Ray-Pec Community,
As part of the process to update the District's Strategic Plan, we are continuing to gather feedback from students, staff, and parents. It is time to review and revise our plan with new ideas and opportunities to make Ray-Pec the very best version of itself. A strategic planning steering committee is working on the development of a draft plan for the Board of Education and would like your continued assistance in identifying important ideas.
To date, two surveys have been sent to parents, guardians, staff, and junior/senior high school students.
The initial survey asked what opportunities the district should consider for the future. Hundreds of ideas were submitted, and those results were summarized into 15 focus areas.
The second survey asked people to share what they thought should be the school district's top focus areas over the next 5 years. Those results were ranked based on the survey results and the most often mentioned focus areas make up what is now the third survey.
In this third survey, we ask about those focus areas again, only this time asking you to select the three focus areas you consider to be the top priorities for the school district. To access the brief survey, please click here. This survey will be open until January 14.
Thank you for taking the time to be a part of this survey. This is a great community doing great things for students.
Thank you for entrusting your children to the Ray-Pec School District.
Mike Slagle