we are grateful for the teamwork of our allied agencies each and every day. Brian and Shelia, we wish you the very best!
County Program Highlights Employment Diversity
This month, Sedgwick County received a diversity inclusion award for its involvement in Project SEARCH. Project SEARCH is a program with the mission to secure competitive employment for people with disabilities. This program is designed to integrate people with intellectual/developmental disabilities into the community and foster independence. Through a partnership with USD 259, Sedgwick County has been hosting Project SEARCH interns from Wichita Public Schools for the last 7 years. Additionally, we proudly know that a majority of interns find employment following their internship.

525 N. Main, Ste 320, Wichita, KS 67203