
FIPPOA Election Results & Meeting Follow-Up Items

Dear Karen,

FIPPOA Election Results:

For President

Henry Robin - 190

For Vice President

Allan Baum - 191

For Secretary

Alan Brodherson - 110

Russell Saray - 106

For Treasurer

Eric Sawyer - 192

For Director

Alan Brodherson - 184

Greg Henniger - 179

Andrew Kirtzman - 176

Henry Robin - 182

Additional Friday Late Boat

Sayville Ferry Service has agreed to extend the Friday evening triangle boat leaving Sayville at 8:30PM and returning from the Pines at 9:15PM for the remaining two weeks of the Early Fall schedule. Its last run was scheduled this past Friday, but instead will continue for the next two consecutive Fridays, September 23rd and 30th. I encourage as much ridership as possible over the next two weeks. If the numbers don’t warrant the additional service, it will not be offered next year.  

Boardwalk Repairs

At this morning's meeting, there were questions asked regarding necessary repairs to the boardwalks. If you experience areas in need of repair, I encourage you to email 311@fippoa.org with detailed information regarding location and to notify the Town of Brookhaven Highway Department directly by calling (631-451-TOWN), or via email highway@brookhavenny.gov, or by this link to the Highway Department.


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Henry Robin, President

Allan Baum, Vice President

Gary Clinton, Secretary

Eric Sawyer, Treasurer

Alan Brodherson, Greg Henniger, Chris Mai, Charles Montorio-Archer, Jay Pagano, Nate Pinsley, Leland Rechis, Russell Saray, Ed Schulhafer, Matt Tague

and Jim Vandernoth